Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Highlights

I cannot believe this year is over.

And looking back over the projects I did this year, I have realized that I was one busy chick!

You guys are the ones who inspired me and motivated me to get things done, so I thank you!

Here is a run down of my favorite projects since I started my blog:


My Hutch Re-do…

Click on the picture to see the “before”.

hutch 001


My “Goodwill chair makeover”  where I turned two ugly chairs that looked like this…


March 2009 162

to this…

chairs 019

Click HERE to see the transformation.


My guest house bedroom furniture makeover…

Click on the picture to see the “before”.



I loved my little burlap monogrammed stool that I got at Goodwill for $3.50.  To see how I made it click HERE and HERE.



One of my personal favorites was the work my hubby and I did on this hutch…


to make it look like this…


Click HERE to see how we did it!


Click HERE to see how my two year old helped me re-do this buffet table I got at Goodwill…



One of my readers’ favorite post was…

My Ballard’s inspired cafe shelves tutorial.  Click on the picture to see how to make one of these for yourself. 



I made some curtains for my kitchen and den from drop cloths.


Click HERE to see how to make some for yourself.


I fell in love with burlap this year!  Click on the pictures to see how I made each of these…

A burlap tablecloth.


A Goodwill chair re-do with burlap.



Click HERE if  you want to see my tutorial on how to make a Pottery Barn inspired collector’s shelf.  These are great for kids’ rooms!



And I have to include our unexpected kitchen renovation.  Click on the picture to see the process.



Of course, I cannot look back on this year without mentioning the passing of my precious mother in September. 


(This picture was taken a couple of weeks before she passed away.)

My blog took on a whole new meaning during her illness.  You blessed me more than you will ever know with your sweet comments and emails.   I shared many of my thoughts and feelings during that time.  Some of my favorite posts about Mom were…

Liquid Prayers

How beautiful are the feet…


There is none better. 


“There is none better” is the last post I wrote before Mom passed away.  I had no idea that when I was writing it in the hospital, I was spending my last moments with Mom.  I was brought to tears once more as I read it just now.  But I praise God that I have these moments written down.  Moments I can look back on and treasure all the days of my life.  Moments I wouldn’t have written down if it were not for this blog.  It was my mom who encouraged me to start this blog this year.  Thank you, Mom.

And thank you to ALL of you.  You will never know what you mean to me!  You were a bright spot in many of my darkest days!

I look forward to spending 2010 with you and may God bless you and your loved ones in the year to come!


  1. I can't believe I missed your buffet make-over when I first came over to your blog. It looks wonderful - as does EVERYTHING else!

    Praying for you...

  2. Thank YOU Traci, for letting us be there with you and for you during some of those moments. You touched many of us in some of our darkest days too.

  3. I'm so inspired to do some projects!! I have to know, what primer and paint do you use and how do you get it so even? The finish on your projects looks fabulous!

  4. I LOVE your Goodwill transformations; we live in Germany and I don't have access to Goodwill but when we move back the to U.S. I may hit Goodwill before I hit Target! :o) Thank-you for sharing your mom with us; your posts bring tears to my eyes and faith to my heart. What a blessing your mother was to your family and what a blessing you were to your mother!

  5. Traci,
    Thank you so much for highlighting these posts...most I have seen, but a couple I had not. Something I always notice in your posts is your "can do" attitude. You make everyone feel like they can do it, too! = ) Thanks for all the inspiration. Blessings in the year to come.
    Tracy = )

  6. Liquid prayer was one of my favorite posts! I have gone back and reread it a couple of times.
    You are amazing! I have loved every project! I even tackled the ballard shelves after your tutorial!
    Thanks you for all of your inspiration!

  7. I came across your blog after googling redoing black hutches. I had just finished mine and couldn't figure out what to put in it. I saw yours and knew I had to put my white dishes back in there. I then started following and reading your story. I sat here many nights and cried along with your blog as I read the story of your mom. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer twice. Cancer is just something that no one should have to go through. Have a great new year! Love your blog.

  8. Well I tried to put a comment on here and I didnt see it show up so if you get this twice sorry! I found your blog a few months ago while googling redo of black hutches. I had just finished mine and couldn't decide what type of dishes to put in there. After I saw yours I know I had to put my white dishes back in there. I starting reading your whole blog and cried many nights reading the stories from your mom. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer twice and its hard on everyone. Cancer is just something no one should have to go through. Hope you and your family have a happy new year. Love your blog!

