Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday’s with Wanda

This post is both personal and priceless to me.

Looking back over this past year, I could have never imagined that it would be my last with my mom. For the most part, my life was on cruise control as a wife, mother, daughter, etc. And then it came to a halt on August 6th, 2009. The day we found out Mom had caner. Life changed drastically.

I spent many hours with Mom at her house and at doctor’s visits. Moments I wouldn’t trade for anything this world has to offer.

But life also changed drastically in my heart. Things that used to be so important to me, just didn’t see important anymore. The things that used to stress me out, didn’t anymore.

What mattered most was my family and my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Mom always knew that. She had spent a lifetime preparing for the day she would be with her Lord.

Throughout my life, I have had the honor of watching that preparation…the hours my mom spent in God’s word. If there is anything I know for sure about my mom, it’s that she loved her Bible. Or should I say Bibles.


These are just a few of her bibles.

They were in every room of the house, on every bookshelf, and by each bed.

Mom loved to write in her bibles too, and I am so glad she did. Some of the writings are her own thoughts, some are sermon notes, and some are inspirations she gathered from other Christian books she was reading.

I wanted to share with you some of her writings. These writings focus on the importance of reading and studying God’s word. I have no doubt that the peace and grace that I saw in my mom as she faced death was a result of the time she spent in prayer and bible study. They mean so much to me, and I hope they do to you as well.

I will write underneath each picture just in case you cannot read my mom’s writing.

IMG_4620 (God still speaks to us today through His word. When He does speak, the words of the Bible come alive, and glow with a brilliant relevance to our lives. He uses the Scriptures to place truth in our minds, inject truth into our decisions, and impress truth on our hearts. He comforts us and corrects us. Our hearts are captured and stirred by His word.)

IMG_4621 (Read the Scriptures with an expectation that God is going to speak to you. Listen for His voice. Depend on the Holy Spirit to open your ears. Read the Scriptures until His voice sets your heart “ablaze”. Do not be satisfied with checking off the day’s reading assignment----long to encounter Him in His Word.

IMG_4628 (Read the Bible daily. Although the amount of Scripture read may vary from person to person, the believers who read it daily are better prepared spiritually for the journey ahead. Walter Price)


(Read the Scripture in the morning. Even if you intend to read more later in the day, do not start your day without the intake of God’s Word.)


(The Words of God. Oh who could express what they ought to be worth to us! Each word carries with it all the life of God, all His saving power and love. God speaking in His Son. Surely we who know Him will be ready to cast aside everything for the sake of hearing Him!)

IMG_4670 (Wherever you look in Scripture, look to Jesus. Let every passage tell you something of His Father, and His Spirit, and thus Himself. Make it your aim in all your use of the Scriptures to “see and savor more of Christ.” Be on a treasure hunt to satisfy your soul more and more in Him. In this way the Spirit of Christ will be at work to transform you into His image. The aim of the law will be fulfilled more and more in your life. And you will magnify Christ in your life until He comes to complete the work He has begun.)


(As we read the Bible it begins to form us and mold us until we become to look like Jesus Christ.)IMG_4690

(The hope for America is to come back to the Bible!) Amen!

I also wanted to share some of Mom’s writings that seem even more poignant since she passed away.


(We have no control over how we die or when, but we do have control over how we live. Our hope is in the Lord! We must live for Him and Him alone!) IMG_4691

(I only have one life to live and I want to live a life of obedience to God. John 14:23 “If anyone loves me he will keep my Word and I and my father will come and live with you.”)


(Psalm 27:4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple. Psalm 27:8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face, my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.)


(Philippians 1:21 For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.)


(Everything that happens to us is for a reason. When trouble comes we should not say, “How can I get out of this,” but rather—“What can I get out of this.”)


My desire for this coming new year is to spend more time reading and studying God’s word.

I used to spend time in His word every morning until I had kids. I would tell myself that I was just too tired to get up so early…I just couldn’t do it, and I’m sure God would understand.

