Monday, October 26, 2009

Progress on our kitchen re-do

Here is the picture I posted of our flooded kitchen a couple of weeks ago.


I told you that one blessing that came out of it was that I got a new dish washer!

And I did! Yeah!

But I have to share a few more blessings.

1) I am getting all new cabinets, bottom AND top!

2) My new top cabinets are going to have glass fronts with 6 mullions! (which I’ve always wanted)

3) I am getting lighting inside my glass cabinets and underneath all my cabinets! (which I have also always wanted.)

So I am not upset about this “little” inconvenience at all.

Since we have to replace our bottom cabinets because of the flooding issue, we have to replace the top ones to match.

Oh darn. (wink, wink)

Here is what my ugly 40 year old cabinets looked like…


I’ve never posted this part of my kitchen because honestly, I just don’t like it.

Notice the soffit above the cabinets. Every since we moved into our house five years ago, I have wanted to tear down that soffit to see what is underneath there. Were there pipes that couldn’t be moved? Wiring? Nothing at all? I wanted to get rid of it so I could have taller cabinets.

Well….since our kitchen already looked like a dump site, we decided to bust a hole into the soffits and see what we could see…

IMG_3752 Nothing much there….


Or there…


A little wiring there…

But nothing that could not be tucked up into the rafters.

I was SOOOOO excited! I was about to get me some new tall cabinets.


So we tore it out. (No my husband is not going gray…that’s just drywall dust in his hair!")


It is gone!

Then I decided to hire the hottest cabinet maker I could fine…

and well, my husband won hands down!

He started by building the cabinet frames.



Then he hung up new drywall to cover the ceiling, installed lighting in the cabinets, and underneath the cabinets…


He also added crown molding to match the rest of the kitchen.

The microwave goes in the space where you see the wire and metal frame. I wanted the cabinet above the microwave to stay open, so we added beadboard to the back of it.

Here’s what the other side of the kitchen looks like as of tonight…


The two cabinets in the middle do not have lights inside them because they will have doors. We put beadboard in the back of the cabinet above the refrigerator because it will be left open as well.

We are having the doors made by a cabinet maker in Georgia and should get them in a couple of weeks.

In the meantime, my hubby is going to be painting these cabinets, and fixing the bottom half of the kitchen (floors included!)

I will post more pictures soon!


I am linking this post to DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land!


  1. Wow! This looks wonderful. I was starting to lust after your flood - almost anyway. Our house is only 6 years old, and I can't stand them already! I just can't justify replacement and painting is so perminant...I'll just be in awe of yours!

  2. one reason to remember there is a silver lining in most thing, huh? LOL Everything looks great so far..

  3. Wow - that is a big project! I am excited to see how it turns out. I am sure it will be amazing!


  4. Wow! What a great blessing! I would hate to have a pipe burst, but getting a new kitchen would sure make it seem great! Your husband is doing beautiful work! Good luck with finishing up your remodel. Looking forward to seeing the after pictures.

  5. Wow, you are making lemonade with the lemons you were given. I can't wait to see how it looks when its all done!

  6. I would definitely rip out the faux soffits. Great use of space. Where can I get me a husband like yours? Building your own cabinets? He rocks.

  7. You are having too much fun, LOL ! If I did my cabinets over again, I would have totally done the light thing - Good girl !

  8. Oh Traci, I'm so excited for you! I know your kitchen will be absolutely beautiful when it's completed. I'm doing all the painting of the cabinets myself but my husband sure will be busy once the tile comes in next week. He wants to do the tiling himself. He's never done it. I'm hoping we have our kitchen done by Thanksgiving.

  9. Traci, I have 59 year old cabinets, and let me tell you what, they are showing their age. I am not sure if I will ever post my kitchen :( I wish you all lived closer,because we would most definintly hire your hubby to do our cabinets!! They look awesome! He is doing a great job. Oh and by the way, even though your kitchen is going to be gorgeous, your old one was very cute as well!!! Good luck and God bless :)

  10. This is going to be soooo beautiful!! I didn't realize your hubby was so talented... lucky you!!! I can't wait to see more pictures!


