Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wall Decor

As you know, my office has been giving me decorating “fits” for the past few weeks.

I think I have finally made a window treatment I can live with, and I have finished accessorizing for the most part.

So in the spirit of decorating, I thought I would show you some beautiful ideas for wall decor from two of my sponsors, Red Letter Words and Leen, The Graphic Queen.

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First, I want to share with you some more of Dee’s beautiful wall art from Red Letter Words.

These prints display one of my favorite scriptures, Jeremiah 29:11,12.  What a wonderful reminder to see on your wall each day!


I love all of these…they come in different types and sizes so be sure to check out her website to see them all.

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Wouldn’t these look good in my black and white office?…212_360

And I couldn’t resist sharing a little “pink lovely” with you.  I think this would be adorable hanging in a little girl’s room…


And yet another one of my favorite scriptures…Proverbs 3:5,6.  I have clung to this promise many times in my life!


Be sure to stop by Red Letter Words to check out even more of Dee’s inspiring creations!


Now for another type of wall decor that is equally beautiful, check out these vinyl wall decals from Leen, The Graphics Queen.


I love this monogram!  That would be beautiful in any room!


Who can resist this sweet little bird?…


What little princess wouldn’t want this personalized castle in her room?….


Or for your precious little one…..aaaahhhh…..


This one made me laugh….I definitely have some monkeys in my house!  Four to be exact!  :)


“Amen!” to this one….


And there are so many more!  Leen’s beautiful wall art was even featured on a HGTV show this past week!

You can visit her website or her blog to check it all out.

Do you have a wall space in your home that could use a little inspiration?

Please visit both of these great sites for some wonderful ideas.

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Thanks for stopping by! 


Friday, February 26, 2010

Wanna grow your blog?

If you dream of growing your blog, you need to read this.

One of the sessions at BlissDom was called “Connecting with your Community of Readers.”

And one of the fabulous speakers at that session was Laurie from Tip Junkie.


I had the privilege of meeting her, and she is fabulous inside and out!  She’s the cutie in the dark green shirt in the front row.


For all of you that didn’t get to go to BlissDom, Laurie has taken the time to write out all of the helpful information that was shared in the session, “Connecting with your Community of Readers”.

I have read through it and LOVE it.  She shares so many helpful tips and ideas of how to connect with your readers, many of which I am going to try and implement.

So I wanted to share the links with you. 

There are three parts….LOTS of helpful information. 

Take the time to read them. You won’t be disappointed.

Connecting with your Community of Readers:


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Thank you, Laurie, for taking the time to share all of this great information with us!

Have a great day, everyone!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Third time’s a charm!

Oops. I did it again!

I made another window treatment for my office.


If you are keeping count, which I am trying not to, that’s window treatment #3 in just a couple of months.

Yes. I am bordering on completely insane.

But I am very pleased with the results, and I am announcing here in front of everyone, “I will not make another window treatment for this office for at least a year. I promise.”

My office is the smallest room in my house, yet it has given me the biggest headache!

I just couldn’t get the look I was after, but I am as close as I am gonna get.

I. am. done.

Here’s where my office began…shortly after Christmas…



It took a couple of weeks to “decrapify” (as TDC says) my office.

Then I made this Roman Shade using my faux wood blinds, and I got this…


Double Yikes! Not liking it at all. Especially with my yellow walls that I hadn’t painted yet.

So I painted the walls my favorite color, Khaki Shade by Sherwin Williams and made another window treatment (#2).

Tutorial HERE.


Better, but I wasn’t liking the ribbons. Don’t know why. They just weren’t jivin’ with me. Too cutesy? Too girly?

I was trying to accessorize the rest of the office, but I could not get pass the window treatments. They were just plain buggin’ me.

So I used a similar procedure and made one more window treatment with some black material from Hobby Lobby. (#3)


Phew! This is more what I was after!

I am still playing with the accessories. I need a lamp shade, but not sure what style to get. The lamp was my mom’s. It was a cream color and I spray painted it white.

I think I like the “blessings” sign over the window. Is it too much? Do you think it would look better without it? Be honest. I am a big girl….I can take it. :)

I have to use a flash when taking pictures of my office because without it, it looks like this…


Does anyone know if there is a setting on a camera that reduces the glare of a window without using the flash?

Anyway, I have finally finished accessorizing my shelves. I am not moving another thing! Did I say I am done with this room? Done.

All of my accessories are things I had around the house.

I have had the two flower prints for a few years. My mom printed them off the internet for me, and I put them in black frames. Instant artwork.


I couldn’t find anything to put on the first shelf. So I stuck these empty frames up there, and I kind of liked it.

Then I kept layering them with the little tile that I made a couple of months ago, and a little stick ball thingy that was Mom’s.


I LOVE my burlap covered books. I knew I was going to use them in my office. They were so easy to make. You can read about them HERE.

The little bird was my mom’s. Love it.


More of my burlap books, mom’s little white vase, and her red “blessings” tin…


I hung my burlap board on this wall. You can learn how to make one yourself by watching my first video tutorial. (Or buy one from my Etsy shop.)

I got the white basket from Goodwill last summer. It was $1.50 and an ugly green color. I spray painted it white. Easy.


