Monday, March 29, 2010

Best DIY Projects of March Party!

Welcome to my very first linky party!!!

I am so glad you are here. :) (My sister was afraid no one would show up!)

I’ve been wanting to have a party with you for a while, but didn’t have an idea for one that I liked.

I am too lazy to do a party every week, but once a month…I’m all over that!

And I wanted my party to showcase the BEST DIY Projects out there in blog land! So at the end of every month, let’s get together and show off our favorite projects.

You might have only finished one project during the month of March. If so, share it. Or you might be someone like Sarah, at Thrifty Decor Chick and have completed a gazillion projects during March. If so, you can pick your favorite or the one that your readers liked best. But we all can only share one. :)

And if March was not a good month for you and you have nothing to share, that’s okay too. You can still come to the party and visit other blogger’s great projects. Maybe you will have a great project to share at April’s party.

My best project of March was my brown burlap bed skirt I made for my master bedroom makeover. I will be linking it up to my party in case you missed it.

I like to talk a lot. Don’t you? And it sure is no fun to talk if no one is listening, don’t you agree?

So I want to encourage all of us who link up to “pinky promise” to visit 3 to 5 other blogs and leave encouraging comments. I have been guilty of linking up to parties and not visiting any other blogs at the party. That’s so not cool, I know. So lately, I haven’t been linking up to as many parties unless I have time to visit other blogs and leave comments.

The best thing about blog land is meeting other fabulous bloggers! And I have learned, the more people I visit…the more they visit me! So go out there and leave some comments, okay?! :)

I am using a new linky system. Your link will show a picture of your project. How cool is that?!

Click on the blue button that says, “Enter a link.”

You will want to enter the permalink to your post in the box that says “URL”. (Be sure it is the link to your specific post, not your blog address or I will have to delete it, and I don’t want to do that.)

Where it says, “Name”, enter the name of your project. You can add your blog name if you want, but you don’t have to.

Fill in your email address, click enter, and then it will take you to a screen that shows you all the pictures in your post. Select the picture you want to appear in your link, and you are finished!

I can’t wait to see all of your great projects! I will get around to as many of your blogs as I can. :)

Please be sure to go back and edit your post and add a link to my party, I would definitely appreciate it.


  1. Congratulations on your first link party! I can't wait to see all the BEST projects of March. Great idea for a party!

  2. Hurray! Been looking forward to this party :) I'm off to add your link to my post. I'll be back in the morning to check out some fabulous projects!

  3. What a fun party, I hope you keep it up every month! Thanks for hosting us, I can't wait to check out some of the links.

  4. Traci, what a great idea for a party, thanks for playing hostess !


  5. This is a fabulous idea! Just added my link. Thanks! Looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful projects. :)

  6. :) Such an awesome idea! Love the new linky!


  7. I am so happy you are doing a party. I am a faithful follower of yours. I think your party is a great theme.

  8. Thank you for hosting a fun party! Headed to check out some of these fun links :)

  9. I'm so glad I don't have to worry! This is going to be fun! Lot's of great ideas. Love ya!

  10. Hi Traci, thanks for hosting such a fabulous and inspirational party! I linked my bedroom chair makeover which is the one that helped us 'meet', so it is very special to me in more ways than one! Wishing you a wonderful week, I am off to visit some of the amazingly talented bloggers who have linked up here -so much inspiration, I love it! ~ Tina x

  11. Traci, turns out his is a fun party and there are some really great projects here. Thank you for hosting this. I'll keep my eyes open next month for the one I want to post. This is the first craft party I've ever linked to. I was a little shy about it, I don't know why. So I'm stepping out of my comfort zone a bit, thanks.

  12. Thanks so much for having us, Traci! I am so excited to see everyone's projects!

  13. Sooo fun doing this linky-thing! :)

  14. I love parties that highlight other bloggers! I think it's a great idea!

  15. oooh, I love seeing the thumbnail preview for each entry! this is going to be a great party.

