Monday, December 14, 2009

My Little Christmas Tour

I wanted to share with you a few of my Christmas decorations.

I don’t have a ton of decorations, but I have added touches of green and red throughout the house.

Here is a look at my entry way…


My mom helped me put this vinyl saying up the first week of August before our big family reunion at my house. I got it at Hobby Lobby for 50% off. I think it was less than $10.00.

Mom also helped me hang my black shelf there, and she gave me the votive candles to go with it. To make it look Christmas-y, I added some faux greenery and berries.


The candles look so pretty all lit up.




If you want to get old candle wax out of your votives, stick them in the freezer for a while, then use a knife to “pop” out the old wax…


And they come out easy-peasy! (Mom taught me this trick.)


Now, back to my tour…let’s head into our den.


This is where our Christmas tree lives.


I am a “traditional-Christmas-tree-kind-of-girl”. I love a hodge-podge of ornaments, old and new. I have ornaments from my childhood, and ornaments that my children have made, and now I have some of Mom’s ornaments.

I love the way it looks through the mirror above our couch.


This year I got to hang something very special on my tree.

A small strand of beads that hung on my great-grandmother’s tree, my grandmother’s tree, my mother’s tree, and now my tree.


Mom has had it for seven years, since her mother passed away. She kept this small string of beads in a little Christmas tin. Look how cute she is…she wrote this on the back of the tin, and I added to it this year.


Just like Mom, I placed the beads way up high on my tree so “little hands” won’t be able to reach it!



A few other things that I now own that used to be my mom’s are this cute little Mr. and Mrs. Claus set…


…this cute little Christmas boot that Mom always filled with candy canes…


…and Mom and Dad’s nativity set that they bought their very first Christmas together…


Though I love having some of Mom’s Christmas treasures, I would give them up in a heartbeat to have my mom back. Christmas just won’t be the same without her.

But I am trying to make it special for my boys, just as she would want me to.

My sons’ favorite decoration by far is our advent calendar…


Can you believe that my mom got this for me at Goodwill several years ago, and it had all the pieces?!

She picked it up because it reminded her of the one that we had as little kids. Of course, the one that we had as kids is one that Mom handmade for us. It is the most magical Christmas memory I have. She handmade all 24 intricate little toys that we would put up one at a time in Santa’s sleigh. I absolutely loved it!

And the boys love this one!



Now let’s step into my kitchen.

I am enjoying our new kitchen cabinets. If you missed the post about our recent kitchen renovation, click here.


Ya’ll know I LOVE red, and I love the way it shows up in our new cabinets.

Last year after Christmas, I got these red dishes 75% off at Walmart. I think I paid less than $15.00 for 8 place settings!


I thought it would be fun to have Christmas-y plates to use every day!

I also got these Pfaltzgraff glasses at JCPenny’s during the after-Christmas sales. (These are not for my boys to use everyday!) :)


I also have a set of 8 glass Christmas mugs now that used to be Mom’s. I love them so much because they remind me of Mom.


It is extremely difficult to get to get a good picture of my hutch because of the glare from my kitchen windows.


I added a few touches of red to my hutch with some red charges that I got on clearance at Target several years ago.

I love these little topiary trees that I got at Goodwill this past year for $2.50 a piece.


I added a black and white gingham bow to each one, and added them to my hutch…


And lastly, I will share with you our fireplace in our Master bedroom…


I made some silhouette tiles to go above each of my boy’s stockings. You can see the tutorial here.


And my last little decoration…


My “worn out” Christmas duck! One of our neighbors made this for us about 10 years ago, and I always find a special place for it above one of our doorways every year.

I feel a little like this duck right now…


Thanks for joining me on my tour!

I am linking this to

Christmas Tour of Homes with The Nester

Have a blessed day!


  1. What a beautiful "tour" ! Your home is so warm and inviting , love your colors ! You have decorated everything just perfect. I love love your garland , and I know it is a treasure of yours to cherish! Have a blessed Christmas!

  2. Everything looks so great and I love that you have sentimental things to put out every year! I like a tree with all kinds of new and old ornaments too. Feels more Christmasy!

  3. Your home looks beautiful! You have such a talent for decorating. Merry Christmas!

  4. The saying you have in your entryway is so special! It is all so lovely! I love the tin that holds your special garland!

  5. Thank you for sharing with us!! You are sooo far ahead fo me this year:) We just keep redecorating our tree and trying to keep little boys 3 years old and 16 months distracted:)

    It was so neat to see the traditions and decorations of your mom passed down. What an amzing legacy she has left you.

  6. Traci, your house is lovely. In this day of designer Christmas trees (which are beautiful), I am so glad to find someone else who still loves an old fashioned tree with a hodge podge of ornaments (also from my childhood and my own children). And like you, I would have it no other way! It's just who I am. Thanks for a great blog-I always look forward to your next post.

