Monday, November 23, 2009

Our Kitchen Renovation is Complete!

****First of all, I would like to ask you to pray for Rachel who's surgery is Tuesday, the 24th, at 7:30 a.m. Click on her picture in my sidebar to find out more. Thanks!

Finally!!! We have finished our kitchen renovation!


For those of you who are new to my blog, about 8 weeks ago a pipe burst in my kitchen and made a huge mess!


So we then had an unplanned kitchen renovation on our hands!

But I have to say that we took our lemons and made some lemonade.

This is what our kitchen looked like before the pipes busted.

(Some of the following is copied from a previous post.)

These were the original 40 year old cabinets in our kitchen.


Notice the soffit above the cabinets? Every since we moved into our house five years ago, I have wanted to tear down that soffit to see what was underneath. Were there pipes that couldn’t be moved? Wiring? Nothing at all? I wanted to get rid of the soffit so I could have taller cabinets.

Well….since our kitchen already looked like a dump site, we decided to bust a hole into the soffits and see what we could see…


Nothing much there….


Or there…


A little wiring there…

But nothing that could not be tucked up into the rafters.

I was SOOOOO excited! I was about to get me some new tall cabinets.


So we tore it out. (No my husband is not going gray…that’s just drywall dust in his hair!")


Now the soffits are gone! Yipee!

Then I decided to hire the hottest cabinet maker I could fine…

and well, my husband won hands down!

He started by building the cabinet frames.



Then he hung up new drywall to cover the ceiling, installed lighting in the cabinets, and underneath the cabinets…


He also added crown molding to match the rest of the kitchen.

The microwave goes in the space where you see the wire and metal frame. I wanted the cabinet above the microwave to stay open, so we added beadboard to the back of it.

Here’s the other side of the kitchen…


The two cabinets in the middle do not have lights inside them because they will have doors. We put beadboard in the back of the cabinet above the refrigerator because it will be left open as well.

Then my husband added some trim inside the cabinets to hold glass shelves. I wanted to be sure the light on top was able to shine all the way down to the bottom.



We had a carpenter from Georgia make our cabinet doors. He had made some cabinet doors for my mother and father-in-law, so we knew he would do a great job!

To our surprise, my in-laws paid for our cabinet doors in honor of my mother who just passed away. What a precious tribute! Thank you!


For the hardware, I decided to go with handles instead of knobs on my cabinets. I think they fit perfectly with the “look” of the kitchen.

We got our light above the sink at Lowes. It’s called a vintage schoolhouse light.

I still haven’t decided if I want a window treatment over that window.



I love that we left the cabinets above the microwave and refrigerator open so I can create cute little vignettes for each season. (However, I am not very good at creating vignettes. I need your help! Maybe a “vignette party” in the future?)



Here is my kitchen all lit up. I love having the extra lighting!!!!



Now I am going to show you something even more amazing!!!!

You want to see the “before the before” picture?

This is what the kitchen looked like when we bought our house 5 years ago…

(I took this picture with a disposable camera, thus the poor quality.)


And now 5 years later…(at the same angle)


I am DEAD serious! That is the same kitchen! Can you believe it? We’ve come a long way baby! I think the hubster and I have a pretty good eye for “potential”!

I asked my sister if she would have bought my house 5 years ago with a kitchen that looked like that? And she said, “I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot pole!”

Oh well…

Since we worked really hard on this kitchen, I am going to share it on

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Make it for Monday at Cottage Insticts (I love this girl!)

DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage

It’s so very creative at It’s so Very Cheri



  1. Holy cow! Amazing. Love it! It looks beautiful. I have been debating beadboard as a backsplash vs subway tile and I love your beadboard!

    Tell me about your floors!


  2. Hi Traci,

    I've been following your blog for the past couple of months and have truly enjoyed it. I was wondering if you bought your chandelier that way, or did you paint it. The shape is very similar to my bright, brassy one and I want something different. I'm just a little hesitant about painting it...any ideas? Thanks again and God bless you!

