Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cute, Inexpensive, and Easy Christmas Gifts

Chris over at Just a Girl is having a party.


You don’t want to miss this one because it is featuring wonderful handmade gifts! If you are like me, it is hard to afford buying Christmas gifts for all of the special people in my life, so to save some money, why not make them something instead?

I actually like the handmade presents the best. They are so much more meaningful !

I decided to join her party and use it as a way to get a jump on some of my Christmas gifts!

I have only been blogging since March, so I am assuming that this project has been shared before, but hopefully it will be new to some of you.

I am going to share how to make these…


Hand made coasters!

These have got to be the easiest, most inexpensive, yet cutest, gifts I have ever made for someone.

They make perfect Christmas gifts for school or Sunday school teachers, neighbors, co-workers, or anyone else on your list! You can make a large batch of these and cover most of your gift list!

Here is all you need:

4 x 4 white tiles (from Lowe’s or Home Depot)

napkins with a cute picture

*mod podge

*cork board

*acrylic sealer

glue gun

*sponge brush

*These products can all be purchased at places like Walmart, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, etc.


You can get the tiles for as low as 16 cents a tile!

I already had the cute Santa napkins from last year. But you can get a pack of napkins for a couple of dollars.

Now here are the easy steps.

1. Cover the tile with a layer of Mod Podge.


2. Lay the napkin (cut a little smaller than the tile) on top of the mod podge.


3. I usually let the the mod podge dry just a bit, and then apply another coat on top of the napkin.


4. Let it dry.


5. Cut the cork into square pieces that are a little smaller than the tile.


(You can get cork in different thicknesses. I prefer the thinner kind.)


6. Hot glue the cork to the bottom of the tile.



7. Spray the tops of the tiles with acrylic sealer and let dry. Be sure to do this in a well ventilated area. I usually spray mine in the garage or outside.

Plaid® Acrylic Sealer Matte 6 oz Spray Large Image

The sealer allows your tiles to get wet without ruining them.

That’s it!


8. Tie them up with jute string or a bow, and they are ready to give away!

IMG_4100 IMG_4102

Here’s another idea…

Monogrammed Coasters!


I printed the letter “H” off my computer and followed the same steps as above.

I just cut the paper around the monogram in a square smaller than the tile. I did NOT trim around the monogram.

You could also use monogrammed napkins if you don’t have a printer.


Look how cute they are tied up in this gingham bow!

I would love to receive these as a present.


I am also sharing this post on Metamorphosis Monday over at Between Naps on the Porch,

And It’s So Very Creative at It’s So Very Cheri,

And DIY day at A Soft Place to Land.


I love stopping by all of these wonderful blogs each week for great projects and inspirational ideas.

Thanks for stopping by and have a Blessed Day!


  1. So cute! Never knew that napkins would work.

  2. Just great Traci....I have a question, though. When you printed out your letter, did you cut around it with an exacto knife? Inquiring minds want to know!

  3. Oh my gosh, you come up with the most amazing projects :-) I love this idea... gonna have to try and make these for sure. I did make a start on my shelf over the weekend (with a lot of help from hubby to work the saw) but I bought the korbels too small so I need to exchange them for larger ones before I can finish off the shelf. I will look for the tiles when I go in to Home Depot tomorrow.
    Thanks for sharing Tracey, this is a wonderful gift idea.

  4. Love those! I'm making some for Christmas this year too! I can't wait!


  5. Love the napkins modpodged on the tile! Cute!!!

  6. Those are perfect!!! I love them both, but that Santa is too cute.

  7. Oh Traci!
    You have just solved (3) of my Christmas list gifts for the season. You know just a little something for the special friend at work, or blogger buddy that I wanted to make something special for. How wonderful is this. I just love it. Thanks for sharing this beautiful Sunday evening.

    Stop by and say hi. I so love it when you do. Country hugs sweetie, Sherry

  8. Wow! These are wonderful and so easy - I love that. Also will be inexpensive to make. Yay! I especially love the monogram idea. Where on the computer do you go to find initials like this to print out?

    Great idea. Blessings to you...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  9. Love using the napkins because I always have a few party napkins left over. Not enough for the next year, but too many to toss.

  10. I love this! I have rubber stamped tiles for coasters in the past, but never thought of decoupage. I'll be "craft-lifting" this idea for sure! Thanks for sharing.

  11. Hey Traci,

    I have this on my list of things to get accomplished--just didn't get to Lowe's or Home Depot this past weekend. Great minds think alike.


  12. I LOVE these!!! I'm at work right now *sshhhhh* so I'll have to come browse around tonight when I get home!! But I'm going to have to make this a craft very soon!!!

  13. I love this! I feel like I've been MIA in the kitchen this past week with this kitchen remodel. I'll be so glad to be done! How's your kitchen remodel going?

    Have a wonderful day.

  14. Awesome tutorial! Now I know what I can do for people who are hard to shop for!

  15. Those are great! I love both; the monogram one could be a great gift all year long.

  16. I've seen homemade coasters before but yours are THE BEST! The Santa ones are too cute! With napkins the possibilities are endless! And the monogram? Perfect anytime gift and REALLY great as a shower or wedding gift. Very good job!!!!

