Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda


My mom was born on March 4, 1944.

This Thursday is her birthday.

I wasn’t there when she took her first breath.

But I was there when she took her last.

She was an angel from beginning to end.

I am so grateful to God for picking me to be her daughter.


I wanted to share with you a favorite childhood memory of mine…

Every Spring, Mom would tell us kids to be on the “look out” for buttercups (daffodils). She would tell us that when the buttercups started blooming, Springtime was near.

Of course, every kid loves it when warmer weather starts to arrive.

I remember riding around in the car with mom, my head stuck out the window yelling “Buttercups! Buttercups!”

We would laugh and smile at the sight of those buttercups. And it became a game between us kids to see who could find them first.

Even as an adult, I still smile when I spot my first buttercups growing wild in a field. And I shout in my mind, “Buttercups!” knowing I was the first to see them. (Of course, beating my brother and sister.) :)

I can’t see a buttercup without thinking of Mom.

Every year, as soon as they appeared in the grocery store floral department, I would buy a plant and take it to my mom.

I would sometimes sneak in her house while she was at work and put them on her kitchen table to surprise her when she got home.

Sometimes I would take them to her on a Sunday afternoon when she had prepared a family dinner for us after church.

Last year, I dropped by her work and gave her some buttercups on her birthday. She proudly displayed them on her desk, and we talked about how much we loved those buttercups.

For me, it was a way for me to show Mom how much she meant to me as a child, and how much she continued to mean to me as an adult.

This year, I will be taking buttercups to my mom’s gravesite. That’s hard for me to say and hard for me to believe.

But I will do it with a tear and a smile, and a heart overflowing with thankfulness for my Godly mother.

work 017

These are some buttercups that bloom at our house every year. I took this picture last Spring, and I can’t wait for these buttercups to come up this year. It will be a beautiful reminder of Mom’s unending love.

And I know I will hear her in my heart, saying from heaven…


“Happy Birthday, Mom. I love you!”


I also wanted to share with you a link to my sister, Cyndi’s blog. She wrote a post about a dream she had about Mom this week. You can read that post HERE.

I am linking this post to Home Is...@ RE.
Home is...


  1. Hugs to you sweet Traci. It's been a rough couple of weeks with their anniversary and her birthday upcoming birthday.what a sweet memory of your childhood and mom.
    Daffodils have always been one of my favorite flowers and they too are a sign to me that spring is on it's way. Last year we planted some bulbs and I was so excited to see them come up this past spring.
    have a blessed day!

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom. Everytime I see a buttercup I will think of this story. I will now share this "secret" info about buttercups w/ my children. Thank you for sharing something so personal. I will pray for your strength on these next days.

  3. Well ... you had me crying by the fourth sentence. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful memory with us.

  4. Thank you, Traci, for sharing such a beautiful post. I read your sister's post about the dream. You know, there is a scripture about people having dreams and visions (it says old men and young men - why not women, too). I do believe God can use any method He wants to comfort us...even daffodils! Linda

  5. Happy Birthday Wanda! Thank you Traci for sharing your journey with me. ~Lanie

  6. What a lovely tribute to your mom! I am sure she will be looking for those buttercups from above. And smiling when you put then on her gravesite! Yes, a tear is being wiped here as well!

  7. Happy Birthday to your beautiful mama...she was such a cutie as a baby :)

    I love daffodils too, and will be thinking of you and your mama when I see my first one this spring!

  8. I too will think of Wanda when buttercups appear. I'm sure your sweet mother is surrounded by the most beautiful buttercups right now in Heaven Traci. More beautiful than any of us can even imagine.

  9. Thanks for the sweet stories Traci. I'm printing all the "Wednesdays with Wanda" for Mom since she doesn't have internet...and a lot of your other posts too. Our family enjoys you sharing these sweet memories with all of us. We love you and I'll be thinking of you all tomorrow. Love, Linda

  10. Ah Traci, I have tears in my eyes. Happy Birthday to your Mother. I just know she is smiling upon you and wishing you buttercups forever.


  11. I'm crying,I miss her so much my heart aches. I want so much to tell her about our blogging, I hope she knows how much it had blessed us. Love you sooooooo much!
    p.s. I'm looking for the buttercups!!!

  12. How sweet the looking for Buttercups! I think I will think of her too when I see a buttercup. I wish you strength on Thursday her birthday and all her birthdays to follow!

  13. Traci, I am so in awe right now! I so pray my 3 daughters will talk about me one day like you do your mom! What a blessing you are. Love & Prayers, Cindy

  14. Traci~~~

    I will never look at daffodils again without thinking of your buttercup story. And of course I had a lump in my throat reading this. I never even knew your mother and I miss her. Happy Birthday, Wanda.


  15. What a beautiful story, I too will think of your you and your momma when I see buttercups. Thanks for sharing

  16. Traci,
    I started following your blog recently. Your mother sounds like an amazing woman. Truly a Proverbs 31 woman - the kind of woman that I want to be! This post led me to your sister's blog. I read your brother's post about There is None Better. Wow. That is what every mother wants their child to say about them. She is such an inspiration to me. She sounds like the kind of woman I would have loved to have known. Her beauty just exuded from the inside out. I know this day is hard. In fact, I know from experience, because my mom died almost two years ago and her birthday was on March 1st. For me, the grief got harder at times as time went on, but there is grace & mercy. God is always there to carry us and be our Comforter. I pray that you'll feel His presence ever so close to you today.

  17. Everytime I see daffodils, I think of my granny. She had so many at her house growing everywhere. She called them 'old-folk flowers'. Now I will also think of your mother. She was such a beautiful person inside and out. I will be thinking of you and your family this week and I will keep you in my prayers.

