Friday, October 23, 2009

This….That….and a Winner!

Before I announce the winner, I wanted to share THIS….


Isn’t it beautiful?!!!!

We received this beautiful wreath as a gift at my mom’s visitation and funeral.


I love it on my front door.  What a blessing!

And I have been wanting to share for a long time THAT….

I won a giveaway too!

Richella over at Imparting Grace was giving away a beautiful bracelet this summer, and I won!

It was around the time that Mom got sick, and I never got around to posting about it.  But I absolutely love it and wear it all the time!

I wanted to make sure that Richella knows how grateful I am!

Richella is a beautiful person inside and out, and we have become good friends here in blogland.   She has written me many beautiful emails and comments to encourage and comfort me during my mom’s passing.  Her friendship has been a blessing from God!

She also has a beautiful blog.  She’s just posted a tour of her home.  Look at this beautiful outdoor seating area….

  So go on  by there and say “hello!”

And now for the winner of my Burlap Magnet Board…….


There were  282  entries, but only one could win….

I used a Random Number Generator and the number was 40!

Shannon at Posh Pieces!

Congratulations!  I will be contacting you soon to get your address, so I can get your prize in the mail!

I want to thank all of you who entered my giveaway, and the many of you who posted about it on your blog.  You guys ROCK!

But if you didn’t win, don’t you worry, I have another giveaway up my sleeve, coming soon….

And if you just really loved my Burlap Magnet Board, you can purchase it at my Etsy shop.  Just click on the button on my sidebar. 

Thanks again to everyone!   Have a blessed day!


  1. Congratulations to the winner. I love your wreath and it will always hold a sweet memory everytime you look at it. I'm going to bounce over and check out your friends blog...that seating area is great and has me intrigued. Have a great day!

  2. Congratulations to Shannon, I know she will be thrilled. Also congratulations to you on winning the beautiful bracelet. So many beautiful gifts and giveaways in blogland. What a thrill that you won. I will visit your friend, her home looks lovely. Hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings. Hugs, Marty

  3. Morning, Traci! And congratulations to your winners! Oh, the wreath is so gorgeous! What a sweet reminder of your mother. She would have loved this! I just found Richella's blog last night as she and I had signed up for the Hooked on Fall Home Tours! Oh, I got lost in her blog. She is a very special young lady I can tell! How nice that she has been there for you through this time.
    I'm sending some Fallness of Joy just to you, Dear One!
    You are a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Traci: That wreath is beautiful just like the memories of your mom. It looks gorgeous on your door. Just perfect!

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    Lou Cinda :)

  5. Congratulations Shannon! Enjoy!

  6. HiTraci - you are in my thoughts all the time, every time I sit down to blog actually. I continue to gain inspiration from your strength and courage. Your wreath is beautiful!

  7. Congrats to Sharon! I'm gonna go and check out her blog.

    Your wreath is beautiful and looks awesome on your door! I love the colors. I know that you will always think of your mom whenever you look at it.

    Have a blessed day!

    Lee Laurie

  8. Congratulations to the winner.

    What a beautiful wreath. A thoughtful arrangement that you can enjoy for a long time.

    The bracelet is beautiful. Congratulations! I love Richella's blog too.

  9. Traci! How kind of you! Thank you so much for the link to Imparting Grace--I would love to welcome your readers to my little spot.

    I am so very, very glad that you're enjoying the bracelet. I hope that, each time you see it encircling your wrist, you're reminded of the love of all your readers which encircles you.


  10. Congrats to your winner, and congrats to you, I remember Richella's lovely give-away bracelet :) Love that wreath.

  11. Hi Traci, I stumpled upon your blog tonight. I always enjoy visiting. I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Her memory will always be in your heart. Blessings.

  12. Congratulations Shannon. Isn't winning just so fun! And Traci that wreath is beautiful as well as the bracelet you won too. I think about you often and your in my prayers.
    Have a fun weekend...Tracy

  13. Hi Traci
    I wanted to come by and thank you for your comments at the Back Porch and tell you how sorry I am for your loss.

    The wreath is absolutely beautiful. A sweet remembrance.

    I love the glimpse of Richella's home and will definitely pay her a visit!

  14. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind comment! It's wonderful to meet you!! My prayers go out to you and your family for the loss of your mother. The dedication on your sidebar is very touching. That beautiful wreath is a reminder of the beautiful person she was. I look forward to many more visits to your blog and getting to know you better!


  15. Oh I could just kick myself for not checking your blog more regularly!!! I've become a "follower" now so I won't miss out on the next one. I'm still praying for you (and thank you again for the cute, cute, cute gingerbread family).

  16. Gorgeous wreath; what a special gift.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I truly enjoy getting to meet sisters in Christ who share a common love of blogging.

    Your friend's blog is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Wow! What a gorgeous wreath! That's such a wonderful idea to give in memory of someone like your Mom. = )

    Congrats on that bracelet. It's beautiful and that blog looks like one I would LOVE to check out.

    Congrats to Shannon, as the winner of your bulletin is ADORABLE! Good to know they're available in your etsy shop. = )



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