  16. Great idea for a linky party! I am so excited to see all of the great projects.


  17. I love how you can see everyone's little icons. It makes it more fun!

  18. Great party! I've already gleaned several good ideas and plenty of inspriation from browsing through the linked sites. Thanks for hosting, Traci!

  19. Thanks for hosting such a gret party! I love the new linky with pictures, very cool!

  20. Awesome party idea! And love the picture linky thingmadooey! Two brand new ideas to blogland.. kudos!


  21. Thanks for hosting the party. I really like the new link system with pictures.

  22. Hi Traci!

    I haven't completed very many DIY projects in March, but I wanted to participate in your very first party! So I'm here with one of my little projects. Looks like you're having a very good turnout--congratulations! Now I'm off to visit some of the other participants' blogs. I love the way you made mingling a requirement of the party!

  23. What a great Party, so glad I found your blog. Lots of fun and great ideas. I'll be doing crafts today!

  24. What a great party!! Thanks so much for hosting it :) I'm excited to have found your lovely blog...I'm your newest follower! We share the same name....and are mommas to boys :) I have two....I can't even imagine how much fun it must be with 4!! You are most deifinitely a supermom~ :)

  25. I joined the party with a project I did in February (hope I won't get kicked out ;) I was away for half of March and injured for the rest - no time for new projects! I love the new linky thing!

  26. Thanks, Traci. This is gonna be fun! I just linked to your party. Can't wait to see everyone's projects for March! Hope you do this every month! It will surely motivate me to get more done! I love your burlap dust ruffle too!

    Love ya,
    Lee Laurie

  27. Great idea for a party, Traci. And I like seeing the little thumbnails but I thought I should mention that on my monitor I only see 4 rows of complete thumbnails and then just a tiny sliver of the photos in the far right column. If the 5th, 10th, 15th etc., person to link up doesn't get many visitors, maybe others can't see their thumbnails either.

  28. Traci, thank you for hosting! I've been looking forward to your Linky Party. Love this new style of Links with the pictures! Looking foward to linking up each month.

  29. Such a great idea! Thanks for letting us link up and I love looking at all the other crafty bloggers!
    Take care-

  30. Tracy, it looks like were missing the far right side of the entries! I just noticed that you can see numbers and words peeking out, but you can't see their links or photos!

  31. Hey, Traci! Great turnout at your party. I've linked up a post from last week on my salon wall. I like this new linky with the pics!

  32. I LOVE the look of this linky! Can't link anything this month because the only project I managed was purchasing a house. So looking forward to next month!

  33. I love the thumbnails, it really appeals to my "skimming" mentality. I found some great ideas and some great new blogs I hadn't seen before! I had a great time, thanks for having me!

  34. I love this idea for a party! Thanks for the mention my dear! :)

  35. Traci:

    This linky is so much fun! It is so neat to see a snapshot view, saves time, gives us an idea of the project, and just makes for a special way to view others projects.

    Good going!


  36. Thanks for hosting Traci~I am always SO surprised at how many talented women are out there! I am inspired beyond measure...and now I must find time to recreate some of these great things! Thanks again!

  37. Great party! Thanks for hosting, I hope you do it each month! :)
    I like the new link system with the pics... aren't we all visual people?

  38. Ummm....hello....104 links already?
    Doesn't your sister know who you are????
    And how many followers you have? :)
    Yeah! What a great party. I'm going to stop harassing your sister and finish looking at everyone's fabulous projects.

  39. FABULOUS PARTY!!!!!! From the tile pics to the once a month are brilliant. Thank you for the opportunity.


  40. I haven't had time to put the finishing touches on my project. I might have to pass this month and join in on the fun next month!!
    I look forward to seeing everyones projects!!

  41. I am so inspired by all the talented folks out there. Love the linky system with the pictures too!

  42. Oh, bummer. I missed it. :( Oh well, lots of wonderful projects were shared. I'll come to the next one. I'm loving the thumbnail views!


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