But can I make a confession? I have woken up excitedly in the wee hours of the morning and even in the middle of the night to get on my laptop to see if someone had left a comment on my blog. I wasn’t too tired to do that!

No offense, but the living Word of God is so much more important than the comments left on my blog. The Bible is FULL of comments from God to me (and you).

I want to be excited about hearing from God through His scriptures. I may not be too excited those first few mornings that I start getting up early again. But through obedience, God will deepen my desire to seek after Him, and He will bless me.

That is my prayer.

Thank you for letting me share the thoughts beneath my heart,


  1. Good Morning Sweetie...
    So beautiful to be able to read what your precious Moma, Wanda had to write in each of her Bibles. The handwriting is beautiful, and she felt each of these as she wrote them. How very special.

    I was baptized when I was 10 years old. It took me a long time to understand what my Mother wrote to me as a child in my bible, but I live it every day of my life, "My Dear Daughter, Fear Not Tomorrow, for God Is Already There."

    I get up at 3:45 every morning, and am out the door at 5:00 to go to work, but I find that I love this quiet time in my truck, and I spend it talking with God. He hears everything, so we talk about everything. I know I should read my Bible more, and you have encouraged me to do so. I will make the time this year to read a few chapters every night before I close my eyes.

    Thank you as always for sharing. I love it when you do. Our New Year is almost here Tracey. I do not know where the time has gone. Happy New Year sweetie.

    Country hugs and much love..>Sherry

  2. This post is wonderful and I am most thankful that you have shared this.
    I have been struggling greatly and this is exactly what I needed.
    This post is going into my favorites and I'm even going to print a copy and put it in my own Bible. Thank You!!!

  3. Traci, I guess you'd say I am a lurker as I enjoy reading your blog but rarely comment. Your mom is such an inspiration, as a wise and godly woman. Thanks for sharing her notes today. They come at an excellent time as I have been approaching my Bible reading time as "one more thing to do today" instead of the valuable time with God that I need!

  4. Traci..
    Thank you..from the bottom of my heart..
    thank you for sharing your mom with us..
    she raised a remarkable daughter..
    with help from above..

  5. Your post brought me to tears! I can't imagine how it feels to lose a mom. I am so close to mine that I just don't know what I would do without. I will keep you in my prayers. That is so awesome to have all those wonderful thoughts from your mom. I am sure you will always treasure them. My dad is a baptist preacher and has been at the same church here where we live in NC for 23 years. My mom takes notes from every sermon he preaches and I know one day my sisters and I will treasure all of those. :)
    Have a great day and a Happy New Year!

  6. Traci, what an awesome mother you had! It is also evident in you, her daughter, of the role model that she was. I know she is so very proud of you...

    Lou Cinda

  7. Hello Traci,

    I love how open you are about your Christianity. Thank you for sharing your mother's written words. It has been a while since I have written in my own Bible and now I wish I could run home and read what I have written as well as read my Bible. I have a 30 – 45 minute commute each morning and I take that time to pray and meditate but have not been reading my Bible as much as i should. The first thing I used to do each morning before I even got out of bed was to read a daily devotion and the appropriate Bible chapter/verse. Reading your post today has made me realize how I have slacked off and has given me a new sense of purpose to begin doing that again.

    Thank you for sharing your mom with us. It is obvious she was a remarkable woman as are you. Your post has come at the right time and my mind is open and receptive to it. I needed the reminders I received from you today.

    Thank you and God bless,

  8. Traci,

    I am new to blogging but have been to your blog previously, prior to starting my own. I'm so glad HE directed me back here today.
    Thank you for sharing. You have touched my heart and stirred my soul.
    I will be visiting your blog again.


  9. I don't have the words to explain how much this post has touched my heart Mrs.H. Your mother was a remarkable woman.

  10. Traci,

    Thanks form making me smile today. I love you!


  11. Thanks for the wonderful words and memories you share of your mom. It makes me smile and I am thankful that you feel such comfort to share it with all of us.


  12. Your post truly touched me today. What a Godly woman your mother was and what an incredible example to you and the rest of your family. You have been blessed!