  3. Thanka for posting Traci--it looks wonderful. I LOVE All the beadboard.

    How are things going?


  4. Wow! What a difference! Great job, it's beautiful.

  5. It looks amazing, Tracy! Can't believe that photo of when you first bought the house. Doesn't even look like the same house. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

    pk @ Room Remix

  6. so jealous! it's STUNNING. BEAUTIFUL. GORGEOUS. PRETTY. Yep, I liked it.

  7. How exciting to have it done, and just in time for the holidays! You do have an amazing knack for the "possibility", and have help from a great guy to get you through. Have a wonderful holiday!

  8. Whoa, it looks fantastic!!!!
    I am so impressed.


  9. Wonderful job! I just love white cabinets. And the beadboard backsplash is fantastic!


  10. Traci your new kitchen is magazine-worthy. Truly gorgeous. And I don't know why you think you are not good at vignettes! Yours are perfect. I wouldn't change a thing! I like the openness without window treatments. But I change my mind like the wind!

  11. Blessings to you this Thansgiving week. May you have a great Thanksgiving.

    Your kitchen looks fantastic!!!
    d from homehaven

  12. Beautiful! How handy to have a cabinet maker in your midst! We also did a kitchen make-over a little while ago. You can check it out on my blog

  13. I love it! You did such a great job and it looks gorgeous! I love how light and flowy it feels!

  14. Fantastic!


  15. Traci, your kitchen is just gorgeous. You and your DH do make a fabulous team. His carpentry skills are wonderful and I love your new cabinets. Everything is just so pretty. I am thrilled for you. I hope you and your family have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, Marty

  16. Traci~~

    You & your husband did a wonderful job on the kitchen~I am sort of hoping there is a broken pipe in my near future! lol!! How beautiful everything turned out. I love the color scheme and like Kirsty, I am wondering what type of floor you's fabulous!!

    I know you are thrilled. I think the kitchen is the most important part of s house and yours looks just great. Good for you!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family! :-)


  17. It's beautiful! I really love what you did!

  18. Beautiful!!!! You have to be beside yourself in total JOY! love the colors, and that you have black appliances. Most do Stainless steel, its nice to see the black. Plus your roosters and the red and white... LOVE IT. I would be baking pumpkin cheese cake bars in that kitchen right now. Mine are baking in the oven now. ;)

  19. That is absolutely GORGEOUS! GREAT work! I hope you enjoy it so much. What a joy to cook in such a lovely kitchen!

  20. That is awesome, your kitchen is beautimous!!!

  21. Traci, I think I agree with your sister. :-) Seriously, you and Mr PC are incredibly talented and it is all just magnificent. I love the beadboard (my daughter put that in as a backsplash too) and the black & white. Don't you just love all the lighting? Makes such a difference, whether for esthetics or everyday use. Congratulations on a superb reno!

  22. Your kitchen turned out so beautiful! I love your cabinets! Your husband did a great job! I love the opening above the microwave too! I put bead board in my kitchen too and I love it. It just adds character. I still haven't finished my kitchen. Doing a little at a time.
    Congratulations! It is done before the holidays get here! I know you are thrilled!

    Lee Laurie

  23. Oh my goodness Traci I love your kitchen! It's so beautiful. Now I can't wait for our countertops to come in. They've been ordered so hopefully I'll be posting about mine in a few weeks. You should be so proud!

  24. Wow, very beautiful! So those pipes bursting was a good thing now.

  25. Absolutely Beautiful! I am now secretly wishing for a pipe to break in my kitchen! Okay...not really, but I did think about it. You guys are pretty handy!

  26. Your kitchen looks great! I'm going to bookmark this under "Kitchen Inspiration." :)

  27. Wow! I love what you've done! Looks so beautiful! I love how you got rid of that soffits. I have those in my kitchen, and I dislike them, such a waste of space! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Oh, is so so beautiful!! I am happy for you to have it done before the holidays. I'm afraid my kitchen looks like your before the before.

