Friday, March 5, 2010

Bed has been painted!

Good day, friends!

This sun is shining in the beautiful state of Kentucky, and it makes my heart feel lighter. :)

I hope you have some sunshine headed your way today too.

I wanted to quickly share with you the progress I have made in the Master Bedroom.

I shared with you at the beginning of the week that we sold our 5 piece bedroom set on Craigslist. I sold it for $700.00, and that is the budget for my bedroom makeover.

(That does not include the price of the new flooring, but I will explain that situation later.) :)

The starting point for the makeover was our new bed. It’s not new, but “new to me”. It was Mom and Dad’s king four poster bed at their house.

Dad has moved in with my sister since Mom passed away, so he does not need all of the furniture that was in their house. Some of their furniture was put in storage, and the rest was divided among us kids.


I got their cherry four poster bed. And I knew immediately that I would be painting it black.

Now please don’t think I am horrible for painting this bed.

First of all, it is not a sentimental piece of furniture. They had gotten it off of Craig’s list just a few years earlier. Dad also gave me one of Mom’s cherry bedroom sets that she had custom made over 20 years ago, and I would NEVER paint it. It is very sentimental to me.

Secondly, I know some of you think I am crazy for painting over cherry, but cherry furniture is just not my style right now. And if Mom had given me this bed herself, and I told her that I was wanting to paint it black, she would say without hesitation, “Honey, you go ahead and paint it black. I don’t care. It’s just a bed and if you think it would be prettier painted black, then do it.”

Those would be her exact words. Why? Because my mom was a lover of painted furniture. Where do you think I got it? If Mom didn’t like the color of something, she just painted it. It was what I grew up seeing week after week. She LOVED to paint things.

So I know that Mom would give me a big “thumbs up” for painting this bed.

Here are the products I used:


1) First, I used a Liquid Sander Deglosser over the whole bed.

2) Then I painted the bed with Kilz primer using a paint brush and a roll brush.


I let my husband help too! :)


Then I painted the bed black using my favorite Valspar paint from Lowe’s.

It comes in a quart size and is found over by the spray paint. It is very durable!


Doesn’t it look beautiful. I think I am really going to like it with tan and white bedding, don’t you?

So since our room is a mess, here is our temporary master bedroom….in the den…


Let’s just say the boys love it!!!!

We will be tearing up the carpet this weekend and starting on the new flooring.

More details to come…

Have a great weekend!

I am linking this post to some of my favorite blog parties,

Mustard Seed Creations' Furniture Feature Friday,

Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch,

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts,

Make Your Monday at Twice Remebered.


  1. Traci, it looks great!! I saw a rice bed similar to this painted in an antique store & they distressed it too. I'll have to go find the pic and show it to you. I posted it last year. Gorgeous look!! So, if you haven't distressed it, you might want to!

  2. Hi! I absolutely LOVE it painted black! It will look beautiful with whites and beiges ~ I cannot wait to see it all put back together. You are very talented and one creative gal! I love to follow your projects. :)

  3. Oh my goodness, Traci, I have that same exact bed in my daughters room, and I've been wanting to paint it for years now. I believe you've convinced me it would be much better ANY other color but cherry :)

    Looking forward to seeing it all dolled up with tan and white!

  4. Looks beautiful so far Traci!!

  5. I love it!! I have cherry furniture.. Maybe I can do the same thing!! ;-) Although I've had mine for years and i'm betting its more pressed wood. LOL. by the way, this is Carrie from SouthernGalsBoutique, just logged into my personal blog now..

  6. It looks great! Can't wait to see the rest of the makeover.

    And your sweet story about your mom made me want to cry - aw that special bond between mother and daughter...even with silly things like permission to paint. XOXO

  7. Oh...I can't wait to see it finished! I love black is going to look beautiful! I like how you use a coffee cup to hold paint, going to use that idea! Thanks for showing the paints you used :) I needed to find a good primer!

