Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wednesday with Wanda

Something really special happened this week.

My 10 year old son, Jonathan, got his new hearing aids!


It was a very emotional day for me.

Let me explain…

(I shared some of this story last year, and you can read about it HERE.)

My son, Jonathan, has moderate to severe hearing loss in both of his ears. He got his first pair of hearing aids when he was 3 years old. Since hearing aids are not covered by insurance, it has sometimes been difficult paying for his hearing aids and doctor’s appointments.

Mom always had a soft place in her heart for Jonathan. And she would sometimes help us out financially to meet Jonathan’s needs. She never wanted him to have less than the best care for his ears.


(Grandparent’s Day at school, 2007)

Last year, Jonathan was in need of some new hearing aids. The ones he was wearing were old and outdated. Knowing it would be difficult for us to purchase new ones, Mom told me she wanted to save up the money to buy Jonathan some hearing aids.

It was last Spring when Mom started saving money for the hearing aids from her paychecks as a church secretary.

It was around that same time that Mom started to not feel very good. She went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a heart condition. (We now know the cancer was there and was making her not feel good, but it had not been diagnosed at this point.)

We encouraged Mom to quit working and take it easy for a while, and her answer was always the same…. “I’ll quit working in the fall…when I have enough money saved up to buy Jonathan some new hearing aids.”

And believe me, there was no talking her out of it! Mom was determined to get those new hearing aids for Jonathan!

You could see the joy in her eyes when she would talk to Jonathan about getting his new hearing aids. And he was so very excited!

Mom was diagnosed with cancer on August 6, 2009. She was given 6 to 12 months to live. The news was absolutely devastating to us all.

But what was even more devastating to Mom was that she wouldn’t be able to buy Jonathan his new hearing aids.

Her eyes would well up with tears when Jonathan would come around, and she would apologize over and over to him for not being able to buy him new hearing aids. Of course, sweet Jonathan would say, “That’s okay, Nana, my hearing aids are just fine.”

But it bothered Mom. It seemed to bother her even more than the cancer.

Mom had saved up $1700 for his hearing aids when she found out she had cancer. That was almost half of the total cost.

And her heart broke the day she had to transfer that money into her checking account to pay for her own medical bills related to her cancer.

Mom always liked doing things for others more than for herself.

Knowing that Jonathan would not be getting new hearing aids made Mom feel like she had left something “undone” before passing away. I assured her over and over again that we would make sure that Jonathan would get his new hearing aids. My husband and I agreed that we would do whatever it took to make sure he got them.

After Mom passed away, Dad moved in with my sister and brother-in-law. He didn’t want to live in his house without Mom. He just couldn’t.

Dad put their house up for sale about a month later. It was a very difficult thing to do.

However, without hesitation, Dad told me when the house sold, the first thing he wanted to do with the money he made was to buy Jonathan his new hearing aids.

He said, “Wanda would have wanted me to.”

And he was right.

When Mom and Dad’s house finally sold a couple of months ago, Dad told me to call and make Jonathan an appointment to get his new hearing aids.

And Monday was that special day!


Oh, Mom, you would have been so proud of Dad!

To say that Jonathan was excited would have been the understatement of the year!

Here he is with his wonderful audiologist, Amy.


I could feel Mom’s presence in that room that day. And I could see her smiling from ear to ear, clapping her hands in excitement!


And I could hear her say, “Thank you, Doug, Thank you!” What an honor it was for Dad to stand in her place that day and fulfill her dream for Jonathan!

Mom….Dad has your same heart…so full of love!

Jonathan’s new hearing aids are “top of the line”, and he is now able to hear things he has never even heard before…like the air conditioning kicking on, the taps of a keyboard when typing, mommy whispering to daddy in the front seat of the car… :)

He now says in a sing-song voice, “I can hear you!”

What a blessing! (right, Mom?)

So now I say with joy, as loud as my heart can say it…

“Mom, Jonathan got his new hearing aids!!!!”


What a special day! Thank you, Dad! I love you!!!!!


I also wanted to share with you a note that Jonathan wrote Mom about a month after we found out she had cancer. This was his “rough draft” that he had tried to edit at school (thus, the circled words). The final copy that he gave to Mom is somewhere in a box at my sister’s house.

