Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I made it with Gorilla Glue!

On Tuesday, I showed you my boys’ room, and the great little collector’s shelves my father-in-law made for the boys.


He made them for me because I have always loved the ones in the Pottery Barn Kids magazines.

Oscar Bedroom

Well, I was wanting one for Eli’s room too, so that’s how I got the idea for my Gorilla Glue project.

Shanty 2 Chic

Now girls, I am always thinking about you! (‘Cause I could just let my husband make it.) But I’m really hoping that this might be a project that you could do too!

So this is what I keep in mind when planning a project…

“How can I make this in a way that anybody could do it too?”

And “How can I make this inexpensively?”

Well, I think this project is both EASY and THRIFTY.

Here are the supplies you need:


* 2 – one inch by three feet pieces

*1 – one 4 inch by three feet piece

*2 – two wooden plaques

I got all of these supplies at Hobby Lobby.



They were originally $15.00 all together, but they are 50% off this week, so that’s only $7.50!

I bought a bottle of Gorilla Glue Epoxy and used my 40% off coupon, so it only cost about $3.50.

(I totally stole this picture of Gorilla Glue from The Shanty Sisters because I forgot to take a picture of mine! Hope that’s alright ladies!)

I bought some “d” rings at Lowes for about $2.00 to use to hang the shelf.


And I had white paint at home, so that was free. But you could spend a couple of dollars on a can of spray paint, and have about $15.00 in this whole project!!!

Not bad considering that the 3 foot long collector shelf from Pottery Barn costs $59.oo! (plus shipping!)

First of all, I took the 4 inch wide piece (which would be the base of my shelf) to draw a line where I wanted to cut the plaque.


Then I used that same piece to draw a line where I wanted to cut off the bottom of the plaque.


Then the plaque looked like this. To show you the part I wanted to keep to make my shelf, I scribbled on it. IMG_4027

I used a miter saw to cut on my lines, but you could use a regular blade saw for this part.


Then I laid the cut piece on top of the other piece to draw the line where I wanted to cut. I wanted to make sure they were exactly the same length.


Then I used my Gorilla Glue Epoxy to glue my 4 inch base piece to both sides of the cut plaques.


I measured one inch from the base and glued my first one inch piece.

As you can see, I had to use my nail gun to hold the pieces in place. The Gorilla Glue bottle said to hold the pieces together with a clamp and let it sit. But I couldn’t figure out how to clamp two pieces that formed a 90 degree angle!

So the staples were my solution, and it worked for me.

I added one more rail by using the Gorilla Glue.

The rails seemed a little “flimsy” to me, so I need a little piece in the middle to support it.


I paid $1.52 for a one foot piece of 1 x 4 poplar at Home Depot. One of the workers at Home Depot even cut one piece 4 inches long (which is the width of the base of the shelf) to save me a step at home!

For the sake of time, I just used my nail gun to attach this piece, but I could have used the Gorilla Glue too.

Then I painted it white.

I attached the D rings that I got at Lowes.


And it was ready to hang in my sweet Eli’s room!


I put it right under the window by our rocking chair.


Perfect for reading some books at bedtime!




I love that the shelf is wide enough to stick stuffed animals in it too!




I absolutely LOVE it! It is exactly what I wanted.

And guess who else loves it?


How cute is that?


The perfect height for my little man!

Thank you Shanty 2 Chic for hosting the “I made it with Gorilla Glue party”!

I have been wanting to do this project for-eva!

And now I can check it off my “to do” list.

I am headed over there now to see what other amazing projects have been done with Gorilla Glue…

And then I'm headed over to The Shabby Chic Cottage for Transformation Thursday...

Come join me!



  1. Traci,
    That looks great!

    I have no idea how I missed your news about your mother, and I am sooooo sorry and you will be in my prayers. Hugs to you, my friend. I feel terrible for being so slow to figure it out, but I'm only an email away if you need me!

  2. That looks terrific. I like it even better than the higher priced ones. Excellent job!

  3. awesome! I LOVE your new shelves!

  4. Traci, that's amazing! You are so resourceful...good job!


  5. I have so wanted some of those shelves too, but havn't wanted to pay the price. Must put this on my "to do" list!

  6. That is a great project and I appreciate the detailed tutorial. You did an excellent job and I can see it is being put to good use!

  7. Awesome shelves! I have been looking for a solution to my book storage problem for a while now. Thanks so much :o)

  8. Ran across this from Shanty2Chic's Gorilla Glue contest. Looks AMAZING. This project has officially been added to my super long list of stuff to make. BUT, we have been talking about shelving for my son's books rather than the bins we use now, so it is a definite possibility SOON! : ) Thanks for this!

  9. Just realized: One question-

    I don't understand how you hung them. Did you put a nail in the wall and hang from the D-rings? Wouldn't that mean that the shelf can move away from the wall if pulled on?

  10. Jaimie,
    Yes, I used drywall screws and anchors to mount it. It can be pulled off the wall, but it takes some effort. My two year old played with the shelf a lot tonight and it didn't budge.
    I had a hard time trying to come up with a way to hang it, but I think this will work.
    Thanks for asking,

  11. Gonna have to book mark this one for when we have kids. PERFECTION!

  12. Ah!..... I want one! WAY GOOD JOB!!!

  13. Hi Traci,

    That looks AWESOME. Great're so good at that!

    Have a wonderful day.

