Sunday, January 17, 2010

Burlap Lamp Shades for the Boys’ Room

I am so very excited about how this project turned out!


It’s exactly what I had envisioned in my head.

I bought some lamp shades from Target for the boys’ room a couple of years ago. They weren’t exactly what I was looking for, but they were the right size and shape, (and price).


They were covered with a tan paper that began to bubble. I tried to ignore it, but it was driving me crazy.


I began to think about how I could recover them…maybe with new material? blue? red? khaki?

And then it hit me….BURLAP, BABY!

If you don’t know about my obsession with burlap, just click on “burlap projects” in my side bar, and you’ll get a good idea.

I already had some leftover burlap, so I quickly got to work.

First I pulled the navy blue trim off of the lamp shade. That was super easy.


Then I took my burlap and wrapped it around the shade.


I covered each side of the shade with fabric glue and a sponge brush and pressed the burlap to the shade.



Then I let it dry.

I tucked the edge of the material under and secured it with my glue gun.



Press the seam down and it will lay nice and flat. Just be careful because the glue can seep through the holes of the burlap! Trust me…I know!


Then I trimmed the burlap around all of the edges with my scissors.


Next, I got out my trusty glue gun and glued the ribbon back on.


They were already looking sooooo good to me!


But it needed something else.


I bought some stencils at Michael’s (with a coupon) for 4 bucks. Then I got out my sponge brush and the same paint that I used to paint the boys’ collector’s shelves. (Colonial Red)


The boys picked out a number that they wanted stenciled on their lamp shade, and I got to work.


I taped the stencil in place and applied the paint with my sponge brush.


Then I used a smaller paint brush to go over the edges of the numbers to make them more even.


They are perfect! To me, at least.


It was nighttime when I took the pictures of the lamp shades in the boys’ room, so I used my flash for some of them. ( I usually try not to do that, but in this case I thought some of the pictures turned out better with the flash.)


The boys are thrilled! They love having those lamps beside their beds to read at night.


If you want to learn how to make a collector’s shelf similar to the ones in the boys’ room, click HERE.


I bought the swing arm lamps at Goodwill for $2.50 a piece. They were an ugly brass, so I spray painted them with a metal spray paint from Lowe’s. It was called “hammered metal” or something like that. It was two years ago…


Well, that’s it! It took me about 30 minutes to complete this project. It was well worth the time and $4.00 I spent on it. Don’t you agree?

Be sure to stop by on Tuesday for another FABULOUS giveaway! I’m so excited to share it with you!

I am linking this project to all of my favorite parties….

Met Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts

Make your Monday at Twice Remembered

Get Your Craft On at Today’s Creative Blog

DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land

Show and Tell at Blue Cricket Designs

Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage

Saturday Nite Special at Funky Junk Interiors

Have a blessed day!


  1. So, I decided I needed to give this blog thing a shot...I'm pretty excited about it. (And your lamp shades...adorable!) I love you! :-)

  2. They are so cute! Love them

    Here's a great giveaway. Nothing to do but comment.

  3. Love those lamps!

    I'm coveting the bedding.



  4. Oh my goodness-LOVE these! So Pottery Barnish! They were cute without the numbers, but the numbers just make them pefect! Good job :)

  5. They came out great!! Good job!!

  6. Nice job! I love your boys' bedroom. It looks like it came from the pages of a magazine. Lisa

  7. Wow, the lampshades turned out super cute.!!

  8. I just stumbled upon your blog from another blog (couldn't tell you which one it was) and I'm so glad I did! I love doing the stuff that you do on here and you have totally inspired me! I have a couple of pieces of furniture I have wanted to paint and after seeing what you have done, I'm planning ot start those projects ASAP! Thank you for the awesome inspiration!

    I'm also planning to try these burlap lampshades. My baby's nursery is vintage baseball and these would fit PERFECTLY!

    Thanks again!


  9. Loooove this project. I am a burlap lover too. It is one of the most versatile fabrics I have ever seen. This is such a sweet project. Great how-to pics and I know its not easy to take a pic and "model" the how-to, also. LOL Thanks for sharing! ~Barb

  10. Those turned out so cute. You did a great job.

  11. oooh I love these, thanks for sharing I'll totally be making my own

  12. Faaaaan-tastic! They look so good, no wonder your boys love them.
    I am on a bit of a craft kick at the moment myself so am on the lookout for quick easy ideas and this one will definitely be used in the very near future!

