Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fabulous Followers!

Just wanted to share with you one very BIG reason why I love doing this blog…


I love the feedback and comments I get from you each day.  You make me smile.

Recently I got a couple of emails from two sweet gals that wanted to share with me some of their creations.

The first one is Jill.  She saw my post about how to make a pillow out of a placemat I got at the Dollar General Store.  You can read about my tutorial HERE

My pillow looked like this….


I paid two dollars for my placemat, but she got hers  after Christmas for one buck! 

She sent me a couple of pictures that I wanted to share with you.  I said in my post that I think my pillow would look great monogrammed, but I didn’t know how to use my machine yet.

Well, Jill does…

bags 017

Didn’t she do a great job?  I love it, Jill!  Thanks for sharing it with me! 

bags 016

The next sweet lady I want to tell you about is  Amy.  She is crazy about burlap like me!  She saw my tutorial on the burlap tablecloth I made for my guest house.  You can read about it HERE.


She shared the idea with her mom.  And let me tell you, she has one awesome mama!  Look what she made for her daughter…


Ooooh-la-la….I love it!  Aren’t those zebra print pillows just adorable?

You are not going to believe what else her mama made her….

Burlap placemats! 

And you are going to be pea-green with envy when you see what else she made…

A burlap tote bag…oh, mama-mia!

Amy, please let your mama know she is welcome to stay at my guest house anytime!

You can check out Amy’s cute little blog at  All Things Home.

Thank you, ladies, for sharing your pictures with me.  It brought me great delight!

If anyone else has made something from inspiration you have received on my blog, just let me know and I will share it too!

Have a blessed day!


  1. Great projects! I love the monogram and zebra pillows! Lisa

  2. It's so great to see what others have done. What an inspiration your blog is!

  3. I LOVE your blog...your talents...your ideas. Thank you for providing me inspiration to sew again. :)


  4. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing. This post was really nice.

  5. Ah Traci- The only way you can have great followers is to be a great leader. And you are dear lady. You inspire others to do great things in their life.
    Thanks for sharing your creativity with all of us.

  6. I love the burlap tote bag and the monogram on the placemat pillow really puts it over the edge. Doesn't it feel good to be such an inspiration to all of us. Although, I am a little mad at you because I can't stop thinking about those roman shades out of the wood blinds. You've added one more project to my list! :)

  7. I found your blog recently and have had a lot of fun looking around! You have done some fabulous projects and house remodeling. And you have amazing style! I just redid a chandelier for our dining room that is shaped almost exactly like yours. I was about to buy one for $150 but couldn't make myself do it, and then I found a brass one at the Humanity store yesterday, painted it and had it hung in just a few hours! I used your as my inspiration. :) And we have your dining room rug in our family room!
    Anyway, thank you for your blog! I look forward to reading more!
    P.S. can you tell me where to find where you wrote about your cabinet paint color? I am going to be painting ours and, once again, yours are the inspiration! I love the white you chose. But now I can't remember what color it is! Thanks!
    Megan at

  8. You make me want something burlap and you know I don't want to go there but if you can mix it with zebra print I'm in!
    Love you!!!

  9. Loved the projects, thanks for sharing them with us. I'm looking for ideas on a simple slip cover for a love seat. We down sized our couch and using a blue love seat for now that is older, not the best with my colors. Not sure if you have done anything like this. Have been enjoying your blog, what talent you have!

  10. Traci, it's so good of you to share the love here! Thank you for doing this!

    I was out of town and completely out of touch this past week, so I'm enjoying getting caught up on my favorite blogs. I love the new shade you made for your office!

    Hope you're having a great MLK weekend!

  11. ~Ah! What a pretty pillow and tablecloth Traci!

    I just love the blogs and friends you mentioned.
    They are just wonderful!

    Many Blessings, ~Melissa :)


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