Monday, March 1, 2010

Bedroom Makeover has Begun

I have started my master bedroom makeover this weekend.

I’ll be sharing my progress with you over the next couple of weeks.

So today, I want to show you the “before” pictures. And of course, point out the little things in the pictures that make me laugh (and cringe.)

I did nothing to my room before taking these pictures except for vacuuming the carpet. I didn’t want to show off the Poptarts on the floor. :)

This is as real as it gets at my house.

I just sold our 5 piece King Cherry bedroom suite this weekend on Craigslist. And I hope to use the money I made from it for this bedroom makeover.

This is my mis-matched bedding. I had a red comforter that my youngest son puked on one night, and the dry cleaners said they couldn’t clean it without it falling apart. So I threw it away. :)


I have a red quilt on my bed now. The pillow cases are left over from when I had a cream matelasse on the bed at one point.

Please check out the horrific bed skirt. I’ve always hated it, but needed something to cover the junk I hide under my bed. It’s not quite doing the job is it? :)

Notice the bolt of lining that is propped up by the door? That’s been there a couple of weeks. It’s a reminder of why I need a “craft room”.


This room used to be a den, but when we bought the house, we turned it into the master bedroom. It has 3 light fixtures in the ceiling. I want to get rid of the ceiling fan during this makeover, and try to incorporate a chandelier or two in the room.

I also hope to find a armoire that I can hide the t.v. in instead of having it as a huge black focal point in the room.


I love our fireplace, but I always have trouble knowing how to decorate the mantle. I just threw these things up there to get them out of the way. Take note of the missing candle.


Here’s another view of the bed. Those are my mom’s accent pillows that I threw on there because I might keep them for this makeover. They do match my window treatments.


The big piece of wood on the floor is the top of an antique blanket chest that I inherited from my mom. The bottom half is still in the garage. I might try to incorporate it in the makeover.

Notice the missing globe on the light fixture. It just fell right off one night and broken into a gazillion pieces. Scared me to death!


Here is another view of the room. The louvered door on the left is our tiny laundry room. The door by the fireplace leads to outside.


The door to the right is the bathroom. You can read my post about the bathroom makeover HERE.


This next picture made me smile from ear to ear. Please notice a little piece of cuteness on the far right side of this picture….


Did you find him? He was waiting patiently for me to finish taking pictures. Oh, I love that boy!!!!


This next picture is keeping it as real as I can keep it.

I wasn’t going to share it, but I don’t want anyone to ever think that my house is as neat and clean as it is in most of the pictures I post on my blog. It never is.

This is real life…


So there you have it.

This is my starting point. I am very excited to start working on this room! And I can’t wait to share the progress with you.

It’s going to look totally different!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. I love a good make-over and I can't wait to see yours!! Never fear our dresser looks just like yours. Well except our junk is piled even higher! lol

  2. I can't wait to see what you do, Traci!

  3. Love it Traci! Can't wait to follow your creativity with this redo. The fireplace is awesome, and you can do so much with this room. *so jealous* Ha. Have fun.

  4. Thanks for keeping it real, Traci!! I do love your sleigh bed...I really have a thing for them. And I love the size of the room. Will you have a sitting area. One around the fireplace would be fabulous!

    Good luck! :-)


  5. Isn't it funny how we get the redecorating bug in the spring!?! I know I am. We are redoing our master bedroom too! I will be excited to see how your turns out!

  6. Your room has beautiful bones in which to work with. Love the fireplace in it. Can't wait to see the transformation taking place.

    If you have a moment you might want to visit my blog and enter the fab giveaway I'm having. It's in honor of my new Etsy store Grand Opening. Good Luck!

  7. I'm so excited to see how it turns out!! What potential your room has. So big and so many wonderful features. So since you sold your bedroom set, what will you be using instead?

  8. This room has so much potential, I love the fireplace! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  9. Traci, I cannot wait to see what you do with this room. No pressure, but I'm sure it'll be fabulous. ;-) There are a couple of similarities between your room and mine that I am especially interested in seeing how you deal with--the black hole of the TV and the outside door. We have one leading onto a private deck (with our hot tub!) and I'm not sure what window treatment to use on it. It definitely needs one because the sun comes up on that side of the house and I am NOT a morning person!