  17. Those are so cute Traci! Love the Santa modpodge with the twine....too cute! ~Ashley

  18. Traci!!

    #1, I love these coasters. These are a little different from others I've seen. What a good idea to use napkins!

    #2, I love your new blog design! It's beautiful!

    #3, I love the prize you won at Melissa's! How exciting for you! Wasn't that the loveliest, most generous giveaway?

    #4, I love you. You are dear to my heart.

  19. Love them Tracey,
    I really need to get some done for my house.
    Love the new blog design..looks so classy - just like you.

  20. Oh Traci, you are so clever!!!
    I think your Santa coasters are darling.
    I want to share this idea with my daughter.

    I like the way you have shown this project in steps. This is very handy! Thank you for sharing this way.

    May you have a super week.
    God love ya,

  21. Oh Traci, your a genius! I am so making these for Christmas! Thank you for sharing!

  22. I love these Traci!

    I'm going to try them, I might even go for a larger tile to make a coordinating trivet. Oh the possibilities...

  23. I love making these. They are a bit addictive aren't they? I think everyone I am close to has received a set :).

  24. So cute Traci!!! Love all of them... you are the BOMB!
    p.s. LOVE your new look!

  25. What a creativey unique but easy project! Fabulous useful hostess gift that can be so nicely personalized... hmmm... burlap pieces with a number on it... :D


  26. super adorable... and easy! I adore mod podge. This year I am pulling out my cricut, vinyl, mod podge, frames, plates, and spray paint.. and I am making homemade gifts this year. I will have to add this one. I love the intital one too, because you can have them out all year round. Thanks for sharing.

  27. People love these! I've made them with pictures too (just make sure you have them printed somewhere, the modge podge will smear the ink from your home printer)

    Love the idea of using napkins to have different coasters for all year!

  28. What a great idea, the possabilities are limitless, I can see my grandkid's pictures on these. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Traci, this is adorable. Thanks for showing us how to do it.

    Barb ♥

  30. What a fabulous idea! I already have a box of 4x4 white tiles just sitting in my shed waiting to be used. I especially love the monogrammed coasters.

    Great tutorial! Thank you for sharing it with us.

    ~ Tracy

  31. Love this idea. I recently saw a tutorial on another blog where they used stamps on the tiles, but I like this idea too. Your use of napkins is so clever. I would of never thought of that. Wonder if you can use wrapping paper or the wrapping tissue as well??? Thanks for sharing this great handmade Christmas idea

  32. Traci..
    you've just taught an 'old dog" a new trick!
    My mind is reeling at the variety of options!
    Love it!
    Thanks a million!!
    hugs and smiles!

  33. Oh my little smart creative one! These are so cute. I have seen them before but not using napkins! How cute it this. I've just got to make some of these!
    You're awesome, Traci.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  34. Really cute. You'll have to post these at Red Writings 12 weeks of Christmas, too. There's a link to this on my blog.

  35. Wow, I bet even I could do that! I am so craft challenged. And monograms are so hot this year!

  36. Great idea! I'll be giving this a shot for xmas this year

  37. Traci, you have the best ideas!!!!!!! CUTE!!!


  38. I wish I felt on this last year, when my mom-in-law asked for coaster... She got tones from everyone...
    But none are as cute as yours!

    I also notice the change in the layout, I am right?
    if so (or if not, anyway) I love it! love the color scheme!

  39. I love these!!! I had already decided to make some of these coasters and I love your version of them using modge podge!!! CUTE!!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  40. These are so incredibly darling! I love the Santa faces. I may actually make some initial ones for some friends who just got married as part of their wedding gift. Wonderful idea and great tutorial.

  41. Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are wonderful! I'm heading to Lowes as soon as my little guy wakes up.

  42. What a great idea, and they are just gorgeous. I love them all. Anyone would love these for a gift, and so special to have them handmade. Hugs, Marty

  43. Positively darling idea! Definitely tucking this into my back pocket. Thanks for sharing it!

    Just stopped by your sisters and saw that today is your birthday! Blessings to you. Hope it's been a special day. No doubt your Momma is sending sweet hugs from Heaven.

  44. Those Santa coasters are TOO CUTE!!!

  45. Great gift ideas! I am relatively new to the blogging world-so these are completely new to me! Thanks for sharing-I will be making these for my daughter's teachers!

  46. I love these. So adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  47. A little birdy told me it's your birthday today :-) I know it's been full of tears as well as laughter and love. I just wanted to send you birthday wishes and say you're in my prayers tonight.

  48. Oh cute! I especially like the initial coasters. I have the same question as Cindy..."Did you cut all the around the letter with an exacto knife?" Please tell! :)

  49. I love these! Wonderful project, and they look professional. Thanks for the ideas!

  50. I am totally going to do this for Christmas. Thanks for the great, inexpensive idea. I love your new layout too!

  51. These are great! You're right...I think anyone would love to receive them. Thanks for sharing!

  52. This is SO GREAT! Thanks for sharing!

  53. So cute and much easier than I thought! They are the perfect neighbor or teacher gift!!

  54. These are such an awesom gift idea. Thank you for sharing!
    Madison (

  55. Ha! I love those little Santa faces! Just precious. Great job! :D

  56. I have made coasters using rubber stamps... I never thought of using a cute napkin like that. I think I might make some of these for neighbor gifts! How cute!