  13. Your lamps turned out so cute! It's great that you didn't have to spend much to redo them.

  14. They look fabulous! I am back in the U.S. (from Germany) for a short visit ... my list to the fabric store includes burlap! Your burlap projects have inspired me!

  15. What delightful little lamps! Oh how I love the room you have slowly evolved for your boys. It makes me embrace the idea of putting together Thurgood's big boy rooom. I am holding onto the sweet nursery as long as possible.


  16. Traci, those are adorable!! I have a couple of lamp shades that need some help and this is great inspiration to get moving on that project!! Thanks so much for sharing and have a great day! :)

  17. wow Traci, those are great! so PB too! love them!

  18. They're absolutely perfect for their room!
    You have inspired me to change out a similiar light, I will post when i complete it. Thanks for sharing! Sue

  19. Perfect combo...burlap and numbers. Love that!

  20. Looks great why were those numbers chosen?


  21. Those look great! Thanks for the idea...with moving into our new home this spring I'll be redoing our boys rooms. This is a fabulous idea I will be using. We hope to be finding out here soon if I'll be for the first time going to get to do a girl's nursery, or another little boy's nursery. Either way we're just so thankful and excited for our new house we're building and this new blessing on the way.
    Thanks again for the idea.
    Blessings, Fine Linen

  22. Okay, I am loving this. I think I will cover one in my son's room and stencil his baseball number on it! He is 17 but I think he would "get" it! Plus, he is used to me doing stuff like that! lol

    Great job!

    Lou Cinda

  23. Oh, they look fantastic!
    Love the rustic look of burlap. to check out those other projects you mentioned...

    Kimberly :-)

  24. They look just super. I love them. What a great idea. Hugs, Marty

  25. Fantastic Job, Traci!! Everything you touch is magic!!


  26. Traci, I love the lampshades! What a good idea! I really like the numbers too!

  27. Love it. I recently covered a shade in burlap myself. I love the added touch with the numbers! Great idea and they look great!

  28. They look great. I was laying in bed this morning and was thinking of something similar to do with a lamp my mom gave me. Thanks for good instructions once again.

  29. These look wonderful, Traci! I love them! And you've inspired me. . . there's a lamp I've kind of been wanting to make, but I doubted my ability to find a good lampshade without spending lots of money for one. HA! Now I know I could just make a lampshade however I want to!

    Now I have two questions: (1) Why did they choose those numbers? We have a thing for numbers at our house. For instance, we love the number 18, which is Peyton Manning's number. (2) Do the boys keep their room that neat? It looks wonderful!

    Hope you're having a great week!

  30. I've got to get some burlap, all these wonderful projects and me with no burlap!!!

  31. Love this! And 10 is my guy's favorite number. :)

  32. K I love the lamps but am in love with the shelves and going to hobby lobby soon to look for them...will have to make 3 of them but think all three boys will be totally amazed...and I still have tons of paint from everyones rooms.
    Awesome job!

  33. Traci-I just spent the weekend envisioning a burlap lamp I'm doing it for sure! Great looks fab!

  34. I love these! I'm definitely adding to my to do list for my boys' rooms!

  35. The lamps came out great, Traci! Darling idea to have them pick out the numbers. Their room is too darling! Great work!


  36. Wonderful. SO glad I came across your blog. Thanks for the fun!

  37. Wow- they look great and your boy's room is adorable. Thanks for the great tutorial on this!

  38. How creative, they look great!

  39. Oh, I just love the "new" shades! The addition of the numbers is perfect.


  40. These look great and I love their bedding. Off to see how you made the collectors shelves!

  41. I am an amazazing Goodwill Stalker, but I would have squealed out loud when I saw those lamps! I just paid $100.00 a piece for mine! AAArrrraghghg!!!

  42. Hello, I was just looking for little boy room ideas. I love what you've done with your boys' room and your entire house. I am overwhelmed by the creativity of others. So anyway I just wanted to tell you that after finding your room I went to Better Homes and Garden's website and found something you might find interesting... hope that gets you there. If not, I just want to say someone must read your blog from their magazine.


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