  9. Well I tried to put a comment on here and I didnt see it show up so if you get this twice sorry! I found your blog a few months ago while googling redo of black hutches. I had just finished mine and couldn't decide what type of dishes to put in there. After I saw yours I know I had to put my white dishes back in there. I starting reading your whole blog and cried many nights reading the stories from your mom. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer twice and its hard on everyone. Cancer is just something no one should have to go through. Hope you and your family have a happy new year. Love your blog!

  10. Traci, 2009 was quite a year for you! Like you, I'm so grateful that I started blogging this year. My little blog has been such a blessing to me--mostly because I've gotten to meet people like you!

    Every blessing to you and yours for a wonderful 2010.

  11. Traci, this has truly been an unreal and unforseen year for you and you have handled it with love and grace. I hope your new year is a very Blessed and Happy one. Hugs, Marty

  12. Traci, we are the ones who have been so blessed by you. I read through your posts with tears. Girl, this has been a year like no other for both of us. But, through it all God's faithfulness was so evident. I'm working on my reflection post today too. May the Lord bless you and keep you and continue to cause His face to shine upon you.

  13. You have been very busy! Everything looks absolutely Gorgeous! I especially love the hutches!!!! Our dining room is black, white and red... I wanted so bad to paint the hutch white... hubby wanted it black I wasn't sure if i was going to like it but now seeing yours black it is! I can always go buy another one from the good will :)

  14. Traci,

    You are my favorite blog find of 2009!

    Thanks for the highlights of projects; I'm hoping you will inspire me to get some of my own done this coming year.

    I went back and read There is None Better and it brought tears to my eyes, as well. She loved well, but you know, I can see that you follow in her footsteps. Your generous heart shines through your blog. I know she was/is proud of you!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what 2010 brings and sharing it together. May God bless you greatly this coming year!

  15. I love all your project pics! You've given me some great ideas!!! Thanks. Hope you & your family have a Happy New Year & a blessed 2010!!!

  16. Traci you made such lovely pieces of furniture this year! You are talented.

    What a beautiful photo of your precious family all together.

    Happy New Year & Many Blessings for 2010!
    ~Melissa :)

  17. I love this recap and I'm so glad I found your blog. Your treasured memories of your mom are beautiful to read and I know she's smiling down on you. The picture of your family is great!

    Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy New Year full of laughter, love, good health and abundance!

  18. May you have a wonderful new year.
    You have been an inspirtion to me with your faith and your projects!!!
    God Bless,

  19. BEautiful post....Heres to a GREAT 2010 for all of us....Blessings....

  20. So glad we became blog friends almost at the start of our journeys. I hope we can do some fun projects together in 2010.

  21. Loved looking over all your big projects from 2009! You did some unbelievable makeovers!

    Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway mistake. :) The other Tracy appreciated it too.

    How do you like your floors in your kitchen? They look pretty dark...are they hard to keep clean? Do they scratch easily? We are getting ready to put new floors in the house we are buying and I am trying to figure out what to use!

  22. I love all of your projects. You're so creative and inspiring. Happy New Year Traci!

  23. You had some incredible projects this year! Absolutley amazing :). I can't wait to see what 2010 brings!

  24. Hey there!

    I'm a new follower of your blog and I'm usually quiet, but I HAD to say something about this entry!

    First, I absolutely LOVE the drop cloth curtains!!! I think I will be stealing this idea for the babies' bedroom, because I believe they could go with any color wall and I can't decide on a wall color yet(well, I'm waiting to find out if the next baby is a boy or girl...this will determine the wall color, lol). So thank you for the wonderful idea!

    Secondly, thank you for sharing as much as you do about your mother here. It's such a joy to read about her love for Christ, even in times of trouble. God is so good, and He uses special people for special purposes here on earth-I just love that! One of my FAVORITE verses that I have clung to throughout our last trial is 2 Timothy 2:10-Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.
    I get chills everytime I read it! But I can so see your mom's life fitting this verse beautifully! So Praise The Lord! :)

    Hope you have a wonderfully blessed year in 2010!

  25. You have been one busy lady! Look forward to more inspiration in 2010.

  26. Hi Traci...I have visited your blog occasionally and love all your projects. I just spent some time reading the posts about your mom. She surely was a precious child of God. I am battling cancer myself right now and so many of the writings in your mom's Bible are my prayers also. Thank you for sharing them.

  27. Definitely feel inspired to do some more projects...great job on all of yours!

  28. What a wonderful blog you've created. I stumbled upon your blog somewhere along the way and I'm so happy I did. This recap of 2009 is amazing and inspiring and very touching. I plan to add you to my follow list. Thank you for sharing YOU! :)



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