I love seeing his little heart in this letter. And I love that he wrote, “we can do all things in Christ who strengthens us,” at the bottom of his letter. It comes from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

I hope you can read his writing. You may be able to click on the picture to enlarge it.



God is still on our side! Loving us through the storms of this life!

Jonathan sang a version of “Amazing Grace” at Mom’s funeral. She had asked him to.

He had sung it a few months earlier at his school’s talent show, and Mom was there to watch it. She was always so proud of Jonathan’s ability to sing…a true gift from God.

Mom had no idea that day as she sat and listened to Jonathan sing “Amazing Grace” that a few months later he would be singing it at her funeral. It always blows my mind to think about that.

Life is so short. And it is only what we do for Christ on this earth that will last forever! Amen?!

I didn’t tape Jonathan singing at Mom’s funeral, but he sang again at our church a few weeks later. If you missed it the first time, I wanted to share it with you again.

Mom, Jonathan’s still singing for you…

Thanks for letting me share the JOY beneath my heart,



  1. I'm crying tears of joy right now. :) Thank you for sharing this with us.

  2. Traci, I have 3 sons, one of which grew up with special needs. I previously practiced nursing as a RN in an intensive care unit. Your story is among thousands of insurance companies not covering these services to help promote development of our children. Your mother and father remind me of my grandparents, beliefs and morals and anything goes for their grandchildren! I am so happy for your entire family that your son is off on a new adventure in life. I laughed when I read "I can hear you!" How wonderful and uplifting our children can be. I recently joined your blog and read over your story. I am so thankful we have Christ in our lives. Even though days pass where it is just taking it a minute at a time, I know for all of us, the best is yet to come!
    Your friend in Oklahoma, Dara Lynn

  3. I am so touched by this special young man and the love of his gramma. He sing's like an angel. I have two boy's(men) who are in wheelchair's, they have muscular dystrophy, they bring me such joy, my life would be so empty without their sweet soul's.
    God Bless and thank you for sharing this beautiful young man.
    Love ya,Debbie

  4. "Hear-n-aids"- Tracy, that is precious! I'm crying- the sweetness, love, joy- over it all! I'm a musician, so I can only imagine what it'd be like not to hear.

  5. Dear Traci,
    Your young man has a awesome singing voice!
    God bless you all,

  6. So let me get this straight Traci. Your son with the pitch perfect voice wears hearing aids?! I am blown away, and a crying, slobbery mess after your post, his letter and Amazing Grace. He truly has a gift from God and now also a gift from one of God's lovely angels. I am so happy that your father (and mother) was/were able to do that for you all. I guess this means no more secrets in the front seat of the car and he can't claim to not hear you either! Joking aside, what a wonderful blessing.

  7. YOU are truly a strong woman, my dad was diagnosed on January 28, 2009 with Melanoma and went home to Jesus on July 9, 2009. What a great gift your mother was - and she passed on her love and kindness to her entire family. Thanks for letting us all be touched by that...


  8. what a beautiful story, thank you for sharing, Jonathan is an amazing person!

  9. I am so proud that Jonathan got his new hearing aids. What a blessing! Thank you for sharing with us. I so wish I could have known your mom! But I will get to meet her one day in heaven. Your dad sounds like an amazing man Traci. Have a great week and be blessed.! Tell Jonathan to listen....the angels are singing. Cindy

  10. What a very special Wed. with Wanda post. Your son has been blessed with a beautiful voice...and he is only 10?
    What a wonderful blessing your parents are. It's easy to see your mom not only had a big heart, but that your Daddy does also. Praise the Lord that Jonathan is able to now hear things he never heard before.
    His letter to your mom truly touched my heart. You have quite the young man there.

  11. Good morning! What a great post and how special that your son can now hear things that we take for granted. I'll have to come back to listen to Jonathon singing - my family is sleeping right now and they might wonder what I'm doing at 6am!
    God Bless You - it's so hard to lose a parent - it's got to be one of the hardest things to deal with. Thanks for continuing to share stories of your Mom.

