Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Birthday Blessing

I just had to share with you my Birthday Blessing.

A couple of weeks ago, I celebrated my first birthday without Mom. It was definitely one of the hardest days since she passed away.

I knew that I would not be receiving a “birthday phone call” from her, or any special little gifts like she would always get me.

It was tough.

However, I had won a giveaway the previous week at Melissa’s Heart and Home. It was a FABULOUS giveaway!!!!

And ironically, the huge package of goodies arrived at my doorstep on…

MY BIRTHDAY! What a blessing!

To receive such a wonderful gift, when I was missing one from my mom.

I had to smile as I opened it. It was almost as if Mom had sent it herself. Now I know that wasn’t really the case, but I do think God can bless our lives in unexpected ways sometimes. It definitely touched my hurting heart!

Melissa had everything wrapped so beautifully with little curled ribbons on everything…


It was quite a loot! Look at this…

A table runner, fall cheese spreaders, a book on chocolate desserts, 3 fall dish towels, truffles, a candle, a rooster plate and cup, a vinyl “welcome” door sign, and a decorative acorn that didn’t make it in the picture somehow.


I had fun decorating my “new” kitchen with all of my goodies.




Thank you Melissa, for such a wonderful giveaway!

And thank you Lord, for my unexpected birthday blessing.


  1. That is so awesome Traci. It is amazing the little things that help us through. What an amazing giveaway you won too! That was one packed box!

    I love your kitchen by the way. It turned out so beautiful.

    Sometime next week I will be posting pictures of a couple of kitties we adopted last Saturday. One of them in particular reminded me of my mother. She looked just like a cat my Mom once had. I picked her up and she purred and rubbed against me like she already belonged to me. After I left I cried because it was like having Mom with me when I held that cat.

    I am so glad that Robin at All Things Heart and Home told me about you. I feel like I "know" someone who can really understand. My family lives far away and even though my husband lost his father this year too, he doesn't fully grasp the emotions behind a woman losing her mother.

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. You inspired me to put a picture of Mom on my blog sidebar too!


  2. Traci - I don't believe in coincidences anymore. The Lord has proven to me too many times that they don't exist. I am convinced that WAS a gift from your sweet mother. She followed your blog from the beginning, she made sure that you won that giveaway and that you received that gift on your birthday. God is Good!

  3. Good Morning Tracey...
    She is around you everyday isn't she? She will always live in your heart.

    What a wonderful gift from Melissa. Everything looks just perfect in your new kitchen. I was so thrilled for you sweetie. Couldn't have gone to a better recipient.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. I know it will be hard, we are facing the same feelings this year. When your family is (1) short, and it is someone so special, it is hard.

    For our Thanksgiving, before dinner, I am going to have each of my kids, tell a memory that they have of Sweet Amy Dawn so that we can remember her always, and it passes these stories on to our grandchildren as well. They all knew Amy too.

    Take care sweetie. Have a wonderful blessed Thanksgiving. Country hugs and love, Sherry

  4. Hi Traci, I loved the pictures of your kitchen renovation, you and hubby did a great job. Congrats again on winning Melissa's lovely give-away, so glad it came on your special day and was such a blessing to you.
    Enjoy your week. I painted my shelf finally yesterday, now I just need to decided where to hang it and take pics :-)

  5. I clicked over here from A Soft Place to Land and started laughing. My name is Holly (Schopmeyer) Law and I graduated from Asbury in 1993. Your kitchen looks fabulous! We have a lot in common. I made tile coasters for Christmas presents yesterday. I had them laying on the garage floor to dry and it was dark when Burleigh came home. He pulled into the garage and drove over all of them. Only 2 were ruined, but my heart stopped when I realized what had happened! I prayed for you this morning as you begin celebrating the holidays without your mom. Have a great day! Holly

  6. Morning, Dear One! Oh, what wonderful gifts! Aren't we so blessed in Blogland? I'm amazed at the loving generosity of others. Again, a blessed Thanksgiving is my wish for you and your sweet family.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Happy Birthday Traci and congrats on winning the giveaway. Your kitchen looks so pretty!

    Lee Laurie

  8. What a great give away and so fitting that you got it on your birthday.....so sweet!

    Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Traci, though, I know it will be hard...

    Lou Cinda :)

  9. oh, perfect for your nook above the microwave!!!
    What a nice surprise!!!


  10. Another sweet post, Traci. And Melissa is the sweetest. I love all the pretty fall things she sent, so thoughtful!! The plate and cup are SO cute!! I'm so sorry she is on a break.

    Have a wonderful & blessed Thanksgiving, Traci!


  11. The LORD works in mysterious and truly wonderful ways. Thanks for sharing this story with us.

  12. Awesome score! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!

    I guess you figured out how to fill those spots above your microwave and refrigerator now, huh? The stuff looks great in your new kitchen!

  13. ~Ah! Traci how sweet are you to post this! I was so happy you won my one year giveaway! Some things are just meant to be since it arived on your special day. Sigh....*Smiles*

    Enjoy it all and many blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving.

    ~Warmly, ~Melissa :)

  14. God always knows what you need. Melissa was your angel.

  15. Hi Traci!

    I just saw your cute chair -- it is adorable. Great great job!


    PS - Happy Birthday!

  16. That is so awesome! My heart is so touched at the HUGENESS of God when He takes notice of those "hidden" things in our hearts. He knew just how to show you some special loving on your special day! Thank you for sharing! Your post has encouraged my heart today. Oh how He loves us!!! Love Janine

  17. Melissa's boxes of treats are wonderful! I'm thrilled you were the recipient and that it came at just the right time!

  18. Isn't God incredible? He loves us each one so very much. We truly are the apples of His eye. We are His princesses.

    I pray for a wonderful Thanksgiving for your family; a day filled with peace, love, joy, and abundant blessings.

  19. I love how God blesses us in such beautiful unexpected ways... just when we need it most! Happy (belated) Birthday!! You won some wonderful items... wow! :)

  20. Traci, I'm trying to get back to visiting friends. I had my final appointment with the radiologist, and am feeling my old energy coming back.
    I love your kitchen.... mine is white and black too.
    The gift from you friend is so special. I know it must have been really hard not having your sweet mom for your birthday.

    Thanks for letting me enjoy you and your blog.

  21. God has a great sense of humor doesn't he? :-) He does work in mysterious ways...and I feel sure that your mom helped out with this. I'm so happy you received it on your birthday! The "firsts" are so difficult and my prayers will be with you during this season. Congratulations on the give away and the items look beautiful in your new kitchen.


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