Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

I wanted to share with you another one of my favorite recipes.

These cream cheese sugar cookies are soooo delicious and moist. Mom loved this recipe. I remember her telling me again and again how to make these sugar cookies turn out perfectly. She always took them out before the cookies were lightly brown on the bottom. Then she would let them sit just a few minutes on the cookie sheet before removing them. You never want to over cook sugar cookies.

I told you that Mom loved including her loved ones in her articles for the newspaper. The picture below is of her very first grandson, Cory. She always loved letting her grandchildren help her cook.

Cory is now 22 years old. I’ll show you a picture of him all grown up now at the bottom of this post.

If you try this recipe, be sure to make the almond glaze. It is the perfect topping! :)




These cookies can also be made using Easter cookie cutters and pastel colored glaze for the upcoming Easter holiday.

If you have never tried this recipe, please do! You will not be disappointed.

One of the few posts that Mom was able to write on her blog was about her grandson Cory. She was so very proud of him!

You can read her post about him, HERE.

I am so very proud of Cory too! He is graduating from a wonderful Christian college this May with plans to attend Law school.

Here is Cory and Mom last August on Cory’s birthday. This was about a week after we found out about Mom’s cancer, and about 6 weeks before she passed away.

Cory was the apple of her eye. He would come to their house often to eat or just hang out, and even lived with them one summer. Mom always enjoyed staying up late with Cory just talking about “life”, and Cory treasured Mom’s Godly advice and wisdom.


I know that Cory is thankful for all the loving memories he has of his wonderful Nana!

I also wanted to take the time to thank all of you who were praying for me last week on Mom’s birthday. It was the first sunny day we have had here in a long time, and when I visited her gravesite I could feel the warmth of her love and the Hope that I have in Christ.

But I still miss her so much.

Blessings to you all,



  1. Thank you for sharing such personal memories with all of us! My parents are 80 yrs old and mom's health hasn't been the best for a long time. I hope I have the strength that you have shared here when that horrible time comes around and I lose one of them. Again, Thank you and also, for the wonderful recipes!

  2. Just wanted to tell you ~ I adore and look forward to Wednesdays with Wanda. What a special tribute.

  3. Thanks Traci for the recipe but also for sharing your heart and memories with us. It is such a pleasure and blessing to read your post. Be blessed. Cindy

  4. The recipe looks amazing. And again, I am in awe of your mother. What a wonderful lady!

  5. Traci, another sweet post. Thanks for sharing. Linda

  6. Just precious. That is so neat that she would include a sweet photo with her articles! That is such a cute picture... and the cookies sound fantastic! :) I am so glad her birthday was a good day for you.

  7. What a wonderful and touching post. How blessed you must feel to have these written memories of your mother.
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. I really enjoy reading your blog but my favorite day to read it is on Wednesday.
    The stories about your mom are soo inspiring!
    What a legacy!

  9. Love this recipe. I bet the cream cheese keeps the cookies nice and moist. Can't wait to try it.

    Love the photos and your memories of your mom and Cory. He sounds like he was the apple of her eye.


  10. Thank you for your post today. I have such great memories of baking with my own grandmother. She'd have us grandkids out back cracking walnuts right off the ground for her fruitcakes. Her cookie recipes are mandatory at Christmastime. My girls love them. I am sorry she never met any of my girls. I really want to pass on this tradition to my own grandkids. They love to bake. My Mom passed away 14 years ago April and I still miss her so much. I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for posting about your Mom. It has really made me think about myself and ask myself "what kind of legacy will I pass on"? We all want to be loved and cherished. Thank goodness for those of us that fall miserably short - Jesus will always be there to love and cherish us no matter what. Blessings!

  11. I love your "Wednesdays With Wanda". It is such a sweet and clever way to honor you mom. She must have been an amazing woman. I especially want to thank you and tell you what a blessing it was to hear you speak of your "Hope in Christ" at the end of the post. That's what it's all about! Bless you!

  12. Traci, I just love it when you post the actual article from your mom. It feels like a neat connection to her to see the article the way it appeared in the paper. I'm going to try these cookies!

    I'm so glad your mom's birthday was a sunny day. The sunlight is a good reminder of our blessed hope, isn't it?

  13. I love how Cory's eyes in the newspaper seem to match the icing perfectly! So cute!

    I'm trying to learn a few recipes to broaden my baking horizon. These may just have to go on the list (without the almond glaze though--I'm allergic to nuts)!

  14. O.k. that picture of Mom and Cory made me miss her soooooooooooooo bad. I really need her RIGHT NOW as we're planning this wedding. It will NOT be the same without Mom. Love you!!!!!!

  15. Your memories are blessings. Lean on them.

  16. Thank you for stopping by and your encouragement comments! You are a blessing. Your mother sounds so much like my very own - except she reads the food section religiously, would have loved your mother's column, and cherished all her stories about her family traditions. What a delight.

  17. Hi Traci, thanks so much for stopping by! Darcy was amazing to work with, I loved the very first design she came up with! I am so excited to try your mom's recipe, I LOVE cream cheese anything! Your home and projects are amazing! I really enjoy your "mom" posts too! My younger sister was recenty diagnosed with breast cancer and is now on a mission to fight it, so scary though. Thanks again for visiting, Deb

  18. Traci, I just love reading about your memories of your mom. AND, I'm so excited about that recipe! I think it's the same one that I loved and lost. I'll be trying it soon!

  19. Thanks for sharing these precious memories and delicious recipes with us. I know your mother would be so proud that you're carrying on her tradition of inspiring mothers and women alike to be role models in and out of their home. Continued prayers to you. Lisa


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