  12. I read your Wednesday posts and sympathize because I lost my mom too back in 2000 (my dad in 1995). This post was special. My mom had a severe-profound hearing loss and hearing aids and growing up with that is one of the factors that made me become a pediatric speech pathologist who now works with children who have hearing aids. I so identified with your post in many ways. I know how expensive audiological services, new ear molds, and hearing aids can be. Have you considered applying for SSI (social security income?) for children with disabilities. The purpose is to help with those costs. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Traci, MERCY! I am a puddle! That is a wonderful tribute to BOTH of your parents, and your son's voice is a treasure. Oh, dear, what a blessing. Linda

  14. What a wonderful story! It has completely made my day:) Such a special Grandma and Grandpa, and son:) I listened to his song - he has an amazing voice, especially for being only 10 years old! Just beautiful:)

  15. What a great voice and song to start the day. Gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. :)

  16. Traci, that has to be the BEST and most moving post I've read yet...ever. This is an awesome story of love. wow...I am blown away. Your mom was an incredible woman, and your dad to keep her passion and dreams alive. Your son's singing is awesome...what a gift indeed.
    Thank you for sharing this today. Precious! You are so blessed.

  17. Oh, Traci, I am so happy for you and especially for Jonathan! I can imagine that your mom is so pleased about the new hearing aids. God bless your dad for carrying out this wish of hers. This story is such a good example of the kind of person your mom was.

    Jonathan sings so beautifully. You're right: his singing is a gift from God! Your mom embodied the kind of life a person can live when their chains are gone, didn't she?

  18. Wow! What a beautiful story. You have a special little man there. I love the letter he wrote for your mom. Amazing. Thank you for sharing!

  19. So precious Traci. Thank you for letting us share in this very special occasion. Your mom continues to touch so many she never even met. As for your son - what a tender heart! So happy that he can hear so perfectly. Praise you Jesus! Sending you all my love today. Janine

  20. Crying once again as I read this. I so look forward to Wednesdays with Wanda--I almost feel like I know her through your writings. What a very special Grandma she is! I could just see her smiling and clapping, too. Thanks for sharing her with us.

  21. This is the best post ever! Thank you for sharing these special moments to inspire people like me. God Bless.

  22. I should know by now to grab a tissue before I read your Wednesday posts. What a beautiful gift you give us every week. You and your family are such an inspiration.

    Your son has a wonderful voice!

  23. Traci,

    Thank you so much for blessing me today.


  24. What a beautiful post! I love that your mom was still able to give your son his hearing aids. What a blessing. Thank you for sharing this story with us!

  25. Thank you for sharing something so personal, private and beautiful! What a blessing indeed! I appreciate the love that is shared and know that your mom is smiling down on you - what a great mommy you are! I'm truly blessed to have found your blog yesterday and appreciate starting the day off with you :)

  26. What a wonderful example of giving that your Mom instilled in your boys!

    I am so excited that Jonathan can hear you whispering now. :)

  27. I recently starting reading your blog but knew that I just had to comment on this post. What a precious story! Your son has a beautiful voice. Thanks for sharing!

  28. What an incredible and sweet post and tribute to your Mom, Dad and son.


  29. What would I do without my Wednesday cry-fest? :)

    I'm so happy that Jonathan got his hearing aids! What a blessing to your whole family. I'm sure your Dad enjoyed doing one last thing that he knew your Mom would have wanted done. This is a great story and will be a treasured memory!

    I can just imagine how your heart soars when you hear your son say, "I can hear you!" Now you can't get away with those whispers. :) Love that!

    Your post today just makes me want to hug my family members a little more tightly today. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Traci, that was such a nice post. My father-in-law just died on Saturday of melanoma... he went really, really fast, which was a bit of a shock, but I think it was partly because he knew it was not treatable and was always thinking about how it would effect us... he was always taking care of us...

    thatnks for sharing your stories about your mom.

  31. He is truly talented. And such a sweet child. And cute too! Bless you and your family.

  32. Traci, I have been following your blog for just a few months and have never posted a comment before. But today, as I listened to your son sing the most beautiful version of Amazing Grace I have ever heard, I knew I just couldn't leave without telling you how it blessed me. Thank you so much for sharing it. You have a wonderful family and a special heart. I love your blog!