  29. Yep. Perfection. My dream kitchen. Sooooo beautiful, and the lighting in the cabinets really 'makes' the room. I'm loving it!
    (can you link to my new weekly monday party too? Would love to have you!)

  30. looks so good. I'm so impressed that your husband built the base of the cabinets! Great job!

  31. Wow... you guys did a *fantastic* job!! It is beautiful!

  32. It turned out fabulous! Many blessings to you and your family this this kitchen or where ever else it may take you!

  33. Can you tell me what brand and color of paint is on the walls?

  34. Beatiful job - I love black and white kichens and your's is fabulous.

  35. Your kitchen came out beautiful! I love everything! I came across your blog on another blog (I think a project of yours was posted) Sorry I can't remeber where... but I loved your blog and added it to my favorites! Oh, I think it was a post about your book shelves- I remember now. Here is is. She posted your blog on here.
    I am going to make one for my daughter :O)

  36. What an Amazing~~~ change Traci!
    I LOVE it!

  37. This is exactly the kitchen that I want!!! It looks amazing!

  38. That looks AWESOME! I can't believe it's the same kitchen. Especially from what it looked like 5 years ago. You (and your husband) rock!

  39. Traci, you must love being in that new space now and find excuses just to go into the kitchen! Well done to you and hubby. I saw some lovely curtains that would look great in your window at if you did decide to put some up.

  40. Truly beautiful! I love your lighting as well! (I'm a sucker for schoolhouse lighting.) I also love the open cabinet above the micro and fridge. Great idea! You are so lucky to have such a handy hubby, and now a gorgeous kitchen as well.

  41. Traci! Your kitchen is so beautiful! I love your lighting that shines down and the beadboard. I love beadboard. You really have a gem in that hubby, being he can do all of this work! Your kitchen is fabulous! Have a blessed Thanksgiving,
    Shelia ;)

  42. So bright, light and pretty...I love the new look. Makes you wonder what people where thinking when they installed all those dark cabinets years ago?

  43. Traci, your kitchen is a real showplace. Thanks for sharing such great pictures....I have laid my mini kitchen redo aside until after Thanksgiving...I hope to finish by the year 2024!

  44. So, so pretty!!! You guys did a great job!
    I'm planning a kitchen re-do for after Thanksgiving, I'm going to put some open cabinets in, too. I think a vignette party sounds like a GREAT idea!

  45. Two words..WOW...........GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Wow, what a mess! You made more than lemonade with that situation. You made some lemon poppyseed muffins, lemon meringue pie, you get the idea. It's great. Well done!

  47. Wow! Your kitchen looks beautiful! You hubby is quite the handyman! The cabinets look great! BTW your vignettes look don't need any help! If you like before & afters, please check out my blog ~Lisa

  48. Love your kitchen makeover. My kitchen looks a little like your before, before maybe not quite that drastic, but it is due for a good makeover. I am looking forward to the change. Jackie

  49. Traci this remodel is unbelievable! You all did an amazing job on every single beautiful detail. It's truly GORGEOUS!

    I am so happy you are enjoying your giveaway items! How adorable does the rooster plate and mug look displayed on your pretty countertop. ~Ah. You just made my evening sweet friend.

    Many blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving. ~Enjoy! ~Melissa :)

  50. What a beautiful transformation! A timeless classic. Congratulations on a completed project very well done.

  51. Traci,

    First off, thank you sooo much for replying back to me on my blog. I'm VERY new to this whole blogging thing, and I was absolutely THRILLED to receive a comment! Thanks for making my day! And for sharing your insight on the bathroom sinks!

    Secondly, WOW, this is amazing! White is my favorite color (even if it's not a "color"), and those cabinets are so beautiful! Absolutely stunning. Congrats on being finished! If my vote counts, I'd say definitely hang a window treatment for a final touch above the sink. Either way, it's amazing!

    Thanks for sharing! God bless!