The plate holder on the wall was my mom’s. I put a white plate in it for now. I am going to get a smaller white plate with maybe a monogram?


I love the little horse and carriage silhouette I found at Goodwill for 50 cents. I just fell in love with it. I am contemplating painting the frame black, what do you think? (Yes, it’s hung with a push pin right now…see it?)


Two last things I want to do in here:

1) Cute little chandelier.

2) A chair I can re-do. I would love to find an old ugly dining room chair at Goodwill and turn it into this….

of course in white…


Well, that’s it. I’m D-O-N-E.

Is there a room in your house that has given you decorating nightmares too?

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

No tears this week, I promise.

Last week, I wrote about Mom and Dad’s anniversary which made a lot of us cry, especially me.  But I am so thankful that I have this blog to document their love.  I can’t wait for my boys to read it when they are older, so they can see the value of a committed marriage.

I LOVED reading all of your comments.  You have no idea how much they mean to me.  Many of you have parents with similar love stories and anniversaries.  It was beautiful to read. 

Thank You.

I have said before that Mom used to write for our local town newspaper about 20 years ago.

I remember her working on her recipes at home.  She was so cute!

Each week she would be “stressing” over what recipes to include in her article.  Many times we were her “guinea pigs” trying out her recipes. 

At first, her column in the paper just included the recipes.  But then she suggested to the editor that they add pictures to her column.  The editor agreed, and then Mom became a “food photographer” as well.

Many times I remember her taking pictures of our food on our plates before we began eating.   Hmmmm…..that sounds a little like us bloggers, doesn’t it?

I remember her setting up the table for each picture.  If it was around a holiday, she would add decorations to go with the theme.

Sometimes her pictures would include members of our family, or a friend from work, or props from around our house.

The picture for today’s column that I am sharing with you makes me smile.

That is our kitchen counter, Mom’s black purse, and her cute little keys.  Precious. 

The note she wrote says, “Potluck supper at the Gillum’s tonight! 7:30”

Doris Gillum was Mom’s life-long best friend.  She loved Doris.  She used to tell us stories of funny things they would do together as young wives and mothers.  They were best  friends for over 40 years! God truly blessed them with a very special friendship.

Instead of writing out Mom’s article, I decided to scan it.  I think it is more fun to actually see the article.

I love all of these recipes, especially the hash brown casserole.  It is soooo delicious.  I make this for every church potluck or family gathering that I go to.  Except instead of using the bag of hash brown potatoes and a large onion, I use the Ore Ida Potatoes O’Brien which has red and green peppers already mixed in it.  Delish!  I also like to sprinkle buttered corn flakes on top of my casserole for some extra “crunch”. 

I hope you enjoy these recipes!






Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!


Monday, February 22, 2010

Candle Makeover

I spent the weekend on several projects, but unfortunately none of them turned out quite the way I had hoped.

So I will be tweaking them this week and hopefully sharing them with you soon.

In the meantime, I will share with you a fun little project I tried last week.

I got my inspiration from a magazine I was flipping through at a bookstore.

It was a picture of a grouping of candles covered in sheet music.

I went off to Hobby Lobby to buy some candles and scrapbook paper.

I was hoping to find some sheet music scrapbook paper, but they didn’t have any.

So I chose a paper that looked like script writing.


I also got some brown ribbon, but ended up not using it.

First, I covered the back of the paper with ModPodge.


Then I wrapped the paper around the candle and trimmed the excess. When it was mostly dry, I added another layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper.


Then to give it more of an “aged” look, I added a layer of Valspar Mocha Glaze with a paper towel.


I had three candles. One tall one, and two medium ones.


I wanted them to all be different sizes, so I cut the bottom off of one of them with my electric knife.

Yup. I did.


That little electric knife was “going to town” but was having trouble cutting all the way through the candle.

So I had to get out the “big dog” and finish it up.


Oh….the crafty wisdom I share on this blog!

Okay. Maybe not the best method. But I got the result I wanted. I stuck them in the wooden fruit stand I made last week to see what they would look like.


The candles in my inspiration picture from the magazine had cute little ribbons hanging from them.

I tried several different ribbons, but couldn’t get the look I was after.

So a resorted to my old friend, Mr. Burlap.

I thought I took a picture of the next step, but I couldn’t find it.

I took my tan burlap and spray painted it black. I’ve never tried this before, so I was feeling rather brilliant for coming up with the idea.

I love burlap. I love black. I love black burlap!

Then I cut a strip of the burlap and wrapped it around my candles.


But it needed something more.

So I took the “Spare Parts” that I had left over from my Magnet Board tutorial, and added a little bling.



I think I like it better with the bling.


I am not totally blown away with the results, but I am blown away with how easy it was to do.

I started thinking about how cute it would be to wrap candles in a damask print or an animal print. There are so many different types of scrapbooking paper that you could find something to match the decor in any room in your house. You could embellish the candles with just about anything…monograms, jute string, ribbons, charms, etc.

Let me know if you try this and send me some pictures. I know you ladies will come up with some beautiful ideas!

I am linking this project to:

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Make your Monday at Twice Remembered

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts

Get your Craft On at Today’s Creative Blog

DIY day at A Soft Place to Land

and more to come.

Have a blessed week!


Check out my new Sponsor!
