Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hunting for Furniture

Well, I had a few hours this weekend to visit a couple of antique malls to try and find some furniture for my master bedroom makeover.

If you missed the “before” pictures of my master bedroom, click HERE.

If you missed the post about how I painted our four poster bed black, click HERE.

Trying to find furniture for this room is making me very nervous.  I am so afraid I will buy something and then be disappointed with it.

I will be buying all of my pieces at antique malls or thrift stores.

Let me show you a couple of pieces of furniture that I liked when I went out this weekend.

Here are a couple of pieces that might work as bedside tables..

I love this piece.  It is beautiful “as is” but would also look great painted white.  I think it cost $90.00.


I liked this next little brown table.  It reminded me of the bedside table that was in one of my inspiration pictures (below). 


(Inspiration picture) 

barbara westbrook

To see all of my master bedroom inspiration pictures, click HERE.

I also found a couple of dressers I liked…of course, I would paint them….


This one is my favorite…


Can’t you picture it painted black?  It would look very similar to the dresser in my inspiration picture…


But I am actually thinking of painting it white and applying a glaze to it.    I can’t decide.

Both of the dressers are in very good shape and are very well built.

Lastly, I found a couple of options for my armoire.  I am looking for something in which we can hide our t.v., but I also need for it to be able to store some clothing.

Here are two options:

I like this one, but I think it may be too big and a little too fancy.


This next one is smaller and has great storage underneath for clothing.  I am leaning a little toward this one right now…


Like I said, selecting furniture makes me very nervous.  I want to take my time and really find some pieces I like.  Plus, I need them to be cheap!

I only have $700.00 for this makeover!  That’s the money I made from selling my other bedroom furniture on craig’s list.

With that money I need to buy a dresser, an armoire, two bedside tables, bedspread, bedskirt, pillows, and accessories.

Can I do it?  Yes, I can!!!!

I am also going to try and accessorize the room by using what I already have.

Stay tuned for more updates throughout the week!



  1. You can do it Tracy !! I painted my french desk/hutch black and it looks just like your inspiration photo. I have a tall skinny chest and another piece which I will be doing black too - keep us posted !

  2. I'm just starting the process of redoing our bedroom too! I linked up to your inspiration post from the other day, in my last post. Loved your ideas! :)

    Those dressers are GREAT! They'd look great black or white I think.

    Can't wait to see what you do!

  3. The green and white dresser that you pictured look very VERY similar to a set of dressers that my husband and I purchased several years ago from a consignment shop. I have a triple and he has a highboy....great pieces and I love them, but I have yet to decide on a color to paint them :) Good luck in your search.

  4. I love all the pieces of furniture you've shown. I think you need to get that greenish dresser and nightstand. It would look beautiful painted black to match your new bed. Or you might even think about painting the tops black and the rest of it white, since you're wanting to go with white. That way I think it would tie in better.

  5. I am crazy about the first table. It is a timeless classic and I like the soft curves with the those of your new bed. And that green dresser could not be any closer to your inspiration picture. In comparison to your other picks the last armoire looks less expensive, if it was me I would keep looking for that piece. I can't wait to see your finished room.
    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I just know you are going to absolutely do this with such a huge a BANG! You have found some freakin beautiful pieces..wowzas! No way you aren't going to pull it off and then some.

  7. It looks like you had some great success shopping! I can't believe how similar your inspiration pieces are to the pieces you found. That dresser is almost identical! Sounds like you have lots of fun projects coming up... good luck!

  8. I am in the process of re decorating a bedroom in my home too and our taste are very much alike. I painted my bed black and I am looking for second hand furniture to paint as well. the color scheme I wanted to use is natural bedding colors with lots of texture and some pops of red and turquoise. I have found bedside tables at an antique store and had the same question black or white or maybe turquoise.

    I love your blog and I love the projects you make. I can't wait to see your final results on you room make over.

  9. Im feeling nervous for you! Im in the middle of finding furniture for my home, and am so indesicive about everything... i used to not be this way and could make a decision quick but lately,,, nope!

  10. I am so into black furniture...Have bought almost everything black in the last two years and love it

  11. Hi Traci. Love the way the bed came out. And really like all the pieces you're looking at. It is so scary to by furniture. I'm like you so afraid I won't like it later. I think that dresser is going to be gorgeous black. It is almost identical to the inspiration photo.

