Friday, February 5, 2010

I won! I won! I won!

How did I get my ticket to Blissdom?

Well, remember that writing contest at Skimbaco Lifestyle that I entered?  Whoever had the most comments on their post won a ticket to Blissdom.  I had 192 comments left on my post!!!

And came in second place.  Yup, second.

Layla, at The Lettered Cottage, won the contest.  She had over 600 comments!  Ya’ll probably all know her, who doesn’t?  I love her blog, and she definitely deserved to win.  (Maybe I will get to meet her!)  :)

If you didn’t get a chance to read my post, you can click HERE.

I was supposed to write about how I live life to the fullest.  I shared how my mom taught me to live life to the fullest by counting my blessings everyday.

So today I am counting 192 of my blessings!  One for each of the sweet comments that were left on my post.  I was overwhelmed by all of your wonderful comments about my mom and my blog.  I was brought to tears as I read them. 

Even though I didn’t win the contest, I won something of much greater worth…your love and encouragement.  You can’t put a price tag on that!

Thank you for taking time to write a comment.  I feel so blessed to be a part of each of your lives.

So how did I get a ticket to Blissdom?

Well, it broke my dad’s heart that I didn’t win a ticket.  He knew how badly I wanted to go.  And he knew that Mom would want me to go too.  So he called me a couple of days later and told me he wanted to buy me a ticket.  How precious is he?

We almost didn’t get a ticket, (that’s a whole other story), but we finally did. 

I have never felt so loved!  My cup runneth over.

My sister came with me to Blissdom.  She’s not attending the conference.  She’s going to get her “shopping” on while I get my “bliss” on!

Here we are before we left…

(No, we did not plan on dressing in the same colors!  Great minds think alike!)


Here’s my hot sister inside the Opryland hotel…


Here I am waiting for my sister to figure out how to use my camera.  She didn’t do so well….


And here I am in our room.  No kids in my bed tonight!  :)


Well, it’s time to get some sleep.  I’ve got a busy day tomorrow.  I will try to update you on my facebook page.

I will also be announcing the winner of my Just Simply Southern giveaway tomorrow.  It may be a little later in the day when I get a break.



    d from homehaven

  2. Hope you have a blast! Enjoy Blissdom and your sister!

  3. That is so very sweet of your dad! What a thoughtful & caring guesture!

  4. So sweet Traci!!! This post made my heart happy! -Ashley

  5. Congrats on going to Blissdom! Have a great time! Lisa

  6. Such a cool testimony!! And the BEST that you get to go away with your sis. Some of my sweetest memories are special times with my sis. Enjoy EVERY moment. We can't wait to hear ALL about it!!!! Yay for you!!!

  7. Traci, I'm so glad! Bless your sweet dad's heart--that was so good of him. And he's right: your mom most definitely would have wanted you to go. I hope you and Cyndi have a wonderful time at BlissDom. It'll be fun to hear all about it!

  8. It made my heart smile to see you and your sister get away for a bit. Aren't daddies the greatest?

  9. Awww, what a sweet thing for your daddy to do...hope you have loads of fun!


  10. What a sweet daddy you have. Don't you just love how God works things out? I am so glad you are there at Blissdom and you have an added bonus of spending some down time with your sister.

  11. I'm so glad that you were able to go! Your dad is such a sweetheart! Have fun and keep us posted!

    Lee Laurie

  12. traci, that is awesome!!!! i hope you and your sister have a great time. you all deserve a get away so enjoy every minute of it. your daddy is the sweetest thing...what a blessing!!!! love you!

  13. You and your sister look beautiful!! Congrats on 2nd place! That is awesome!! I updated my blog with my Lisa Leonard necklace, I recieved it last week. I love it!!
    It is in my lastest post near the bottom.

  14. Your original post brought tears to my eyes. I wish I knew your mother personally...she would have made a great friend. I want to be like her, especially as a mom. I am so thankful that you won!

  15. Congratulations! You are most deserving of the tickets, Dad's are the greatest.

    This will give those ladies the opportunity to love on ya.

    I can't wait to hear what goodies your sister finds too.

  16. This post brougnt tears to my eyes!

    I hope you have the best time and I can't wait to hear about it!

  17. Oh Traci I am so excited for you!! And yes your Mom would have wanted you to go and I'm sure she
    is watching over you and your sister right now!!!! Enjoy and God Bless you and your family. Love and Light Susan

  18. What a gift from both of your parents! It is so sweet for your Dad to send you this weekend...for time with other bloggers and time with your sister. And so sweet that your Mom was able to show you this "world." Thank you for sharing your talents with the rest of us. Have a great weekend! I think your Mom is pleased knowing you are there.

  19. Hi Traci! You and your sister are so beautiful! Have a ball, Dear One!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. Wow.. beautiful sisters! Aren't Dads the greatest. They will go to great lenghts for their little girls. I know mine does! :)
    Have a fab time and enjoy your bed without the kids. Mine likes to suggle up with us at 5am each morning.... :)

  21. Wow... you two make a beautiful pair! How fun that you went together... I am sure you will have a blast! Your dad is SO sweet! Can't wait to hear about the conference!

  22. I hope you girls have an absolutely wonderful time! One of my hightlights would be sleeping uninterrupted by children, but I'm sure the conference will be great as well. I hope I can go to one some time. Can't wait to see pics!

  23. I'm glad I got to meet you today, Traci! What a great story about how you got here. How wonderful that your sister came along with you, too. Hope to see you again next year! :)

  24. What a sweet story, and how much sweeter that your ticket came from your loving father. It is just an earthly reminder of our heavenly Fathers extravagant love for us. I am so happy for you. You are blessed.

    Cha Cha

  25. So glad you were able to attend Traci. Your father sounds like a very special person. You and your sister are both beautiful, and look so much like your mother. ♥

  26. Hi Traci, so neat to read you Blissdom story! It was so awesome to meet you in Nashville, see you again next year!


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