    In Him,


  13. Traci,

    Thank you for sharing so much in this post! I needed this encouragement to get back to studying my Bible as well.

    Thank you!

  14. Wow, what a treasure....thanks for sharing.
    Words of your Mom about the words of Scripture......just priceless.


  15. Oh, how I loved this post! I have always jotted notes in my Bible's too. This last year I jotted more notes and thoughts than ever. I loved your honesty. You are incredible.

  16. What precious words and priceless memories. Thank you for sharing them all with us Traci. I so want to get back to reading my bible daily. I have a few copies too but they all sit on a book shelf. I think I will do what your sweet Mom did and place them around my home, next to my seat on the sofa, next to my bed and even here, next to me on the computer. You're not the only one who gets excited about seeing if she has comments, but you're right, God's word is far more important.
    Blessings to you today.

  17. Dear Traci. I love so much reading Wednesdays with Wanda. You're writings about your Mom are so touching and moving. Thank you for sharing such personal writings with us. I loved that we got to see her actual writings, in her hand writing. The Lord has been directing me to so many spirit filled posts lately and I believe that 2010 is going to be a life changing year. I'm so glad that I found you and your blog. I feel like I have found a wonderful friend!

    I wish all the best for you and your family in 2010. With warm hugs...Tracy :)

  18. Traci, I am so behind on my blog reading, but I just couldn't miss a Wednesday With Wanda. Your posts about your dear mother are such a comfort and inspiration to me. What speaks to me most today is where she says "I only have one life to live and I want to live a life of obedience to God." I am going to write that on post-it notes and stick them up all over my house!

  19. Traci - how awesome that you have your mom's thoughts as a tangible source the wisdom she gained from Jesus. I especially like the one about expectations. I was encouraged by all of them though. I am adding that to the top of my Resolution list - read the bible more. And listen for what God is saying to me.
    Thanks Wanda!

  20. What a powerful post, filled with MUCH truth!! God's word tells us that whatever is in our what flows out of our heart. You precious Mom is an AMAZING example of a Godly woman who HIDE God's word in her when the storms of life came (her cancer) she was able to walk through them...with an amazing HOPE, knowing that God WAS in control...and he would work ALL things out!!

    I too, have been sensing a heart tug at spending MORE time in my Saviors word, for in it, I truly can find my hope, joy, strength, counsel, support, guidence...etc...etc...

    Thank you, for sharing a piece of your Mom with us! What an AMAZING example of a woman after God's own heart.

  21. What treasures you have in those Bibles! Yet another beautiful example of your Mom's legacy. She is such an inspiration. You are so right...I've been guilty of the same thing. Checking my "devotions" off the mental checklist, then heading to the blogs where I can easily spend far longer. What a great challenge to all of us in the coming year. Thank you so much for sharing this. Blessings to you and your family in 2010. It's been a true joy and gift to find your blog this year.

  22. A great post! How wonderful to have your mom's Bible's and notes! I can tell from not only her writings but her daughter's writings that she was an amazing, caring woman. Thank you!

  23. Traci, thank you so much for sharing your mother's writings! They touched my heart, and so did your honesty. I think I will do like your mother and leave my scriptures out where they will be just too handy! I too like to get up early to check my email, but first I think I'll turn to my scriptures. Thank you for helping me make a good New Years resolution!

  24. adding my thanks for this post especially. " sharing what we love causes our love (and conviction) to become stronger" wendy

  25. Thanks so much for sharing these priceless writings. I especially love when your mom wrote to be on a treasure hunt for more of God. We seem to look for worldly treasures all the time, but so often forget to seek those heavenly treasures He has for each and everyone of us.

    God bless you this day as you seek your treasures in and through Him.

  26. Traci:
    The timing of your post today was perfect. I have spent the morning digging into some of my mothers notes and prayer requests and answers. She had her requests listed by year, and then crossed through them as the answers came. I was thinking as I read... I just have to do a blog and picture some of these priceless hand written treasures, and then I looked at your blog today, and you have done the same with your mom. God's love is so evident when I see the hearts of our mothers shared in these notes... and now... 'the torch has been passed'... to us. This was a beautiful post, and the heart of your mom just shines!