  8. Your 'new' bed is very much like ours with the textured wheat on it. I agree that you should paint it whatever you want knowing your mom would love it AND because it is yours!!

    Can't wait for Part II.


  9. Traci this is going to be so pretty! I can't wait to see your new room makeover. Thank you for sharing the process with us. *Smiles*

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  10. Traci - the bed is looking fabulous - can't wait to see the finished room.

  11. Wow - you are totally inspiring me! I want to start looking for furniture to paint. My husband would be totally shocked though. LOL Have fun with the rest of your bedroom makeover! P.S. Sleepovers in the living room sound like so much fun too!

  12. The bed looks great. I love it. Hugs, Marty

  13. Traci,
    The bed looks wonderful painted black! You sure don't have to explain to us; I know exactly what you mean about painting something that isn't as sentimental. I have a few family pieces that I'd never paint; other things have or will get painted. I think it's neat you're lovingly transforming it into something you and your husband will enjoy for years.


  14. I'm partial to cherry wood, but I love that bed in black too. What a beautiful bedroom you'll have soon.

  15. The black looks wonderful! I too have a cherry four poster bed that my grandfather made (he even burned a sentiment to my grandmother on the head board, it's hidden with the mattresses on it) so unfortunately I will never be painting it, but I do love the black!!!!

  16. Glad you "let" your hubby help you, Traci! I know mine is always eager to jump into one of my projects! ; ) I love it black! I think it will look great with the bedding you are thinking of. I'm sure your boys think it's a fun slumber party with you sleeping in the den!

  17. Traci, this is so exciting!

    I love your black bed. I used to have a cherry rice bed just like the one you painted. If I still had it, I think I'd paint it just like yours! Good job!

    I just love to imagine your mom telling you to paint that bed. How we all wish that you hadn't inherited this bed yet. . . but since you have, how wonderful to think about your mom's blessing over it!

    Take care and have a great weekend!

  18. Traci it looks fantastic painted black. I can't wait to see what you do with the $700 on your master bedroom. Gorgeous bed btw.

  19. It turned out fabulous! Thanks so very much for showing the exact products you used because I've been wondering which ones to use on some items myself. Bless you...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  20. That looks snazzy! Makes me wanna buy a yard sale treasure & paint it for a headboard/footboard. Lookin' good!

  21. Your really a go getter! How do you know how to do all of amaze me! Smartie you are!

  22. I love cherry wood too,but that bed looks lovely in black. Can't wait to see the rest of the reveal.

  23. We have the same bed! Oh my goodness, I love the black paint. Wanna come over...Texas isn't that far. LOL I can't wait to see the big makeover reveal!

  24. It's fantastic!! Truly, Traci, you're my HGTV entertainment right now! :)

  25. Ohhhh, I am like a kid in a candy store. I can not wait to see the end result of your lovely bedroom after it's all said and done! :)

  26. It's amazing how painting the bed black really updated the bed! I know your Mom would be tickled to see you redoing the master bedroom and would definitely give you a thumbs up.

    Can't wait to see what you do...

  27. Traci,
    It looks beautiful painted black! Your bedroom is going to be gorgeous! Oh and I showed my friends at work your guest cottage on your blog yesterday. These girls had never seen anyone's blog before except for mine. I show them my posts on my iphone all of the time. They fell in love with your blog!

    Have a great day!

    Lee Laurie

    P.S. Come by and see my china cabinet that I just finished. It is on the post before my last one. Thanks!

  28. It looks fantastic! I'm going to be watching your bedroom re-do very closely as I'm getting ready to spruce up my master b'room too. I want to do this very same thing - paint my 4-poster bed and mirror black, but leave all the other furniture in it's current honey maple finish. Hubby is dead set against it, but I feel it's time for a bit of change. Here's hoping I can finally convince the change will be good! Can't wait to see what's next for your room.

  29. Traci, it turned out beautifully! It looks dark brown on my computer but I looked at your FAQ regarding paint and it says Valspar black is one of your favorite colors. Is the color actually black. I'm looking for a dark, dark brown. Whatever the case, it looks great!

