Monday, March 29, 2010

Armoire Re-do

First of all, I want to remind you of my very first linky party….


(Click on the button to see my original post about my party.)

I am sooooo excited. I hope you can come. :)

I can’t wait to see the “best” DIY projects in blogland during the month of March. All you have to do is pick your best DIY project related to home decor or home improvement and link it to my party.

Then after you link up your post to my party, be sure to visit 3 to 5 other blogs and check out their best DIY projects. (And don’t forget to leave an encouraging comment.) :) Let’s spread the love!

I will be using a new linky system called “inlinkz”. You will be able to pick a picture of your project from your post and add it to your link. It will look something like this….(I just added a bunch of links from my blog to give you an example.)


I think it is so much fun to see a “snapshot” of each link! :)

Please pray that it will work out. I am hoping to have the link up and running by Monday night at 9:00 p.m.

Hope to see you there!


Now to my latest project!

I have been working fast and furiously on my master bedroom re-do. I have gotten a lot done but still have more to do.

I wanted to share with you the entertainment armoire that I found for our bedroom.

As I told you before, I wanted to be able to hide the tv in our bedroom. To do this, I decided to try and find an entertainment armoire to re-do.

I searched at some antique malls and on Craig’s list, but had no luck. The ones on Craig’s list were all $200 to $300, and I didn’t want to pay that much. (Remember, I am doing my master bedroom re-do on a $700.00 budget.)

One day I ran into a Habitat store and saw this armoire…


I walked over to check the price and expected it to be way more than what I would have wanted to pay.

So you can imagine my surprise when I saw that it was only $40.00!!! I was so excited!

To be honest, it wasn’t exactly the style I was looking for, but for 40 bucks, I could learn to love it!

When I opened the doors, I quickly realized why it was only 40 dollars…

The back was gone!!


But that didn’t bother me or Eli one bit! That was an easy fix! (My 8 year old help me take these pictures.) :)


I called my honey and said, “Honey, I found an armoire for 40 bucks!”

He said, “Great!”

I said, “The back is gone.”

He said, “Oh.”

“Can you put a back on it for me?”


So I paid my forty dollars and took that baby home! :)

Here it is from behind…


My hubby applied wood glue to the edges…


And then used his staple gun to nail the new back on…


( 4 x 8 sheet of birch plywood - $18.00 at Lowe’s)

I also need some more storage space inside the armoire for baskets, so my hubby built some extra shelving. He used a 4 x 8 sheet of MDF board for the shelves since we were going to paint them. It cost approximately $ 15.00 at Lowe’s, but we only used a little of it. My husband used the leftover wood to make a work table for his garage.


Here are the products I used…


First I applied a liquid deglosser over the entire piece to prepare the surface for painting.

Then I primed the fronts of the armoire with KILZ. Technically, I should have primed the entire armoire for the paint to adhere properly. However, I knew that I wanted to sand down the edges of the armoire after I painted it. If I had primed the edges, the white primer would have shown through, and I didn’t want that.

So I didn’t prime any of the parts that I was planning on sanding. Again, this is my way, not necessarily the right way. :)


I did prime the insides of the armoire because I knew I would be painting them black.


I used my favorite Valspar paint in black satin to paint it.

Then I used a medium grit sanding sponge to sand the edges like this…


I love the way the cherry wood shows through.

Here it is in my room…

(I am sorry these pictures are not the best, but I think I had my camera on the wrong setting. Now it is nighttime and too late to take any good pictures.)


I love the way it turned out!

I just threw some things on top to take these pictures. :)

And I haven’t bought any handles yet. I am still trying to decide what type I want.


Here is the inside of the armoire…


I got the baskets at Gordman’s. They were 10 dollars a piece. We are using them to store socks and such.

I love the way the doors slide back into the armoire. And the tv is up good and high so we can see it perfectly from our bed! :)

We are using the bottom of the armoire to hold some of my husband’s clothing.

Here are the total costs:

Armoire - $40

Wood for back and shelves – approx. $25.00

Paint - $9.00

Baskets - $20.00

So the whole project cost me less than $100.00! Not bad.

I found this armoire at an antique mall a few weeks ago and almost bought it…


They were asking $375.00 for it. I think my armoire turned out just as nice, and I saved $275.00 by being a little creative!

So I used the money I saved to buy a little “bling” for my room!

Here’s a sneak peak...


Ooh-la-la…I love it!

Stay tuned for more of my master bedroom makeover!

I am linking this project up to…

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts

DIY day at A Soft Place to Land

Furniture Feature Friday at Mustard Seed Creations

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed day!



  1. Traci, it is GORGEOUS!! Oh you did an amazing job and I am gobsmacked at the price!!! You must be thrilled with it:) Loving that sneak peek of your bedroom bling too:) Can't wait to join your link party! Wishing you a wonderful week ~ Tina x

  2. What a great find and you saved so much money! Congratulations. I can't wait to see more of that master bedroom redo. :)

  3. I think it's fantastic and what a blessing at $40!! The hardware will make the piece- it's like jewelry for an outfit a friend told me once.

  4. Gorgeous!!! You and your hubby are a great team. And the price.....awesome!

  5. WOW! Another fantastic transformation. Patience is a virtue, and it certainly paid off for you. I wish my bedroom redo was coming along as well as yours, but you're certainly keeping me inspired and motivated to get it done.

