Thursday, April 15, 2010

$4 Artwork for my room

Well, you know that I am trying to accessorize my master bedroom on the cheap, so today I stopped by the Habitat store and picked up a couple of frames.

They were only two dollars each, so I spent a whopping $4.00!

They are matted for a 8 x 10 picture which is exactly what I needed.


I spray painted them both black and sanded the edges just a bit.

I got my artwork for the frames from Vintage Printable online…just printed them off of my computer right at home!

There is a wealth of vintage prints that you can download and print for FREE! Love that!

I turned the mat around in the frame so it would be white instead of cream, and added the bird’s nest prints that I downloaded…


I still do not have the side tables for my room figured out, so right now I just have a table from around the house sitting there.


I am wanting to find a desk for this side of the room..


As you can see, I am trying to add touches of blue to the room. It was needing some color!


Not bad for FREE!


This one is my favorite. I love the little blue eggs…


I am hoping to find some matching lamps for both sides of my bed. Lamps are so expensive, so I am trying to find some at a thrift store.

Another great site to get free prints is The Graphics Fairy.

Here are some I downloaded from her site…


She has a ton of cool pictures, not just birds.

The pictures I made really added a nice touch to the room, and they were totally worth only $4.00!

So if you are needing artwork for your room, be sure to check both of these sites out!

If you haven’t already, be sure to enter my Lisa Leonard giveaway!!!


Click HERE to enter.

The two winners will be announced Friday!!

Have a blessed day!



  1. Wow!! Your new artwork looks wonderful! You got me thinking about what I could do in my own bedroom.

  2. Love the artwork! I have been meaning to print out images from those sites as well but haven't bought any color ink.

  3. Very pretty! What a great price!

  4. Hi Traci,
    Your artwork looks amazingly beautiful on your walls. Great job.


  5. They look great! Beautiful prints and free! Loving that! I like the little touches of blue :)

  6. Not sure if you have a Fred's in your part of the country, but they have the BEST lamps...for $10-20! Old Time Pottery also has good lamps.

  7. Hi Traci. The artwork turned out beautiful and don't you just love the price! I get really excited over things like that. Seeing what you can do with very little.

    Have a blessed day Sweetie. Hugs...Tracy :)

  8. Good for you, Traci! You made that $4 go a long, long way! Thanks for the links to those sites--I need to check them out.

    Here's a question for you. If you don't find side tables that you like or that you can afford, would it work to make a tablecloth for a skirted table out of burlap (like the one in your guest house), and then make a square topper out of a fabric that has some blue in it? It would be another way to bring in some color. You wouldn't need much of the topper fabric. You could even make a couple of decorative pillows for your bed out of the same fabric, perhaps adding a button covered in burlap to the middle of the pillow. Just a thought. :)

  9. Tracy, the pictures look wonderful. So pretty. Your room is coming together and I just LOVE the chandelier. Hugs, Marty

  10. Excellent work! I always love a good frame craft, and one that's super inexpensive :)

  11. Thanks for sharing the sites! I am always looking for artwork I can print at home. I love the image of the bird nest, LUV! You got a great deal on your frames also, mine were $7 ea. @ Big Lots :o(

  12. I love the pictures and I am going to check out the website. Thanks so much, Traci!


  13. I am SO into birds right now Traci. They are just so darn sweet and fit into just about any decor. I think they look perfect in your bedroom!

  14. Great artwork, I love the nest with eggs adding the touch of blue for your room. Isn't it fun adding the finishing touches to rooms. Have a great day!

  15. Great idea, Traci! Great frames, too, for $4.00! I love Karen's site, she always has such great images to choose from. I've printed out and framed a number of them for my own home.

  16. I did this in my master bath a few months website ever!!!

  17. LOVE printing art out online...your art came out gorgeous!!! And looks so much more expensive than $4!! xo

  18. Great idea and even better price! Love the photo's you picked out - so cute!

  19. LOVE the Habitat Resale store!!! So many treasures there, so little time ... :)

  20. I did the same thing and printed two duck prints for my hubby's bathroom!

  21. So pretty and what a nice price Traci!
    Your bedroom is looking really beautiful. :)

  22. SO pretty! Thanks for the link!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  23. It is perfect! And you can't beat $4!

  24. I too love the artwork. Food for thought on bedside tables. At, we love those inexpensive (I hate to say cardboard, but that's what it is) tables with a cloth on top. You can get them at Target or Pottery Barn. They are great because they are large - you have a fair amount of space at least on one side of your bed - and they offer a place for storage underneath. We recommend topping it with a white 60" round table cloth and then a topper that you can make yourself or change based on your decor, season etc....

    I just bought this one - that relates well to your new bird art - it looks a lot better in person than on the website- beautiful blues...

    Inexpensive - the right size, storage and updateable....what more could you want.

  25. Those are great frames! You really scored. I love vintage printables as well. Lots of great stuff on there. Your room is really coming along.


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