Monday, February 8, 2010

BlissDom Wrap Up

All I can say is…Oh My Goodness!!!

Ladies, I had a ball!  An absolute ball!

I didn’t really know what to expect when I got to Blissdom.  And to be honest, I was scared to death to go to the opening ceremony by myself.  I couldn’t help but think, “What in the world am I doing here?'”

But right off the bat, I met Rhoda (Southern Hospitality).  My mom’s favorite blogger (and mine).  And she put my mind at ease.  She was gracious and kind, and so welcoming to this new little blogger. 


She kind of took me under her wing that weekend and made sure that I was a part of the “home decor” blog family.  I truly don’t know what I would have done without her! 

Thank you, Rhoda!

And if that wasn’t enough, I met THE Layla, from The Lettered Cottage.


Yep.  It was pretty amazing. 

We all know and love Layla.  And if you met her in person, you would love her even more.  She has a beautiful spirit about her.  I think I could have talked to her for hours.

And I even dissed my sister for lunch when Rhoda and Layla asked me to eat with them.  Are you kidding me?  I love ya, sis, but it was Rhoda and Layla!  I was in blog heaven!

Of course, my sweet sister understood.  Gotta love her.

Here’s a picture I borrowed from Rhoda.  Sitting to my left is Sandy, from Reluctant Entertainer.  And to my right, Layla, and Melissa, from Drop that Baby Weight.


Sandy was such a blessing to me.  We instantly connected.  I think we look like sisters, don’t you?  :)

Sandy was also an angel to me that weekend.  She would save me seats and hang out with me during the breaks.  I felt so special!  What a blessing it is to call her my friend.

Love you, Sandy!

(This photo collage was from Layla.  Her pictures turned out way better than mine.)

In the bottom left  picture is Melissa…such a beautiful girl!  And the vivacious Kate from Centsational Girl, and Rhoda.

Kate was so much fun to hang out with.  She has such an energetic spirit about her.  And she’s quite sexy too, don’t ya think?

You go, girl!


And of course, I had to meet the ever so famous, Sarah, from Thrifty Decor Chick.  Yes, I was stalking her.

I talked to my ten year old son on the phone Friday night, and you know what he said?  “Hey Mom, have you met the Thrifty Decor Chick, yet?”

I laughed out loud!

Oh goodness, what have I done to my family?!


I couldn’t wait to tell him I met her…and got a picture to prove it!  I’m a lucky gal!

And Sarah is just precious.  So easy to talk to.  I lurve her!  (As she would say.)  :)

Here are the other amazing women I had the opportunity to meet…

Kimba, from A Soft Place to Land, was so, so, so, so sweet!  There’s no way you couldn’t love this girl!  She was one of the speakers at BlissDom and did a fabulous job!


I was so excited to meet Nester, from The Nesting Place (on the right).  She is just plain cool!  Check out  her shoes!

And sweet Melissa, from The Inspired Room (on the left).  Melissa emailed me before the conference and told me to find her.  She even gave me her phone number to text her.  She has no idea how much that meant to me!  She’s a doll.


Wow!  What a weekend!

I still haven’t come down from the clouds.

Oh yeah, I did attend the conferences.  And I did learn a lot. 

But as you can tell, the highlight for me was meeting so many amazing ladies.

I can’t wait til next year!

Thanks for letting me share all of my BlissDom fun.

And  I want to thank my precious sister for coming along with me.  She didn’t attend the conference, but enjoyed hanging out at the Opryland Hotel. 

I treasured my time with her!  She’s the best.


You can visit her blog, HERE.

And a BIG thank you to all of YOU for all of your sweet comments and for sharing in my excitement about BlissDom.  You rock!


  1. I've seen your pics all over the blogsphere...looks like you (and everyone!) had a terrific time :)

  2. Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaattttt is Blissdom??? I am having palpitations ova hea! Why haven't I heard of this? How can I call myself a blogger? I'm so ashamed and and and speechless! How could I not know what this is? I don't live in a cave or under a rock! I gotta know. I wanna know. Every detail. How do you get to to? Is it invite only? Is it open to any blogger? I'm so sorry Traci, but ya gotta tell me - spill spill spill!!!!

  3. Good for you, Traci!! I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. What a great occasion!

    And isn't it wonderful to learn that these women are really who they seem to be on their blogs? They're not phony--they're real! Now that's bliss!