  10. Morning, Traci! Oh, I love your den turned bedroom and the fireplace - what a treat! Your furniture is very pretty and I'm so glad you showed your messy dresser. I was beginning to be very intimidated! :) I did see the little corner sweetness - what a doll! You are the busiest thing! I do believe being young has a lot to do with it! :) I'm rather olden now and I move much slower. I have all these projects to do in my tiny head but getting them out to my hands and legs is another story~
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. Traci,
    I'd take your before bedroom any day! It's a lovely space and I just know you're going to transform it into something really spectacular. Thank you for showing us the messy dresser. Now I feel normal! ;-)

    Your little guy is precious!


  12. Just started doing our master bedroom too! Yours looks better than mine already!

  13. AAAAhhhh Traci!
    I wish I too could be re-doing/revamping my mishmash house..
    one of these days..
    until then..
    I'll just be your cheerleader..
    admiring your progress!!
    Yay Traci!!! go girl go!
    warm hugs, laughing smiles..

  14. Good luck with your makeover. I'm sure it'll turn out fabulous!

  15. Can wait to see what you do! I love that you have a fireplace in your room!

  16. Traci,

    Sounds like this is going to be an AWESOME project!

    I'm a long-time lurker & idea thief ;-) & first time commenter... but I have a question for you...

    How do you LIKE the den-to-bedroom conversion???

    We have a 3 bedroom house that has a den & a "formal" (yeah, right!) living room & have considered turning the den into our Master BR but I'm worried it's too much in the footpath of our home to serve well as a bedroom. I'd be interested to hear how you've liked it/how it's worked out!


  17. I can't wait to see the after. I know it will be awesome. You are so talented.

  18. Good Luck! Looks like you have a great room to work with. Can't wait to see the progress pic's along the way. Thanks for sharing!

  19. I can't wait to see what you do in here Traci, and I just LOVE your fireplace too. Is the bed set you sold the one in this picture? or was that from another room. I know whatever you do it will look fabulous.

  20. Can't wait to see what you do, your room has so many nice features you can do so much with! Jealous of the fireplace in the room :)

    But i do have to say my favorite part is your son peaking and waiting patiently.

  21. Oh my gosh, Traci, this is going to be so fun! Basically a blank slate. I can't wait to see what you do in here!

  22. I have enjoyed looking at your blong since I happened to discover it a few weeks ago. Today I was remarking to myself how much I loved your bedroom set. I then realized it looked oddly familiar. I have the same bedroom set! I can't wait to see your transformation! Might inspire me to redo our bedroom! Happy decorating!

  23. I know you said you sold the bedroom suit but I was wondering if the boy in the picture was for sell??? I'd give about a quarter for him:) Love that kid!
    Oh yeah, glad you're doing a makeover on that room. But it does look better than the pictures look.

  24. Can't wait to see what you do with it Traci...I'm sure it will be awesome :)

    And your little cutie reminds me of my little guys when I'm trying to 'stage' for the blog. *snicker*

  25. I can't wait to see what you have planned. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do with my dining room before I run to the next project I want to get to, the guest bedroom.

    So much to fun, so little time.


  26. You've got a great room to work with. Are you going to share inspiration pics?! would love to see them. Good luck...i'm in the middle of a master bedroom re-do as well.

  27. Can't wait to see what you do with your room. We recently sold all of our bedroom furniture and made over our room with that money (plus about $50). I actually used your drop cloth idea for my curtains and saved a bundle . . . so thanks! You can see our new master at Good luck! I look forward to seeing what you do and getting more great ideas!

  28. Can't wait to see what you do - this room has so much potential and so much character.
    Have fun with it.

  29. beautiful sleigh bed. Love how there is a fireplace in there. Looking forward to see what you will do with the room.

  30. Lol! Your son is so cute!!! I really love that you kept it real! Makes me feel like less of a clutter bug! Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  31. Very excited for you - I am going to do new curtains for my bedroom as well and re do some of the mismatched art in there!

  32. I, too, have the exact same bedroom set!!
    You sold yours?? Wow!
    Can't wait to see the reveal. :)

  33. Can't wait to see it all finished. You have an amazing room to work with.

  34. Can't wait to see what you do! :-)

  35. Your room has a lot of potential! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do.

  36. This space has sooooo much potential. I wish I had that much to work with in my master bedroom. I cannot wait to see what you do with this space.

  37. can't wait to see what you have in store! Our master needs a makeover, too!

  38. What a great canvas you have to work with. I can't wait to see the finished results!

  39. Your peanut looks SO much like mine! Makes me want to go up and pick him right up out of bed. :) :)


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