  57. I love these! They are a really cute and affordable idea. I have a Handmade Holiday linky up today, I would love if you would link this post to it:>)

  58. These are so cute and thank you for sharing - monogrammed coasters, here I come.

  59. I Love this idea, I have lots of ehite tiled left over from a D.I.Y job so I am going to have a go at this. Thankyou so much for sharing this, I will definitely visit you again.

  60. I love these!!! I came from Tip Junkie! Did you have a problem with the printer ink smearing with the mod podge on the monogram? Thanks!!

  61. I am so going to do this! I don't have a lot of time to do crafts, but this one is so easy!

    It's my first time to see this blog, but for those of you that were asking, it looks like the monogram is a square piece of paper, not cut out with an exacto. You can tell in the last picture.

  62. Thank you for the adorable idea!!! I am hosting a Coffee at my church tomorrow night and showing cute, affordable homemade gifts. I found your blog last night, bought the materials this morning, and already have beautiful monogrammed coasters to show the ladies. Thanks again. (I love your blog... I am also a mom of 4 boys about the same age as yours! God bless you! )

  63. Wow! Love this easy idea. These will make great teacher gifts - thanks for sharing.

  64. Found it! I've been searching for a cheap inexpensive gift to make for my family and friends. I love this!

  65. Hey girl I featured you again. Thanks for posting. I actually had tiles on my list to pick up this past weekend for a project but it got pushed off till next weekend.
    You are just too talented.
    Thank you for the extra gingerbread men. You did not have to do that. I would have totally understood if I didn't receive them this year.

  66. What a wonderful idea! Thank you for sharing!

  67. I love these! Thanks for sharing. I found you through Tip Junkie.

  68. Love it! Your projects are always adorable - these are no exception! I can't wait to make some coasters!

  69. Tried this last night and am completely in love. My husband even said this was his favorite project so far that I have done. Thanks so much for the suggestion.

    Let me tell you what I tried...I have some of my napkins left over from my wedding almost twenty years ago. They were simple but pretty; black writing with names and date and a simple floral design. I used one of those on my coaster and absolutley love it. What a great remembrance!!

    I will be using this idea for MANY people this Christmas. Can't wait to see what other napkins or otherwise that I can come up with.

  70. Ok, THIS I love. Thanks for sharing.

  71. I came across your site and loved the post very much. I'll give it a try. Thanks for sharing the lovely picture too.

  72. Thanks for sharing! I've come across this idea before, but yours are the cutest I've seen! Love the monogram idea!

  73. Hi Tracy , you are a very lucky and popular girl to have so many followers , you now have 1 more . I joined your list , please pop over to my place if you have time . I shall be doing these pretty coasters, your fame is spreading to England----cottonreel

  74. These are adorable! I LOVE the ones using napkins! Thanks for sharing!

  75. That is such a great idea. I think everyone in blogland will be making coasters!

  76. Love! These are so classy and I love the monograms. Easy to make and home made (which I love). These will definitely be going on my To Make for Christmas List. Thanks for sharing!

  77. I made these coasters and I love them! Thank you so much for the idea. Check it out,

  78. I agree! Who wouldn't love these as a present?! You gave such a great tutorial! Thank you for sharing!

  79. I love,love,love this idea..did I say I love them?????? :). This is possibly the cutest idea I've ever seen..the little coasters are wonderful and I would love to get these as a gift.
    Oh My..I do love these little coasters... :).

  80. You are BRILLIANT! Thank you so much for sharing this AWESOME idea!!! I am so making these this year!!

  81. I loved these too - d you know if it work to do a bigger one for a hot plate to match? how would the modpodge and sealer hold up to heat?


  82. I tried these, Traci! Thanks for the inspiration.

  83. I love this idea. Thank you so much. I am going to try this. It's so nice to find something I can make myself and know that the person will like it and use it.


  84. I bookmarked this gift idea as soon as I saw it! Finally bought the supplies and attempted one set today, but I used scrapbook paper instead of napkins. Thanks for the great gift idea!

  85. So Cute! Thank you for sharing. My niece will love her Christmas gift.

  86. They turned out great. I added a link to this tutorial on my blog if you dont mind.

  87. LOVE this idea! Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas!

  88. What a wonderful idea! I will have to try making these as well. Thank you for sharing with us.

  89. Thanks for the post. I loved these and gave it a try and they turned out GREAT!

    I linked to you in my post.

  90. OMG - LOVE, love love this. I wish I saw this in November. Can't wait to hear more of your great ideas.

  91. Thanks SO much for sharing!! I just stumbled across your blog, and now know exactly what to do with the dusty box of leftover tiles in our garage. :)

  92. I am so excited about trying this. Girl, you are gifted with creativeness!

  93. I have made coasters using rubber stamps... I never thought of using a cute napkin like that. I think I might make some of these for neighbor gifts! How cute!


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