Thursday, March 4, 2010

Master Bedroom Inspiration Pictures

Many of you have asked me where I am getting my inspiration for my master bedroom makeover.

Basically, I have found it in pictures all over the internet.

I have a file on my computer labeled, “Inspiration File”.  Whenever I come across a picture that I love, I put it in that file. 

Not just bedroom pictures, but any picture that inspires me.  Pictures that make me say, “Ooooh, I want to come home to that space!”

Here are some pictures I found that got my mind rolling for my master bedroom makeover.

I forgot to save the source for some of these pictures, so if you know any of them, please tell me. :)

I love the arched ceilings in this room.  We could actually do something like this in our room because we have attic space above it.  But that project is for another day!

I love the fireplace and hardwood floors in this picture.


I love the white and tan bedding in this picture.  I am hoping to make a similar bed skirt for my bed.  (And I will be posting a tutorial on how you can make one too.  It’s sooo easy!)

barbara westbrook (Barbara Westbrook)

This  next picture is my favorite.  I love everything about it.  I love the black  (or dark wood) four poster bed, the bench at the foot of the bed, the chandelier, the bedding, the glass side table… you name it….I love it!


I love the bedding in this picture too.  I definitely will be making some new pillows for my bed!  Love these…


Not really liking the canopy bed in the next picture.  But I was drawn to this picture because of the warm armoire in the room.  It would be a perfect place to hide our t.v.

I also love the little cream side table.  I am thinking about doing something like that in my room.



I shared the next two pictures in an earlier post about the inspiration for painting my kitchen.  You can see more gorgeous pictures of this home  HERE.  I found these pictures in a special issue publication of Better Homes and Gardens.

I love the burlap window treatments in this room.  Can you believe that is burlap?


Isn’t this little dresser adorable?  I have my eye on a similar one down at our flea market.  I might be buying it soon and giving it a royal paint treatment.  I just can’t decide if I want to paint it white or black?!


This room is so soothing to me.  It’s a little dressier than I like.  I would never be able to keep it looking like this, especially with four little boys eating popcorn in our bed on Family Night.  :)

But I love the chandelier!


(Traditional Home)

This picture is also soothing and a little more simple.  I love the tan and white bedding and the monogram pillows. 

The only thing I am not liking is that picture above the bed?!  What is that?  It sticks out like a sore thumb to me!  And this room needs a few touches of black for me.  Just my opinion….


(Veranda Burgess)

So there you have it!  A few pictures that inspire me.  I know I won’t be able to create a “magazine worthy” bedroom, but I definitely think I can create a space that I will love coming home to.

And I’ll be doing it on the cheap!  How fun is that?!

Do you have any pictures that you think I would like?  Please share them with me.  I would love to see them!

I will be showing you the progress I have made on my bed makeover on Friday.  Please stop by!


I also wanted to share with you a fabulous giveaway my friend, Sandy from Reluctant Entertainer is having.  It is a Kelly Anderson Art Giveaway!  You can check it out HERE.

Have a blessed day!



  1. I am thinking of doing my bedroom soon, and those inspirations are lovely. Can't wait to see yours!


  2. Traci, you're going to have so much fun with this project. Your inspiration photos are beautiful. It's good to see that they're all pretty similar--I'd say you really know what you like, so you're ready to go for it!

    I'm with you on the art above the bed in that one photo. The room is so tranquil, and that piece of art is jarring. Makes you wonder what the designer was trying to do!

    It'll be fun to see what you come up with and to see how you do it on a budget. If the result makes puts your master bedroom in the same league as your bathroom, you'll be golden! Good luck!