    Lee Laurie

  18. Traci,
    With tears in my eyes, my heart aches for you and your family. It is so hard to not see that familiar face or hear that voice but the memories of your lovely mom will be with you forever.
    Buttercups are beautiful reminders of spring but even more so how resilient they are. Every year we have a few buttercups that push their way through the asphalt of our driveway close to the house. It is a sight to see.
    Your mom's love for her family is much like the resilient buttercup...never giving up, always persevering...being a mom you know first hand what that is like, how much you appreciate and are blessed by that spirit of tenacity.
    Praying that those sweet reminders of your mom's love will carry you through as you continue to grieve for her.
    ~judi ;)

  19. Hi Traci--

    My mom called them "buttercups," too! In fact, when I was a kid, I never knew daffodils were flowers that you could plant--I thought they were just wildflowers. I still love them.

    Tomorrow will be hard for you, I know. I will pray for you. I'm so sorry that your mom's birthdays on earth had to end too soon. Won't it be wonderful to celebrate with her again?

    Take care, dear lady.

  20. Thinking about you so much and sending you a warm hug xoxox Janine

  21. Blessings to you Traci!
    Buttercups will never look so beautiful as they will this Spring to you.
    What a sweet story.
    Buttercups for Spring and buttercups in your heart.
    Warmly yours,
    d from homehaven

  22. Happy Birthday to your wonderful mother!

    I haven't yet gotten a chance to tell you how much I love that you have a Wednesdays with Wanda segment. She sounds like she was an amazing woman. How blessed you are to have been loved and taught by her! These writings are such a tribute to her life and while I've never met her, I feel like her words of wisdom have impacted me as well. Isn't it amazing what blogging can do? :)

    Thanks for taking the time to write to me. Your words have reminded me that I am indeed loved and that God has blessed my life. Evidence of this is seen in the piles of laundry that mean I have clothes to wear and machines to wash them in. ;)

    Love to you, today!

  23. Cant' help but cry! I kinda have the same thing with hearing tractors doing garden or some work in fields in the Spring. It makes me think of my dad. This is what he always did. It's so wonderful to be able to have good memories!

  24. That is so very lovely! Bless you. And your Mother Bless her Soul...I just made some tulips on my page...come have a look! I think everyone is so looking forward to Springtime!

  25. I LOVE daffodils!!! I'm right there with you and your mom- I look out for them every year at this time and know that Spring isn't too far away!!!

    My grandma and siblings and I used to go on "nature walks" everyday when we visited her. She always loved for us to pick wildflowers (well, to US they were wildflowers... to others they were weeds!! LOL!!!) to set on the table for our meal. For some reason, her neighborhood had a TON of Queen Anne's Lace. To this day, I get very sad AND very happy at the same time when I see Queen Anne's Lace. I can't help but think of (and greatly miss) my sweet grandma and all the wonderful times we had together.

    Thank you SO much for sharing!!

    Mrs. U

  26. I love the posts about your mom!

    Punkin Seed Productions

  27. Blessed by this post. I think of my mom when I see Panzi's!

    Isn't it a blessing to have such wonderful memories of loved ones!

    Sweet Blessings!

  28. Traci,

    I absolutely love reading your blog! You bring smiles when I feel like they are no where to be found. I know you’re a believer and I am begging for your prayers. I am 22 weeks pregnant today (with our 3rd child) and my water broke at 13 weeks. We had an appointment yesterday that didn’t go very well … and have been given the option of doing an amnioinfusion to try and help Reagan’s lungs develop and to help her precious body be able to move around (right now she is literally being squished). This procedure is very risky … yet I can’t imagine not doing it and always wondering “what if??” I am begging for your prayers on behalf of our baby girl, Reagan Grace. The procedure is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30 (CA time) and your prayers would mean the absolute world to me. Reagan was a twin … we lost her twin at 12 weeks. We are believing God for a miracle … she already is such a miracle!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart …

  29. Tears! And also smiles... thanking God for our Godly mothers!



  30. Traci, only need to plant one and next year they multiply...coming back with a stronger root system and even more beautiful! I love how they stand tall..soaking up the sun rays.
    Look how your mom, one person has shared the love of God to so many...multiplied over and over! Helping us to stand tall and learn to soak in God's love.
    We are so lucky to have you share these memories with us! Thank You.
    Sweet prayers for you and your family.

  31. I always hold my breath reading your Wednesdays with Wanda stories. I hold my breath hoping I won't cry and inevitably I always do. I think of you and your family and I think of my family that has passed too. Your mother reminds me so much of my grandmother and I have a pining for her every Wednesday. Thank you for your endearing posts.

    I will be on the lookouts for buttercups and might even start a new tradition with my 6 and 2 year old children. I promise to also whisper a prayer for you and your family too. Blessings Traci.

  32. Thank you for sharing such a sweet memory!

  33. Always love reading about your Mom....thanks for sharing.

  34. Beautiful as always!!!

  35. Thinking of you today, sweet friend.

  36. Lilacs... was my mom's spring flower! Us girls will always think about mom when we see lilacs. =) My post today is also about my mom... 9 years ago today she took her last breath. I am crying and smiling with you! My mom came to know God in the last months of her life...blessing! and though her life was hard... she left behind many special memories for us girls... just as your mom has done for you... those beautiful things make the bittersweet more sweet. Hugs to you my brand new friend!
    Just Jenn~

  37. Oh, a beautiful post. Your mom was such a beautiful ladies. And I love the flowers too, and the fresh scents. YUM.

    Thanks for linking up today, Traci!

  38. Awesome post! My mom passed away 6 years ago last weekend and it's fun to have things that remind me of her. I love going in stores and thinking "mom would love this", or seeing flowers, or recipes and knowing mom would love them.

    My mom loved Yellow Roses and I would like to plant some yellow roses on our new property just as a reminder of her.


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