  52. It looks amazing - what a difference from when you first moved in. I love the open cabinets and the glass shelves - opens the kitchen up even more. Your husband did a fantastic job!

  53. Oh Wow! That is really nice! So handy to have a carpenter for a husband! I love the black and white. I love all of the lighting and windowed doors.

  54. Gorgeous kitchen! = ) Way to turn something bad into something fabulous!

  55. Gorgeous! I love the new cabinets. It looks so bright and fresh! NICE JOB!

  56. Amazing job! Talk about a "Wow"'s beautiful.

  57. Just beautiful. Great way to make the best out of a bad situation.

  58. um it is GORGEOUS! :-) lucky you having a hubby who can build all that -- and you have great taste!

  59. Amazing. You have one talented husband! Stunning - enjoy the kitchen this Thanksgiving!

  60. Simply...BEAUTIFUL! You and your hubby are certainly VERY talented!

    I love the look, the warmth, and it's SO very inviting.

    What time shall I come for coffee? lol

    Have a BLESSED Thanksgiving my friend.

  61. WOW! S.T.U.N.N.I.N.G., from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan! I ♥♥♥ your kitchen, it is so white and bright and beautiful. Your husband did an awesome job, you should be very proud of him.

  62. AWESOME!!!!! This is gorgeous and I love everything about it!!!!!

    You have come a loooooong way in 5 years!!! It is a good thing to have "vision"! You can see potential in things!

    Lou Cinda :)

  63. Your "new" kitchen is marvelous. Love the cabinets. Of course, I love the black counters. The open areas for vignettes are wonderful!
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving in that new kitchen!!

  64. It's simply beautiful! I would have cried if my pipes had burst ... but LOOK what a wonderful thing came out of that. Smiles all around! I love everything about it.

  65. That is the most incredible redo I have ever seen. Absolutely amazing and spectacular. I would NEVER leave my kitchen if it looked like that. I didn't read all your posting ... but I looked at every picture ... and I hope you are cooking a great Thanksgiving dinner in that space for everyone to enjoy!

  66. Wow, wow, wow! The glass shelves and in-cabinet lighting are particularly beautiful. Kudos to you, your hubby, and the cabinet door maker.

  67. What an incredible transformation. So inspiring. I know you must love being in the kitchen now!

  68. You're one lucky girl!! Hope everything went well with Rachel's surgery. Stop by and check out my post. If u like what u see, please be sure to "subscribe" and click the "follow" button too!

  69. Traci, Your Mom would LOVE your kitchen! You and hubby did an awesome job.

    Thinking about you this Thanksgiving....
    Hugs from Iowa,

  70. OH MY GOSH! I am in love!!! I want your floors SO badly! I love the finish! Ours are much lighter and I can't wait for the day to come when I can change it up!

    And those white cabinets with the lighting?? Fabulous!

    Great job! I know you must be enjoying the heck out of it!

  71. Your kitchen turned out beautiful, Traci! You did quite a few things in yours that I would like to do in mine, if we stay in this house. Love the glass doors and how you left the area above the microwave open. The lights are a great idea.

  72. That is just gorgeous! I love the lighting in the cabinets, I am eyeing my cabinets right now wondering if I can do the same thing.

    If you are thinking about a window treatment for the window, I think plantation shutters would look nice- we just had some installed in our kitchen this week and I really like them. :)

  73. Hello from Omaha, NE! Your kitchen is lovely! I think the black and white is so wonderful and your dining area is warm and welcoming.

  74. TRACI! This is fantastic! I have been thinking of opening up the cabs over the microwave and fridge as well and now I'm sure I'm doing it. :)I'm putting this on my FB page!

  75. It's beautiful! I love the before and after pictures. Outstanding.

  76. The kitchen is beautiful Tracy! Your hubby did an excellent job. Love the lighting - always makes such a big difference. Congrats!

  77. I can't believe that is the same kitchen!!!! It looks amazing!!! What is the color in the dining room???


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