  30. That turned out beautiful!
    Thanks for showing the products you used because I want to paint an armoire that I have and I will need to "degloss" it.
    Have a great weekend!

  31. It looks beautiful! I absolutely love it black. It looks so much richer. And I didn't know you're a neighbor! (I'm in Tn on the border of Kentucky @ Ft. Campbell!)

  32. It's gorgeous! I'll admit, I was skeptical when you said you were painting, but I LOVE how it turned out!

  33. Great job!! It looks beautiful! I have never used a deglosser it easy and how much time do you have before you need to start painting? Thanks

  34. Beautiful! We were itching for new bedroom furniture last year, so we painted our old furniture black instead. Wish we would have used a liquid sander on ours!

  35. I would have painted it black too! Or maybe white, since that's the stage I'm in now... but I love it! Can't wait to see your progress!

  36. It's beautiful!! I love black furniture, it's so classic. I can't wait to see it all finished!

  37. Great idea! It looks brand new. It's so thoughtful of you to remember your Mom in so many instances throughout your day! She's smiling down on you I'm sure!

  38. Very beautiful transformation! I really like it!

  39. Can't wait to see the finished product!!

  40. when I painted my cherry poster bed I just used valspar spray paint in black. it covers ANYTHING and never chips.....saves alot of time!!! and of course I love it....everything looks better painted black!

  41. I am so glad to see that you felt comfortable painting this bed. I understand that you felt you might have to justify your reasoning to your readers but really it turned out to be stunning. It is so much more of a statement piece now instead of a run of the mill thing. I have a whole bedroom set and I am thinking of doing the same thing. This is truly lovely. Thanks for being just the little nudge I needed.

  42. You go girl. I painted oak end tables we received as a wedding gift (a group gift from an office I worked at so they weren't family heirlooms) and my Mom nearly went through the roof. Shakes her head every time she comes over. I painted them a shabby white and distressed them. I loved them - - for five years. Now I'm ready to strip them and stain them a walnut color to go with a piano. Can see my Mom's face now! Paint is a girl's best friend!

  43. I meant to say Krylon Spray Paint not Valspar!!

  44. Hi Traci! Oh, you're good. The bed turned out so beautiful! I love it that color! I love Valspar paint too! Again, man, you're good! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  45. I have the exact cherry bed and I have been wanting to paint it black for a year! I can't believe you used a brush, it looks great. Did you put a sealer on it? Gaye

  46. Traci, that looks great! Can't wait to see the bedding to come!

  47. Hi Traci--

    I've already left a comment on this post, but I'm back again to share a thought with you.

    My husband and I had a rice bed that looks very similar to this one. It was our master bed for 10 years. Here's what I learned: the bed looks wonderful, but a king-size mattress needs more support than what comes with the bed. I don't know if your bed is queen- or king-size, but you might want to consider adding extra slats to give the mattress more support. We ended up having to replace a mattress because the old one (which wasn't really old) didn't have enough support under it. We ended up getting a new bed, but if I still had the rice bed, I would definitely add some extra slats. Pieces of wood are cheap; mattresses are expensive!

    Good luck with your makeover!

  48. I really like it black! Great job!

  49. It looks so pretty in black! I'm glad your husband trusts your judgement, I think mine would so sad to cover up cherrywood, but sometimes it has to be done, right? :)
    Oh, and how funny is it that you mentioned Kentucky, I just bought a ticket to fly out towards Louisville at the end of the month to see my sister! Good luck with your bedroom makeover, it's look'n good :)

  50. You are horrible for painting cherry wood black. Just kidding...I just painted over bird's eye maple, but it was painful and needed to be done, I assure you. I agree with you that it's your bed and if you want it black, paint it black. I think it looks wonderful! Great choice.

  51. I was going to paint my bed just like you but the Lowe's man said I couldn't use oil based primer with water based paint or it would chip.


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