  27. Traci, you can't imagine how much I needed this today. I noticed last night while updating my own blog that your sweet mom was one of my four followers... it made me smile so big to think of her sweet heart. And now she has really challenged me today. I love you, friend.

  28. What an incredible mother you had! I am so glad that you have her thoughts in writing for you to read whenever you feel the need. The heritage you have in your mother's writings is remarkable.
    I love that you posted this!
    A sister in Christ,

  29. Thank you for sharing such a special and valuable part of your life. Your Mother's handwriting is beautiful. I know I would seek comfort in her writing and words so often.

    My Grandmother writes in her Bibles and I love to read her thoughts. She has a severe hearing loss and writes the way she hears, many people have a hard time reading what she writes....for some reason I do not. I flow right through her writing.

    I pray this New Year is a good one for us all and that America finds its way back to the Bible's teachings.


  30. As I read your post today I really felt God stirring my heart. I have distanced myself from God for quite sometime (really since my husband lost his mother to Pick's disease-we both have drifted) and have been going through the motions. These past few months I keep feeling God tugging at me to come back to Him. I don't need to wait for the New Year-the time is NOW for me to come back to Him. Thank you for sharing.

  31. Oh Traci I love having those words from Mom. I'm so thankful for the legacy she has left for us. I still ache to hear her voice and see her sweet smile but there WILL come a day......
    Love you, love you, love you,

  32. Your mom would love that you are discovering this for yourself and sharing it with others. Thanks so much for this posting, this is why I read blogs-for encouragement.

  33. What a beautiful post. Your mom left quite a legacy for you. I'm sure those Bible's will be treasured for years to some. Praise the Lord that she is in heaven and you will rejoice with her some day. There is so much hope in that.

  34. So sweet, Traci, and so true. Thank the Lord for a Godly mama. I have one of those too and I wouldn't take anything for her. You are so right, we need to spend time with Him to grow into who He wants us to be.

  35. Eye opening, Spirtually, up lifting...these are the words I used in my blog to send people here to read yours.
    Thank you for sharing your mama, your life and your thoughs. We are so very blessed to have you here helping us to do some soul searching and thinking and lots more reading of the bible and praying.
    May God Bless you and your family.

  36. Traci you are such a living example of what is important in life... God & Family!
    I really enjoy your blog and I am so blessed to have "met" you
    I mean this with all sincerity, you have changed my life. The way that you handled your moms illness and death really hit home for me on what is truly vital to life and that is my relationship with God and Family
    May God Bless you in 2010

  37. Traci,
    I'm so glad to stumbled upon your blog. Thank you for sharing your Mom with us. What a wonderful Mother you have to watch over you now!

    And thanks for the reminder to put our Lord and Savior above worldly things.

    God Bless!

  38. Thank you for this post. What a great reminder to us all!

  39. Thank you for sharing your Mothers beautiful words of inspiration. It has given me more desire to be faithful in reading the scriptures, especially in the morning. You have a beautiful blog and I'm glad she helped convince you to start it. Thanks for sharing!

  40. Hi Traci,
    I saw a quote your mom wrote in her Bible by a man named Walter Price. Do you know where he is or where he is from? My husband grew up in a church with a pastor by the same name. Thank you for your encouraging posts.
    In His Grace,
    Kristin Harvey

  41. Thanks for sharing such a beautifully personal post. I can't imagine life without my mom. She desires to please the Lord, and inspires me to do the same. What an inspiration your mom is... "(s)he being dead, yet speaketh."

  42. Wow, how moving, and what a legacy! Thank you for sharing. Your Mother is still "serving" the Lord from heaven. Amazing and inspirational. I just purchased two new One Year Bibles for my girls today. I pray that they become loves of The Word. Again, thank you for sharing.

    Sincerely, Tricia


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