  11. Wow that's a huge project! what a awesome hubby you have!! It's looking great!

  12. Can't wait to see it all done up gorgeous. I have soffits too and HATE them. We've removed them in other homes, but haven't had the time or gumption to get at them in this house. Love progress photos!

  13. Oh, Traci! I'm so thrilled for you! Actually, I didn't think your before photos looked bad! So much better than my olden kitchen! :) How wonderful your hubby can do so much of the work. Can't wait to see it all. I want a beadboard backsplash! Are you jumping up and down.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. wow! I can't wait to see the rest of the photos and the finished product! Looks great so far!

  15. Wow! What fun! I can't wait to see your finished kitchen. We just had two bathrooms gutted and refurbished and I'm enjoying all the "newness." I'm sure you will, as well. Congrats.

  16. WoW! It is beautiful, and isn't it nice when the hottest handy men are those that live in our homes with us? :) Can't wait to see it finished.

  17. Your kitchen is going to be so beautiful! I love glass cabinet doors! I plan on getting some new doors one day for my cabinets. I know that you are so excited. Your hubby is doing a great job!

    Lee Laurie

  18. All things happen for a reason, maybe yours was a new kitchen. And how blessed to have a talented husband like yours. God's just got you covered.
    It is all looking wonderful. Can't wait to see it all finished and your touch put to it.
    Have a great day!
    Hugs, Pat

  19. Okay, I'm going to tell you a sad, sad story that is very short. It might even make you cry a little. Ready?
    Once there was a woman named Lor who had a kitchen that made your before look fabulous in comparison. There weren't even any drawers in that kitchen, except some ugly handmade ones crammed in there by the previous owner. Which she didn't realize until after buying the house because hi, who doesn't have drawers?
    The end.
    Post Script: The kitchen is on The List at Lor's house but not for at least three more years. sob.

  20. It's looking great. Thanks for sharing! I love looking at other peoples ideas and redos to get ideas as we build. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished kitchen.
    Blessings to you and yours, Fine Linen

  21. I can tell it is going to be gorgeous!
    I hope you are giving your hubby lots and lots of hugs:)

  22. WOW! Well theres no better day than today to start a new project huh? LOVE IT! Our kitchen re do was prompted by a hole in the wall, instead of repairing it we just tore down the whole wall. :)


  23. Your new kitchen is looking fabulous. I know you are excited. Your DH does such a wonderful job. I can't wait to see the finished project. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  24. Oh, my goodness gracious, you have been so busy! I can't wait to see what your amazing talent does with your kitchen. Blessings to you!

  25. I love the idea of leaving the spot above the microwave open - its such a wasted cabinet!!

  26. Oh wow, Traci!! This is going to look amazing when it is done! i can not wait to see it!

  27. This looks like fun!! It's so handy to have a handyman living with you, Josh is great at stuff like that too! I am a huge fan of the lights in the cabinets!

  28. Traci, Your kitchen is going to be fabulous! I can't wait to see the end product! Linda

  29. Oh wow, I can't wait to see the finished product!!!

  30. You kitchen was adorable it's going to be a masterpiece!!!!

    m ^..^

  31. How wonderful to have such a blessing come out of a flooded kitchen. :) It's going to be stunning.

  32. Okay it isn't cool enough you get new cabinets but you get a hottie to build them onsite too? Not fair. Can't wait to see all the pictures.


  33. CANT WAIT to see the finished product!!!

    btw- love your blog :):):)

  34. How exciting! I can't wait to see it done - it looks fab already!

  35. Looks great so far...I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's done...

  36. Oh wow! It is going to be amazing. I keep wishing my dish washer would break too. :)

  37. What a big project! Can't wait to see the finished product. Your old cabinets were cute - granted mine are horrible and really need to be replaced, so I think just about everyone already has cute cabinets. =)

    Julie =)

  38. This is going to be gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished result!!!

    Looking so good!

    Lou Cinda :)

  39. Traci, I am terribly behind on my blog reading but I'm SO glad you told me about your kitchen! It's looking GREAT! I think busted pipes are wonderful, hehe! I'm sure you were just tickled pink to tear down that soffit and find that there was absolutely no reason to keep it. Does your kitchen feel bigger already? It opens that space up so much!

    Your hubby is doing an awesome job with those cabinets...LOVING the beadboard! I'll be back to check the progress!


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