  7. Traci,
    I so enjoyed the tour of your home. The entryway with the lettering and shelf, the gorgeous garland from generations past, all the red and holly-decked dishes and glassware, your advent calendar and hutch (wish our Goodwill had such treasures!), and you already know I adore those silhouette tiles! I love that there is such meaning in so many of your decorating items, though I know it is so bittersweet, especially this year. Your boys are so blessed to have a mama who keeps traditions alive, and honors the true meaning of Christmas. And you keep your mama's spirit alive with your remembrances of her. I feel like I know her.

    Merry Christmas Traci :)

  8. What a special garland! I love the red plates in the cabinets. Happy Holidays.

  9. Your home looks wonderful. I love it that you are carrying on traditions handed down to you.
    Happy Holidays.

  10. Your home is gorgeous! I loved the story behind the beads...and your red plates (we use red plates all year too~because it does feel like Christmas all year).

    You are heavy on my heart, sweet one!

  11. Oooh. Your house has been Christmased! I love it. What a wonderful house to come home to in the Holiday Season.

  12. Beautiful decorations!! We are having the same issue this year as we acquired all of my in-laws decorations right before my mother in law passed away. Its been really bitter sweet.

    LOVE the way your kitchen pops with that red!

  13. Traci! Your home is so beautiful! So elegant and lovely! Love your china cabinet!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Your home is just beautiful ! I too love red! all year round. :) How wonderful to have so many of your Mom's special Christmas decorations -- what a sweet reminder of her and of God's goodness to the next generation. I know this first Christmas without your mom will be most difficult. Please know that today I am praying for you and your family. Enjoy your memories and make new ones.

    Gwyn Rosser.
    The Pink Tractor

  15. Everything is so beautiful... full of love and Christmas spirit! Love all the touches of red and green. I am a traditional tree girl too... it's beautiful!

  16. Your home is so beautful and festive. I love the vintage beads that you are using on your tree. You are such a sentimental person...just like I am. I love the way your dishes look in your kitchen cabinets. That red just pops! I love the little 'pooped' duck too. He is so cute.

    Lee Laurie

    p.s. I've been wanting to try those 'wall words' out. I love that message that you have. Beautiful.

  17. Traci, Your home looks so beautiful. Love all of your mom's Christmas treasures. My grandmother taught me a little trick about candlewax, if you add a little water to the bottom before you put the candle in the wax can't stick when it melts. No need to freeze, just dump out the water. Merry Christmas

  18. i found your blog through a post you left on hip2save. i spend several hours last night reading your blog entries and i have found several inexpensive ideas for my home. you are so creative.

  19. It is all so pretty! Love the red in the kitchen cabinets and I just LOVE your new kitchen!! The tree is gorgeous!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  20. Traci, your home is just stunning and all of your decorations are so beautiful. I love that you are using some of your mother's decorations. I always use my mom's and it just makes the tree so special. I hope you are having a Blessed Christmas Season. Hugs, Marty

  21. Traci, everything looks beautiful! I love your fourth-generation garland--what a treasure! Everything of your mom's blends into your home beautifully, but I know you'd give anything to have her instead of her lovely things. I'm so proud of you for soldiering on to make this a memorable Christmas for your boys--just what she would do, and just what she would want you to do. Bless you.

  22. It's all so beautiful. I love how you have memories of your mom in everything. How precious. Hope your Christmas continues to be blessed!

  23. Everything looks so beautiful. I love your special garland that was your grandma's. We have all different kinds of ornaments on our tree, too.


  24. Oh Traci, what a beautiful Christmas tour! I just love the garland and the tin. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home with all of us.

    May you and your family have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  25. Traci, Everything looks so pretty! I love the way your china cabinet looks with the red plates!
    Beautiful...thank you for sharing!

  26. Oh I loved the tour. The entry hall was so neat. Your tree is beautiful I especially loved the generation bead garland. How neat and to have the cool tin.
    BTW I loved the soup can idea. Really cute.
    Thanks for sharing you hone and holiday traditions.
    Merry Christmas,

  27. So many great touches! The quote on the wall is gorgeous!! And I love how you have displayed the dishes in the hutch. Well done!!


  28. love your red dishes and glasses! Everything looks great!

  29. Love all your decorations, Traci! The topiaries in the hutch are adorable ~ I love the ribbon around them. I'm sure it's hard without your Mom here, but look at all the ways you involved her in your Christmas. I think it's wonderful that you have these things that say "Mom" to you.

  30. I love your beads! That is such a special tradition!

  31. Thank you for sharing. I love the generation garland you have on your tree. I have one ornment that my mom made for my great grandmother. We thought all of her ornamentes were gone, but the Christmas after my great grandfather died, we had to clean out their house and my parents found that lone ornamnet. They wrapped it and gave it to me that Christmas as a gift from my "Papa Coly and Granny" I truly cherish it!

    Also, I LOVE your tile coasters and made my own version for teacher gifts this year. I posted about them and linked to you. Stop by and have a look if you get the time :)

  32. What a beautiful home tour! Everything looks fabulous! I especially like your kitchen vignette and the cute topiaries with the gingham ribbon. Thanks for sharing your family memories! I love that you have so many family keepsakes...what a great tradition! ~Lisa

  33. So, so special! I loved hearing about what the decoration mean to you.


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