    Can't wait to see what else is next on your "reveal list"!!!

  6. It turned out beautiful! I really love it and I adore the price! Nice job! Be blessed. Cindy

  7. Hey Traci, great job. Love how it turned out -- cute pix of you and boys too! :)

  8. Wow, what a great deal! With just alittle work it turned out wonderful!

  9. Great job, Traci! Love how you saved a ton of money and made it YOUR OWN! Yay! Cute pix of you and the boys, too. They are so darling! XO

  10. It looks wonderful, Traci! Aren't you glad you trusted your instincts that $375 was too much to pay for that armoire? I honestly think your creation is even better!

    I'm excited for you to be making such great progress on your bedroom. It's really fun to watch it all unfold. :)

    And once again--that Eli. You could just eat that boy with a spoon, couldn't you? My baby turns 13 today, and it seems just a few days ago he could have stood up inside an armoire!

  11. I am very impressed!! your armoire looks great!!
    good job!!!

  12. Great job with the armoire redo. I too love how the cherry shows through. Gives the armoire a nice patina.
    You have inspired me with this redo. I may never buy new funiture again. We are moving soon and I am so wanting to buy something to redo,but will have to wait till we get there.

  13. That is beautiful! You really have an eye for decorating! Want to come help on my house? :)

  14. Traci, you did such a fantastic job on it! It made me feel better to know you have a tv in your bedroom! So many decorating shows say to get rid of the tv in the master bedroom. I love my tv space, we have a love seat, and I love to snuggle with my hubby and watch tv. Sometimes the kids come in and we all end up watching tv in our room. I can't wait to see all the treasures you've found for your bedroom. I'm hoping to do mine this summer, so you'll be my inspiration!

  15. Great find, Traci! A missing back is nothing to fix up. It looks great black. You are doing so well with your budget!

  16. So Beautiful...I'm in love with those doors that slide back as my toddlers bang our around :-) Great job!! It turned out so pretty. I think yours is much more attractive than that really expensive one...good find!

  17. Wow! I looks gorgeous! I love the distressing.

  18. Traci, I have been following your blog for a while now. You have me so inspired. I am currently trying to redecorate our house on a SMALL budget. I recently painted our kitchen cabinets AND countertops. And we have just begun building some of our own furniture. I love all your ideas. Thanks for sharing! The armoire looks fabulous!!

  19. That is fabulous!! I am looking for an armoire also and didn't think about the Habitat store! I am going there this week. You have really inspired me!

  20. Oh I loved it! I loved the tutorial thanks for sharing. I have an armoire I want to paint but can't talk my Cowboy into it. He has no imagination. I'll have to show this to him!
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Very nice! I love the transformation! It looks great in black!

  22. Well Traci, I'm not surprised. You always manage to do amazing things with your great finds. I wish I had your vision! Thank you for your comforting words about Chloe. I appreciate it.

  23. What a great deal! And it turned out gorgeous!!

  24. Beautiful! I love how the TV just disappears!

  25. Your armoire looks gorgeous. We have one almost identical in our bedroom and I love the storage and the fact that the tv is out of sight. Love the black paint. Gorgeous. Can't wait to see your bling. Hugs, Marty

  26. Looks great! Hmm, it makes me want to paint my armoire :).

  27. It looks amazing! I can't believe how much you saved. Totally amazing. Can't wait to see the rest of your room makeover.

  28. Absolutely incredible, Traci!!


  29. Traci, that's amazing!! What a find! And then you did such a great job on it. It's perfect!!


  30. Wow Traci, inspiring as usual. I think you have divine intervention when it comes to finding these things!! :-) You teach us so much about how to work with what you've got (money, skills, and materials)!! I am learning every day about how to stretch my money further when it comes to decorating. It's actually liberating!

  31. I love it! Congrats on your amazing find!

  32. Beautiful job!! I love it!! That was a GREAT deal!!

    Can't wait to see more!

    Lou Cinda :)

  33. You did a fab job on it! :)
    Now two questions for ya:

    Question 1:

    How did you managed to paint it while you have 4 boys around? My 4 years old who lives with me (my oldest lives with his father) is a not the quiet one. I have to do my painting when my husband is home or when he goes to bed.

    Question 2:

    Did you leave the doors on while painting or take them off?

    I have a warerobe that needs to be painted and I am having a hard time trying to take the doors off.

    Again, wonderful job. Can't wait to see the complete redo! :)

    Kelly --

  34. My goodness, that's gorgeous ! I love that you chose black, how chic ! Fabulous makeover, stylish and savvy, dare I say, centsational !


  35. That turned out fantastic. The finish looks so smooth. Great job.

  36. Cute armoire! Love the remake!

  37. This looks fabulous! I just found your blog and love it!

  38. when are you coming to my house to organize and your magic?!~ i love it!!!

    also, have you gotten my emails? some have been returned to me so not sure i have the right address. but....I NEED YOUR HELP!

    plus, this is the third time i've tried to leave you a comment so if you receive this same comment multiple times i swear i'm not being overly's just a computer gliche.

    miss you! read your email! love, mia

  39. Beautiful! I've just discovered Gordman's and love that store! Only problem is it's 2 hrs away! Maybe that's a good thing....

  40. I like the latter find better than the pricier first one! Great work on the re-do. Love your blog.

  41. Oh my goodness!! That is the best find!!

    Looks beautiful!! =D


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