Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

Exactly one year ago this month, Mom introduced me to “blog world”.

She said, “Traci, have you ever been on any decorating blogs?”

And I think my reply was something like, “What’s a blog?”

Crazy, huh?!

She told me to write down these names and “google” them…

Southern Hospitality

Between Naps on the Porch

4 Reluctant Entertainers

Hostess with the Mostess

(and a few more.)

Well, that list of blogs sat on my desk for a few weeks. Every week, Mom would ask me if I had looked them up.


Then she would urge me to check them out. She knew I would just love them. She said they tell you how to paint furniture, how to decorate your house, how to make curtains, how to cook fabulous food and more!

One night, I was working on my computer, and I saw the list of blogs lying on my desk. I thought I would click on them real quickly so I could tell Mom that I finally looked at them.

Well, a few quick minutes turned into almost three hours that night! I couldn’t stop traveling all over blog land. I hopped from one blog to another amazed at all of the incredible inspiration out there!!!

I was hooked!

After looking at blogs for a couple of weeks, Mom started encouraging me to start my own blog. I thought she was crazy! What would I write about? But Mom kept encouraging me just like she always did, and I gave in.

Thus became Beneath My Heart.

Wow! What a year it has been!!! My life has been blessed by my blog in ways I could have never imagined!

Without a doubt, I have gotten more projects for my house completed this past year than I have in the past 10!

I have met so many amazing people who have blessed me with their prayers and words of encouragement.

And strangely enough, my blog became a very special bond between Mom and I during her last days with us.

When she became sick, there wasn’t a lot she could do because her legs were so swollen. She spent most of her time reading her Bible, watching sermons on t.v., and writing “thank you” notes to others.

But at night, when it was my turn to stay at Mom and Dad’s house, Mom and I would stay up and work on our computers. I would say, “Oh Mom, look at this blog!” And she would click other there. She would say, “Have you seen this project?” And I would click over to that blog. We would laugh and talk for hours.

I asked my brother to take a picture of us playing on our laptops one night to capture those special moments. (We had moved Mom’s bed into the den because she could no longer walk upstairs.)


Mom would tell me, “Traci, you keep doing your blog. I believe it has been really good for you.”

And she was right. And so I will.

Thank you, Mom, for encouraging me to start my blog. Thank you for always believing in me. Thank you for always teaching me to dream big with God. What a “gift” you have left me here on earth! I love you, Traci

Tomorrow, I will be leaving for Blissdom!

Blissdom Conference ~ Nashville ~ February 4-6 2010

I know Mom would be so very excited for me. I can’t wait to meet so many of my “blog friends”. Tomorrow I am going to share with you how I got my ticket!

Have a blessed day!


  1. Traci-Thanks so much for sharing the story and picture. It's almost as if she knew you would need it. It serves as yet another bond and link between the two of you. I love your Wednesdays!

  2. What a treasure your Mom gave you! It has opened up another world for me, too. My Mom has Alzheimer's and it has been very difficult slowly losing her to the disease. But I treasure all the time we have together because I know one day she will be gone. Can't wait to hear how you got your ticket to Blissdom! Have a great day!

  3. YOU GOT A TICKET!!!! WooHoo! Can't wait to hear all about it. Have a wonderful time. I will pray God's blessings on your time there. Tell Cy I'll help with the kiddos if he gets in bind!

  4. Traci, what a beautiful story of how your mom encouraged you to start your blog. I feel in a small way it was her way of seeing that you got the encouragement, love and support she wouldn't be able to continue. Mom's we continue to think of our kids and their needs when we have so many of our own. Love your blog, and love Wednesdays with Wanda.

    Thanks for sharing so openly and honestly.

  5. What a sweet post...and I hope you have a blast at blissdom!! I know you will!

  6. How precious. My mom and I are close too, even though she lives up in IN, and I am in FL...we chat on the computer alot.
    Wish I were going to Blissdom. Maybe next year.


  7. Morning Tracei!
    I am so very glad you are able to go to Blissdom. I am also glad you decided to join the blog world. You have blessed so many of us with your sweet spirit and wonderful projects that you share.
    Safe travels to Blissdom.
    P.S. I always enjoy Wed. with Wanda. It's so nice to see a pic of you and your mom doing something you both enjoyed.

  8. Such a special bond between you and your mom. She truly was a very loving and uplifting and encouraging person. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  9. Traci..
    Beautiful story!
    beautiful memories..
    Have a super time at Blissdom..
    Wanda will be with you..
    every step of the way!
    warm hugs..

  10. Traci,
    May you have a sweet February and God Bless,
    d from homehaven

  11. I ALWAYS love your Wednesday posts - from the heart and so meaningful. From a new bloggy friend far, far away ... I'm so glad you are doing what you do! Love Janine

  12. Love your Mom stories and so nice to see what a great bond you two shared.

    Pop over to my blog Lily's Pad and Petals for a Valentine GIVEAWAY,

  13. How neat that your mom discovered blogging. She probably spent many happy hours on her laptop. And thankfully she encouraged you because I and so many others enjoy your posts!

    If my mom and sister were still with us, I am sure they would be avid bloggers. I often think oh how much fun they would have had, especially Leslie because she is the one that got me hooked on the shabby chic style and transforming furniture. She was so creative and talented. She would have had a blast blogging!!

    Another great Wednesday With Wanda post. Your mom was a beautiful person!


