Sunday, December 13, 2009

Clever Gift Wrapping Idea

Here’s another idea I saw in blogland that I just had to try!

I got my inspiration from a fabulous blog called Blue Cricket Design. If you haven’t been there, you need to go check it out.

How cute is that? You can read about it here.

I thought this would be a great idea for teacher gifts. With four kids, I have a lot of teachers that I need to buy presents for. So I try not spend a lot of money on teacher gifts, but I do try to put some thought in it.

I was an elementary school teacher for 6 years, and received many gifts from my students, many of which I still have today. I can honestly say that it wasn’t the gift that mattered most, but the thought! One of my favorite gifts was a 12 pack of diet coke! The mom of one of my students knew how much I loved them, so she got me some.

So if the gifts are small, why not dress them up a bit!


Here’s what I did…

I took a large can of soup and removed the label.IMG_4354

Then I opened up the bottom of the can with a can opener, emptied out the soup, (in other words…I ate it.), then rinsed and cleaned out the inside of the can. (I even rinsed it with a little bit of bleach and let it sit out over night to dry to make sure I got rid of any “soup” smell.)


Then I bought some cute Christmas paper at Hobby Lobby, 50% off, of course!

I cut it the same size of the can, wrapped it around the can, and secured it with my hot glue gun.


Next, I filled the can with some candy and a gift card.


Here are some other ideas of things you could put in the can:


*movie tickets

*cute magnets

*Christmas socks

*pair of earrings, or a piece of jewelry

*nail polish, nail clippers, etc.

*hand lotions

*lipstick, chapstick, makeup, etc.

*a key chain

I could go on and on….the possibilities are limitless!

After you fill the can with goodies, hot glue the bottom of the can back on. It really does stay shut!


Then add a bunch of fancy ribbons to the top. I used some I already had at home and a couple that I bought at Hobby Lobby.


I added a little tag that says “pull my tab”.


And I’m done! I think my sons’ teachers will love receiving this and opening it up. I know I would!!!


I know I could have just bought a gift bag to put the gift in, but it wouldn’t have been near as much fun to open!

I am linking this little project to all my favorite little places…

Met. Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts

DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage

Have a blessed day!


  1. Oh Traci...
    Sweetie, you have given me an idea to do for the older Grandkids. Tony and I are giving them each some money for Christmas, and it is going in their cans. I am so excited about this. It will be fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I knew I was drawn to here this evening for a reason.

    I love it!!!! When I get mine finished, I will make sure I post so you can see them. I guess DH and I will be eating some soup for the next few days. We have 7 grandkids. Oh Boy!!!

    Please stop by and say hi. I love it when you do. Tonight I posted. I wrote a little poem for all of us blogger gals. You will love it.

    Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. Traci this is ADORABLE ~ I want to do this for my BILS gift certificate... he would get such a kick out of it!

  3. That's so cute! I might have to use this idea for my sister's gift. I bought her a necklace and earrings from etsy and they came in the tiniest little boxes. At least this would be more fun to open!

  4. Now that is really cute! I love that idea. And yes Traci I do believe I have the same dinning room china hutch as you. Back in September I did a blog post about my dining room and you were my inspiration for doing so. If you have the time check the blog post out.

    Have a wonderful week.

  5. Such a cute idea! I said a prayer for you today. I know Christmas can be hard w/o your Mother. I pray God's grace for you during this time!
    Christmas Wishes~

  6. I saw this idea over at BCD too....Yours turned out super-cute! That paper you used is awesome :)
    Thanks for coming to the party!

  7. That is a really cute idea. I would be seriously impressed if I got a gift that looked like this from a student.

    My tree has bunches and bunches of ornaments that students gave me over the years. I love it that I'll never forget them because I'm reminded of them each year when the ornament comes out of the box,.

  8. Ya know what, Traci?! I think life is all about making a big deal of the little ordinary things...and this is a perfect example! It's adorable and just plain fun too!

  9. That is such a great idea for teacher's gifts! Plus, I love giving and receiving home-made gifts. Great idea!

  10. What a wonderful idea! A fun way to package a gift card. . . perfect! Thank you for sharing this. I've never seen it, and I would NEVER have thought of it myself.

  11. Coming from a former 2nd grade teacher: let me tell you, your teachers are going to appreciate this. This is so much better than getting a 3ft troll doll elf. Trust me. I could write a book...

  12. That is such a stunning and thoughtful gift. I just love surprises ... so I would LOVE receiving a gift like that! I can't wait to give it a try.

  13. I was trying to figure out how to package a gift card for my DDs teacher.. I love this idea! Can you guess what we are having for dinner tonight? Soup!

  14. oh tracy! I am sooooo doing this! In fact...this week for my son's teacher! How neat! B:)

  15. Very cute. Thanks for sharing such a original post! Come visit me & see what I've created this week. Be sure to leave a comment!

  16. Traci,
    What a fun idea! My kids would enjoy something like this... hmmmmmm! Dee Dee

  17. I just threw away some cans! Maybe I should go dig in the garbage?! Great idea!!!

  18. Such a great idea! Thanks so much for sharing!

  19. Gosh, you post some great ideas!! I love this one - also can't wait to make that white chocolate popcorn (and maybe the buckeyes too!). Thanks!


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