  4. It was so great meeting you Traci!
    I loved looking through your photos!
    (Although that first photo of me is horrible!)

    I hope I get to see you (and have lunch with you) again next year!

    Layla :-)

  5. Wow - you met all the rockstars of Blogland. What a fun weekend. Can't wait to hear more about what you learned.

  6. It was so nice meeting you. You are just the cutest thing!

  7. I'm loving seeing all the recaps of everyone's trip to Blissdom. Looks like you had (a much needed) great time! AND o.m.g., I heard Harry was there...swoon!

  8. You're so pretty, Tracey, and what a great smile you have! I'm more interested in who was there than what the conference was about, so I'm glad so many of you shared pictures today. What a blast it must have been! I know it was great just seeing a lot of my favorite bloggers all together in person in these pictures.

  9. How exciting! Looking through your pictures, I'm as giddy as though I went! I'm so happy you got to meet the "rockstars of blogland" {good one HouseMama}


  10. Great pictures!!!! Looks like a fun time was had!!

  11. How fun! Traci you look gorgeous and so happy!
    Thank you for sharing your photos and amazing adventure with us.

    ~Blessings to you and yours. ~Melissa :)

  12. Oh, soooo happy you had so much fun! The pics are great, and you deserved every minute of this special trip. =)

  13. So much fun! I never talk myself into going and when I see everyones pictures I am always sad I am not there!

    Next time!!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Can't wait for you all to start sharing all your learned. :)


  15. What a great time. I would love to meet these great blogging ladies. Although, I would be afraid of tripping all over myself with the excitement.


  16. I'm so glad you got to go and what a sweet sister you have! I'll bet getting to go to Blissdom 2010 was right up there with something you can check off your bucket list. Priceless.

  17. It was so nice having lunch with you on Saturday! What a joy you are. I can't wait to dive into your blog. :)

  18. So happy you had a wonderful time. I know that was good for you.

    I feel like I am looking at movie stars when I see all of your photos. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Traci, I loved meeting YOU too! You're such a doll and so genuine, it shows through instantly. And you're beautiful to boot. So glad you came to the conference & we all got to hang out together. xoxo

  20. I so loved seeing the Blissdom photos. Everyone looks so pretty and just as I imagined. Maybe next year I will be there!!


  21. awwww you do have a great sister and she's so pretty too! Hehehe

  22. Great pictures and even better memories! It was so awesome to meet you, sweet lady. See you again next year!

  23. Hello there-
    I saw you on the Reluctant Entertainer...we have become friends through blogging and I have never been to your I came by!

    Very cute! It looked like a great convention!

    sandy toe

  24. I loved meeting you! You have the best heart and an amazing story!

  25. Traci, it was such an absolute pleasure to meet you my dear. You are lovely, inside and out. Tell your son HELLO!!!

  26. Looks like fun :)! Thanks for sharing your pics with all of us. It's nice to see all of our favs "up close and personal".

  27. I heard about this last week. It sounded like it would be so much fun too, through you we get to see it was!! Wow, you and so many other amazing bloggers were there. You all look so glam in the photos.

    p.s. I hope you got some goodwill thrifting time in there, all Tn goodwills had 50% off this past Saturday! And also Oprymills Mall has some greta shopping :o)

  28. I have just gotten so excited seeing everyone's pictures of meeting eachother at the conference! It's like the 'blogland online family' finding eachother in real life. It makes me so happy, I don't even know why. I'm so excited for you! And by the way, how do you stay so gorgeous?!

  29. Thanks for sharing!! Looks like you all had a blast!!!

  30. How awesome is all of this?!?

    I'd also love to hear what you got out of the convention itself. Some of us may never get there so this is our only chance. :)


  31. It looks like a lot of fun! Let us know some of the fun things you learned from all those celebrity bloggers! :)

  32. Great pictures... it looks like you all had SO much fun!! Can't wait to hear what you learned from the conference... besides how cool all these great ladies are! :) I hope you can share a bit about that!

  33. I follow your blog, sat at the same table with you for 2 sessions and didn't get the chance to say hi. So I'll do it now, HI!

  34. Tracey,

    It looks like you all had a wonderful time and a great learning experience. I just posted about the conference I attended in NJ this past weekend. Harry was at that one too!



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