  14. OUTSTANDING! I love this idea and thank you for the awesome tutorial ... I'm tucking it away for a winter project!


  15. Perfection. Thanks for an awesome tute as well. I will bookmark this for future reference...meaning, when I have grandchildren :o)

  16. Traci, what a great project and you hung it at just the perfect height for the little hands to grab a book and enjoy. Love it. Hugs Marty

  17. It looks great! I really want to try it now!

  18. Oh, Traci! Dear One, what can you not do? I'm so impressed! You even messed with the man tools! Oh and the little book holder looks so precious! I have to admit the little reader is adorable! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  19. great job. I'm going to show this to my sister, she was just looking for book storage solutions.

  20. This is such a great idea! I've also eyed those shelves in PB but refused to pay the price. I might have to do this in the playroom!

  21. Bravo! Your info on how to do the shelf was great! I can't wait to post my Gorilla Glue project today! yeah!

  22. I love this shelf! Perfect for your little boy.

    Lee Laurie

  23. Great shelf. You make the cutest shelves. That would look great in my kids' bedrooms/.

  24. That is a cute project and made all with Gorilla glue...and some staples. : )
    I love the fact that it is right where he can reach it. So cute.

  25. I am very impressed with your use of a big saw, etc. I'm sure my hand would be missing.

    Love it!

  26. I have always loved these little book holders. You did a great job making your own. How perfect in your little boys room! I also loved what you did with your other boy's rooms.

  27. So cute! I have yet to tackle a power saw. That's next on my agenda!

  28. Wow, even better than the Pottery Barn version! It looks great.

  29. LOVE it! I have to copy cat this one.
    You did a great job!!!

  30. What a neat idea - and such a great tutorial! It sure beats paying that Pottery Barn price!

  31. ~Ah! Just the cutest little shelf and easy too. Thank you for showing us how Traci.

    You have won my giveaway! Congrats!

    I just emailed you. ~Melissa :)

  32. You are so welcome Traci! I really hope you like everything and enjoy it.

    Your box is ready to go and my hubby will mail it from the base tomorrow okay. You should get it soon!

  33. I love these Traci!
    I saw them online being sold as pew holders for bibles~
    You rock!

  34. Hey Traci. I just saw that you won Melissa's Heart and Home giveaway. I just had to run over and say Congratulations! You deserve a good win.

    I love seeing all the great things you make and that book rack is perfect. I just love Eli's room and what a cutie he is.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

    P.S. Thanks for telling me how to do my signature. Now I just need to actually do it. OOXX's

  35. wish I had the saw to make this ! Perfect for my 15 month old little ladybug. She loves books!
    Come over to my blog when you get a chance -I just posted something for you :)

  36. Looks so good....Enjoying some blog hopping tonight.....Enjoyed yours...Be sure and stop by and get in on the giveaway that I am drawing for on Saturday .....

  37. Hello Traci,

    You are so resourceful! What a great job. Now that is something else I must add to my "to do" list. I would like to add one in my son's room.

    Thank you for sharing the "how to" with us!

    ~ Tracy

  38. You are so talented...and brave to use that saw. I love reading about your adventures!

  39. too complicated for me BUT OH SO CUTE nonethless!!

  40. I have always wanted those shelves. I wanted them in the hallway upstairs near the kids rooms. Thanks for the even I can do it.

    oh and what a cutie you have there.

  41. I am headed to Hobby Lobby in the morning to buy stuff....well, if the wood stuff is on sale. I only buy at HL if it is on sale or with a coupon! Love HL! This will look perfect in my daughter's play room. I might even make some of these to hang in my preschool class! Love them!

  42. You are absolutely amazing! I am so loving your new blog look!

  43. I like getting ideas from PBK, too. And I actually have those little shelves taped into my idea binder! I just had a friend build the dollhouse bookcase for my girls- so cute and much cheaper! I've enjoyed reading your blog!

  44. Wow-amazing! You have inspired me to get going on the projects that I think I can't do!
    I gave you an award-if you come by, you'll see.

  45. It's so neat and will grow with your boy through the ages. I did notice the blinds on the pics are very long. I too had that problem until last week. I walked into Home Depot and an associate showed me how to "customize" them to desired length. I told them I'm a visual learner so the lady took out an actual blind (since I bought mine there) and demonstrated how to shorten them. It definitely makes my windows look larger and I don't know what took me so long to do it.

  46. It is adorable and so is your little man. I think any woman who can use a big saw is impressive :). Nicely done.

  47. Traci,
    Thanks SO MUCH for posting this tutorial! I have eyed those shelves from Pottery Barn for YEARS and now I am gonna make some. I have just discovered your blog, but am so glad I did! I look forward to knowing you better!

  48. Aww, that last photo of him is precious!!

    And this is incredible!! I am so excited about finding this post. I for sure want to do this. Thank you so very much. It looks perfect. Well done.

  49. Very cute project. I love it! Wow!!!!!


  50. Hey Traci -

    You inspired me to get off my behind and make the bunk bed book selves that I've been wanting forever. The projects were a bit different but I was able to adapt what you did for what we needed. THANK YOU!!!

  51. The whole shelf idea is too adorable, and I so love that you did it yourself. You go, girl!! Keep up the craftyness!

  52. I just made the sketch that I sent you the day you posted this. I used you idea for the plaques as the sides and it turned out great. You can take a look if you'd like


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