  3. What great photos to draw from! I can't wait to see what you pull together in your own space! I don't have HGTV, so you're my fix! :)

  4. Morning, Traci! Oh, I'm loving seeing your bedroom inspiration pix. I too have inspiration files from our dear blogging friends! I just take some take every now and then and drool. Can't wait to see all you do to yours. You're the inspiration, my dear!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  5. I have the same issue of BHG that the black and white bedroom is in and I love the entire article. I am also planning on doing my bedroom but am thinking of going for a slate and old gold color scheme, love all the canopy beds tho. :) I'm loving those chandeliers as well...I want one so bad! Have fun with the bedroom redo :)

  6. Ahhh really nice Traci! Will you show the bf and after pics of your room? If not whatever you do show I have the feeling it will be really wonderful!
    Janet ox

  7. I love the 6th picture with the burlap window treatment. We have a black bed very much like that one and I love it. Never would have thought about doing burlap curtains though. Can't wait to see it all finished.

  8. I want everything in every picture! Ha! Girl, you sew too? Talent, talent, talent! How blessed your family is to have such a talented wife and mommie! I just finished up my bedroom and bath. Now I am being inspired to start on another room after seeing these pictures! Be blessed. Cindy

  9. Love your inspiration pics, Traci! So many different things to like from each picture and some I like the whole room! I'd love to see your bed skirt tutorial. I've been thinking of changing mine out {it came with the comforter set} and something in a neutral is appealing to me right now. I'm wondering if drop cloth would work.

  10. I can't wait to see your bedroom make-over. Those burlap curtains would be beautiful!

    Lee Laurie

  11. Traci I would come home to ANY of those rooms. They are all so lovely and inviting. I can't wait to see what you do!

  12. Morning Traci!
    I love all the pictures you posted. they all seem so serene and inviting in their own style. I too am looking to go lighter and more tonal in my decorating. I think that sore thumb pic above that bed is the Chammps d' man i totally botched that spelling up. But it's in France. you have probably seen it in history books or something. Anyhow, i totally agree with you on it being a sore thumb in that photo.
    Looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I am am sure it will be lovely.

  13. Love those pictures! I love going to Tuesday Morning and Home Goods to find great cheap linens! Also sometime Bed, Bath and Beyond will have something on clearance that might be missing a throw pillow or something for a good price and then a %20 off coupon will make it a great price! Also, if you are looking for a chandelier sometimes the Habitat for Humanities store in downtown Lexington has things like that for a great price that just needs a coat of paint. The Habitat store off of Southland drive has used furniture and you maybe able to find some small tables or an armoire. Good Luck!!

  14. I'm in the middle of redoing our master as well, can't wait to see what you do with yours.

  15. Love the photos! Thanks! I'm trying to decide if we're going to tackle the bathroom or the bedroom this month, so these pictures are making me DROOL over doing the bedroom. :)

    I've got creamy soft whites on my mind for it!


  16. The photos are fabulous. I am working on two guestrooms at the lake and this was plenty of inspiration. Good luck with your makeover, Traci!


  17. Those images all have a nice warm feel to them. Like that warm I'm at home feel. The colors are so classic and rich. Am I silly for thinking it reminds me of creme brulee? (which is also very rich + sweet in taste & makes my soul happy)

  18. I can see your style in each of those pictures. I love the first one with the vaulted ceilings! I would love that in my master bedroom.

  19. Lots of great inspirational pics there Traci!
    I do that too. And if nothing else, it just makes me happy to look at them! Hugs, Cindy

  20. How beautiful - what great inspiration pics! I totally want to redo my room now. Love your suggestion of a inspiration folder so I may have to do that soon. Have a wonderful day!

  21. Can't wait to see your room makeover Traci! I really would love to make a new bedskirt for our bed, so also can't wait for the tutorial! Have a great weekend.

  22. Hi Traci! Love your "inspiration" pics. I made a bedskirt similar to the one in the first couple of shots, for our beachy guest room. I haven't posted it yet because I want to make some european shams and window treatments to match. I'll eventually get it all finished.

  23. thanks for posting the inspiration makeover has hit a road block...can't find the furniture with the look I want....Still looking for a good bedspread that me and my husband agree on!


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