Sunday, November 1, 2009

Great Giveaway Alert!

This giveaway is soooo amazing, I just have to share it with all of you wonderful ladies...

even if it lessens my chance to win!

Go check it out at Melissa's Heart and Home!



  1. Melissa is a sweetie!! I wonder if I missed this?? Thanks for the tip, Traci!! :-)


  2. Hi Traci. Thanks for sharing. It's looks like a winning giveaway - get it, ha-ha.

    Have a beautiful week...Tracy :)

    P.S. I'm hosting a fall giveaway too. I hope you'll stop by and enter.

  3. Traci,
    Thanks for sharing this great tip! I will be checking it out...
    Dee Dee

  4. Hey Traci. I just went and checked it out. Great alert, thank you! I've also got a blog question for you. How did you get your nice Traci signature for the end of your post? Thanks, Tracy

  5. Ohh... thanks for sharing this with us! :)

  6. Hi Traci,
    Oh how did I miss your fabulous blog before now? It's so nice to meet you! Thank you very much for entering my giveaway,following along and posting about it! You are a true sweetheart and I really appreciate it very much.

    I will be back to visit with you often. I am so inspired by your creativity you have shown here.

    Many Blessings and Happy Fall!
    ~Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  7. Congrats on your four precious boys! They are so adorable!

  8. What I fun blog you have here. Would love to join in and follow your journey. Your kids are precious.

  9. Hello Traci,

    Thank you for sharing this great tip! I will be definitely go check it out.

    ~ Tracy

  10. Hi!
    What fun blog!
    Great giveaway.Thanks.

  11. Oooh, thanks for sharing. What a fun give-away!


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