  14. Hi Traci! Oh, what a sweet post and I love the picture of you and your mom blogging away! That alone would make you want to keep on blogging! I wish I known about your mom's blog! I know I would have loved her!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. I love the picture of you and your mom blog surfing! Such a precious memory...

    I am so glad you are getting to go to Blissdom! Can't wait to hear all about it!

    They will LOVE you!

    Have Mucho Fun!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  16. Moms know us well, don't they?

    Have a wonderful time at Blissdom. It certainly sounds like it will a fun, informative, memory making weekend. I live about an hour from Nashville, so I will be close by all of my new talented blogging friends. Have fun...


  17. Hi Traci! I don't have a blog at this time...but I just wanted to tell you thank you for the inspiration your blog has been to me. I ran across yours through another and I enjoy it so much!
    Many thanks and blessings to you!
    Terrell P

  18. You and I started at the same time...and like you spent hours and hours finding amazing blogs....So glad that I joined in and so glad that you did too....

  19. What a great story, Traci. I'm so glad you were a good girl and listened to your mother. She never steered you wrong, did she? And we're all grateful that you're part of the blogging community!

    Bless you this weekend--hope you have a wonderful time at BlissDom!

  20. Oh Traci what a wonderful and inspirational story about you and your Mom. Your so blessed to have had such a great Mom. I know cause I have one too!! Love ya...Susan in Georgia

  21. i just love your mom. thank you for sharing her with us on wednesday. (and ps i think it's funny that your mom introduced you to the blog world...too cute)

  22. Traci that is really wonderful!

    Your Mom is such a special lady. I really love the picture of you two blogging togther. It's so sweet! I know your Mom is watching how much you share your home and heart with us all and is smiling a big grin of approval.

    Have a great time at Blissdom! ~Melissa :)

  23. Traci,
    You are such a joy! Thank you for sharing this part of your life and memories with us!
    Dee Dee

  24. How touching. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Aww... what a very special memory that is to have. You two are so cute on your laptops in that photo! :) You were certainly blessed to have such an inspiring and encouraging mom!!

  26. Traci: count your blessing that you had a wonderful realtionship with your Mother. I don't have a good one with my own and there are far and few in between in having those special realtionship.

    I hope you will have fun at Blissdom. Makes me wish (almost) that I still have my blog up so that I would have an excuse to go! :)

    Have fun, Traci!

  27. Such a wonderful and sweet story, Traci. You are a darling for sharing it with us. I love the photo of you and your mom with your laptops!

    I hope you have a fabulous time at Blissdom! I can't wait to hear about it when you get back!


  28. I have only been blogging for about 6 months and have been following your blog for about that long. I love your blog and hearing about your mother. God is still using her and you to encourage all of us in blog world! What a great picture of you two!

  29. What a sweet post. Your mother sounds like such an amazing woman who has left you quite a wonderful legacy! Congrats on going to Blissdom!!! Have a wonderful time and be sure to capture everything so those of us who can't go (boo, hoo, hoo) can live vicariously through you! Safe travels.

  30. What a beautiful picture and memory of your mother. It's funny how moms know their children. Congrats on Blissdom...have a great time! Lisa

  31. Tracey, I am so glad your mom encouraged you to start a blog! You are very good at it and very inspiring to so many of us!
    What a treasured picture of you and your mom.

  32. Isn't blog world amazing!? I loved hearing the story of how your Mom encouraged you to start yours. I'm constantly telling just have to try'll love it! How precious that it turned out to be such a special shared gift between you and your Mom. So very glad she encouraged you to start (and continue) your blog! You're quite an inspiration to many!

    So happy you're heading to Blissdom! No doubt you'll have an absolute blast. Anxious to read how you got that ticket! Blessings!

  33. Looking forward to meeting you! It's a fun place!

  34. That is the best picture! And I am so glad that she introduced you to the world of blogging!

  35. I love your Wednesday's With Wanda! Blogs are so great! I so appreciate people like you who share so much with others! Hope your trip is refreshing! Thanks!

  36. Traci, I love your blog, and I wanted you to know you were an inspiration for me to start my own blog, just last week! Ha! I don't think anyone has seen it yet. I am a little scared to tell others that I am blogging since I am not sure if it will go anywhere. However, thanks for sharing that sweet memory. Your Mom must have know God would use your blog to take you to new places. Keep the post coming!

  37. That's really fun - to read how your mom encouraged you like that. I have to laugh, because my Mother-in-law calls mine; "your blahb!"... she can't hear very well. And so I guess that's what she thought it was the first time I really talked about it with her. And, so now of course it's turned into our little joke.

  38. Well what a great day to discover your wonderful blog! I've read through it all and have to say, you have a beautiful home and you are an extremely talented and creative gal! Can't wait to see more projects and read more thoughts ~

  39. What sweet memories and what a neat relationship you guys had. Thank you for sharing.

  40. Traci, I wish I could tell you how I found you but I think it was chance. I just read about how your mother encouraged you to start a blog and I just love that. I love the picture of you two on your computers. My sister encouraged me to start a blog in November. Our mother died in 2002 and I think she would be thrilled for me. Before she died we had talked about opening a shop because owning a business together was a dream. We loved to talk about decorating together. I still reach for the phone to tell her about a blog I found or a decorating idea. My sister and I are best friends and I know my mother would love that. Sometimes it takes a horrible tragedy to bring people closer.
    I feel like I was meant to follow your blog, thanks!



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