Thursday, March 11, 2010

More Black Bed Inspiration

Hey guys! I wanted to update you on our master bedroom makeover.

Well, I’ve done nothing.

That’s the update…


I can’t do much else until my husband does a few things. He is going to paint the ceiling, touch up the walls, and take down the ceiling fan before we get the new carpet installed next week.

We were going to install hard wood floors, but we didn’t really have the money right now. Oh well, that’s life.

So while we are waiting, I wanted to share with you a wonderful email I got a few weeks ago.

Hi Traci,
My name is Erin and I emailed you months ago (last summer) asking more about your painted bedroom furniture in your guest house. Well, I finally got my courage up to paint our bedroom furniture and had to share pictures with you (since you was my inspiration ).I have no before pics but the furniture was a dark cherry finish. I am very pleased with the results!
Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas with us! You are a blessing to many!
Erin from Alabama

Here are the amazing pictures she sent me. You will see why I was so amazed!!!!


Does this bed look familiar to you? It’s the exact four poster rice grain bed that I have! Her bed was cherry too, but she wanted a black bed. So she painted it black! Love this girl!


When she sent me this email, she had NO idea that I had the same bed, and that I would be painting it black. How ironic is that?

When I received these pictures, I got sooo excited because it helped me envision what my bed would look like.

And I immediately bumped my master bedroom makeover to the top of our “to do” list! :)

But she didn’t stop at just her bed….she painted the rest of her bedroom set as well!

DSC_1125 DSC_1126 DSC_1127

Didn’t it turn out gorgeous?!!!!

And she used the paint that I suggested at Lowe’s. It’s a very durable Valspar paint that can be found in a quart-sized can over by the spray paint at Lowe’s.

I used a Satin black on my bed.


She also used Rust-oleum "Hammered" spray paint to paint her hardware….


Thank you, Erin from Alabama, for sharing these wonderful pictures with me!!!

Your bedroom looks gorgeous!

I’ve also received some other emails from readers who have been painting their furniture black, and I will share them with you soon as well.

I love my readers!

I love your comments! I love your emails! I love your inspiration!

And I have to give a “shout out” to one of my readers who is probably reading this post on her 10 minute break at work this morning!

Good Morning, Crystal! :) I hope you are having a great day!

And I pray that everyone who reads this post today has a blessed day as well!



  1. It does look beautiful - she did a great job. I've been procrastinating on painting my daughters bed but think I may just do it after seeing that. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Very pretty Erin! Thanks for sharing Traci!

  3. Wow - that is so amazing. Maybe someday, I'll have the courage to do the same thing. After seeing what you have done and what Erin has done, I'm thinking it's totally doable for me. I want to repaint the dresser that is in our guest room and make it a whitewashed distressed shabby chic look. Now the hard part is convincing my husband! :) But I figure if I'm the one doing the work, he shouldn't be too hard to convince. :)

  4. I love it when you girls post early in the morning- it's right during my afternoon down when the children are quiet. I have so much fun looking at all you creative decorators and accomplished! I just bought some beautiful handmade pysanky eggs at the embassy and should post a picture- maybe someone will come up with an idea to display them that I haven't thought of.

  5. Her bed and furniture look great black! I love it with the color on her walls.

  6. Wow thats gorgeous! Do you lightly sand the furniture first?

  7. The older I get the more I realize what a small world it really it is. How funny that she has the exact same bed and decided to paint it black. Looking forward to other readers pics you will post.
    Have a great day!

  8. Wow, Erin did a masterful job of painting that furniture. Not a single flaw. I love the bedding and the wrought iron decor over the bed as well. Love it all!

  9. Wow that looks so beautiful! I hate that you aren't going to be able to do hard wood floors in your bedroom. Bummer! FYI your neice wants her white furniture painted black......that would make a great wedding gift from Uncle Cy and Aunt Traci dont ya think???

  10. I had this exact same bed in my guest room and sold it, because four out of the five years we had lived in our home our guest room was occupied with various family members living with us. I decided a craft room was more to my liking. After seeing these pictures, now I'm kicking myself!

  11. Her room turned out beautiful!!
    Look forward to seeing your transformation in your room as well.
    Thank you for stopping over at my blog and commenting.
    I myself have three boys, until now, the Lord is giving us a girl to throw in the mix. We're truly excited and thankful, and it's going to be sooo
    Peace and Grace to you and yours.

  12. Wow! She did an amazing job. Looks beautiful.

  13. Erin's bedroom is just beautiful, I love the wall color too... I have big 'oak' bedroom furniture and I wonder if I can pluck up the courage to paint it black one day to 'revamp' it? It would not be for a while though as I just painted my bedroom last year and I would want to change the wall colors if I painted the bed! Did Erin mention what color her walls were?
    Have a blessed day too Traci, your blog is always full on inspiration :)

  14. Wow wow and wow, the furniture turned out beautifully!! Way to go. And thanks for the paint tip. I never know exactly what type of paint I should be using for furniture.


  15. I wish I had a bedroom like that. Heck 1/2 as nice as that would make me happy. Mine is a very small bedroom, at the most 12x14 and in it is the office, crib, daycare large filing cabinet, 2 dressers and of course a bed. Doesn't leave much room to move except ring around the bed. One day maybe. I love looking at all your wonderful posts and ideas. Thank you for sharing.
    Take care and God Bless!!

  16. I was blessed just by reading your blog and usually I am. Thank you so much for your positive spirit, it shines right through the computer.

  17. OOOOOh, I so wanna paint my bedroom furniture black!! I'm afraid too....why am I afraid? Oh, but I am gonna have to put that on my long list of things to do. Cant wait to see more pics

  18. Wonderful! I'm itchin' to go paint something black ;) but sadly, I have nothing. I'm not giving up...I'll visit GW soon!
    Thanks for your wonderderful post today!

  19. Wow! Her room looks great! Yours will look just as wonderful, I'm sure.

  20. That is so cool! That is honestly the best part of blogging, to me - inspiring others (and being inspired by them). It seriously warms my heart every time I get an email like that.

    And her furniture turned out gorgeous! Ooh, so excited to see yours.

  21. You made me smile a great big smile this morning! I almost felt like I had been caught!! LOL

    This room looks great!

  22. Lovely, just lovely! I am on the lookout for a king bedroom suite to paint black. Gotta be cheap so it might take me awhile. The pictures are so inspiring. Not only is the furniture great but the bedding and the rest of the decorations are fantastic, too. Thanks for sharing Erin's room with us, Traci. :)

  23. Oh, so very fun. Now you've got me thinking ... (except I don't have the time!) LOL

    Love and hugs!

  24. It looks so good. Great job...and love the black

  25. I am really glad that I saw this! I have the same bedroom set (minus the gorgous bed) but the nightstands, and a dresser. With the same ugly hardware..I didnt want the expense of all new, and couldnt really invision what they would look like painted. Now I can, I think I can proceed with my project, without being scared thanks ladies!

  26. I LOVE that bedspread!!! I want something just like it!!

  27. Wow, I just read your post & soooo excited. I too have a bedroom set that is in great condition but its' OAK! eww....I am so going to paint this black. Thank you for your awesome blog....check it daily!

  28. Very inspiring! I am dying to paint my dresser to match the rest of the room now. Thanks for the tips!

  29. I need to know where she got that bedding! i love it and i have been looking for something similar for our guest room! black and white damask is not that easy to come by, believe it or not! i love her redo...thanks for sharing!


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