    Hugs...Tracy :)

  12. i am so excited to see the finished room! you certainly found some great choices, so hard to choose i am sure! good luck

  13. Traci all the furniture you are looking at is all very beautiful. My eyes were drawn to the black and white though. Oh, that round table that you said was around $90? Well, I know this is once in a life time probably but would you believe I spotted a piece that very very similar to what you've shown at a consignment shop and the lady said it wasn't for sale. She said it was hers and she used to display items on in her shop. I ask her if she minded telling me where she got it and she said GW for $12!!!!
    I about peed my pants. I never seen anything like that in GW! Have a blessed day. Cindy

  14. I love what you've found so far, Traci! Love that second armoire and the second dresser, too. Its lines do look like the one in your inspiration picture. Can't wait to see which you choose!

  15. Great finds! I can't wait to see what you choose - You were so lucky to find pieces to match your inspiration rooms. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all turns out!

  16. Yes you can do it! You have actually inspired me to paint our headboard black. I really like how your bed turned out. As soon as I can get some help getting it out of the house to paint. Or maybe I could paint it in the bedroom. Can't wait to see more photos. Those dressers are great, especially the green one!

  17. I can't wait to see what you decide. I just know the room is going to look great, the others you have shown us certainly do!

  18. Traci-my experience...don't delay! I'd hate to see you miss out on some of those great pieces. Good luck and I can't wait to see how it turns out!!

  19. I love the green dresser and the little matching nightstand! It's too bad there aren't two of that nightstand though :(. Room makeovers are so much fun, but I agree it is nerve racking to find pieces that live up to your expectations once you get them home. I know you're amazing though and are sure to get it done well within your budget! Too bad you don't live in Indiana I have a nice little flea market with tons of fun furniture!

  20. I can't wait to see how it all comes together. What fun! You're going to make that $700 look like $7,000...I just know it!

  21. All great choices. I don't know, I'm lovin' the big fancy armoire... I'd be hard pressed to pass that up. (:

  22. I know you can do it, too. All those pieces are neat and would look even better after they got a face lift. Good luck deciding!


  23. You really did find some wonderful pieces. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  24. Oh girl you can do it!! Yes you can! Take it from this Craig's List junkie! Now, you must get that armoire in the top photo! That's my two cents, and that with a buck will get you a cup of coffee! Ha! Love it all Traci and can't wait to see the reveal!

  25. Morning Traci!
    Looks like you have great antique stores by your home. Loved the round table and the rectangular spindled table.
    Sent you an email.

  26. We do not have any thrift stores in our area with those kinds of are very lucky...I visited our local salvation army and the goodwill outlets but nothing too impressive on that trip.

  27. I know exactly how you feel...I have been redecorating 1/2 of my house and I have made some purchases that I have regretted...thankfully I didn't spend much and can probably resell on Craigslist for the same price.

    By the way, I LOVE the dresser from your inspiration room and the one you showed...I wish I could find that here in Atlanta..I really need a dresser!

  28. These are some great choices. I can't wait to see the finished project.

  29. Which thrift store were you in??

  30. Such fun finds! I love that little round table. Can't wait to see what you bring home!

  31. I really like the stuff you've been looking at. I would go with the more ornate armoire because it would better fit in with the other furniture you've been looking at. I LOVE those dressers too! Good luck! I can hardly wait to see the afters!

  32. I really like the stuff you've been looking at. I would go with the more ornate armoire because it would better fit in with the other furniture you've been looking at. I LOVE those dressers too! Good luck! I can hardly wait to see the afters!

  33. I don't even know where there's antique malls around here, I wish I did, they look wonderful places. I love the stuff you're looking at and that green dresser would be perfect painted black :)

  34. $700 is meeeellions for us thrifty chicks!! :) I LOVE those dressers. And that second armoire is a winner for sure.

  35. I love the first round table!! and yes... white would be gorgeous! and I love the last armoire too! Good luck! I find it stressful to pick furniture too! We don't have complete rooms anywhere in the house b/c I c an not commit! ;)
    Just Jenn~

  36. Wow, Traci, you found some fabulous pieces, I love them all! The second dresser is almost a "Twin" to the one in your inspiration pic. I need to come down there and go shopping with you!

  37. I keep coming back to your blog, and I consistently like what I see! You have a new follower. :)

  38. Hi Traci! Love the bed painted black. I am suddenly considering painting the bedroom furniture that I bought at the auction last month.
    Looking forward to seeing how your room turns out :)


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