  33. That is just a beautiful story. I too know your mom is just so happy right now for Jonathan and his new hearaids.

  34. I am about to leave for Bible study and now I have to go reapply my makeup....thanks! Your son's voice is incredible! God's amazing.

  35. I just love "Wednesdays with Wanda". Thank you for sharing.

    I think we all would like to be remembered the way your mom is remembered. She's an inspiration to me.

    Your mother has left her legacy through you and your sons. I cried while reading this,

  36. What a very special gift your son has! I can't imagine how happy it made your dad to be able to do this for him since it was such a passion of your mom's. Thank you again for sharing your blessings with the rest of us!

  37. it's hard to type through the inspiring! Your entire post! You have a wonderful family, although your mom was called home too soon, you truly were blessed to have her. I'm glad your dad could carry on your mom's dream.
    Yay for Jonathan! Happy he can hear so well with his new hearing aids. I loved the video, he did a great job singing!

  38. What a beautiful post, Traci, I just love reading your blog.

  39. Oh, Traci! What a sweet, sweet story. I can tell you loved your mama so much, the way I love mine. They are SO special. So happy that your son got his hearing aids. What a sweet voice he has too. You must be one proud mama too! I loved this story.

  40. What a moving and wonderful story. Thank you for sharing that. It brought tears to my eyes. You are blessed with a terrific family! I'm so happy for Jonathan!

  41. Wow!!! What a sweet gift from God you have. Such truth from such a young heart! God Bless!

  42. Praise the Lord Traci. I can't stop crying here, but it's a good cry. A cry of happiness for you and your son. Jonathan's letter was absolutely precious and a true testament to the wonderful job you and your husband are doing of raising a young man of God.

  43. Traci~
    I wept through this entire post!!! What an amazing blessing your parents are to you and yoru precious children.

    And, what a great example they are as well.

    I'm so THANKFUL that your precious son was able to get new earring aids. Yippee. a side are all in shorts??? WHAT??? It's still cold here! BOOO!

  44. Traci - this is your best blog ever. Thanks so much for sharing this special's touched my heart in a very special way today - more than you can imagine. I'm sharing it will all my close friends at work. I know your Mom is smiling down from heaven today - and I know she is so proud of you. Love you cuz....thanks so much for sharing this!

  45. What a sweet story! My little girl has a vision impairment, so I understand how it is about wanting the best for those special babies the God blessed us with. =)

  46. Traci~Your parents are fantastic! I can see the joy in your fathers face. I am so happy that Johnathan can now hear your whispers!! What a tremendous blessing. Congratulations to you, your son and of course your father.

  47. OH my goodness. What an entry! Your mom's passion for getting your son hearing aids, and your dad seeing her passion through... (*tears!!*) And to top it all off, your son has a golden voice. Somebody get that boy a singing contract!

    Thanks for sharing today. What a story.

  48. I am a fairly new reader of your blog. This touched my heart for I also loved getting new aids.

    I was born severely deaf. I am now am 46 years old and profoundly deaf. I went to special school from age 2 to 7 where I was taught to speak and lip-read. I absolutely loved my hearing-aids from the get go.

    My three older brothers were all in band and very talented. I wanted to be in band too. I was very fortunate that the then junior high band director was willing to give me a chance. (By this time, my hearing loss has leveled off to severe/profound).

    It turned out that I was also musical and talented. (I played the bass clarinet). In my senior year in high school, I made "alternate to state".

    Anyway, It does my heart good to hear about kids like your son. Thank you for sharing your, or rather your son's, story.

  49. Traci,
    I'm trying not to cry after reading your story. I hope to be a grandmother some day and to be able to help out my daughters in the way your Mom did. What an inspiration she is to all that read your Wed w/Wanda.

  50. this was so beautiful to read. it brought tears to my eyes. what a special family you have, so kind and full of love. what a blessing to get the hearing aides! i know your mother was there with you in that room. such a special memory.

  51. Thanks for sharing your story Traci true love abounds in your family. I love the Amazing Grace song and your son sings it so beautifully. It's hard to believe he has a hearing problem from his singing.

  52. I am having to dry my eyes before typing this....So beautiful, so glad your moms wishes were granted! What a special family you have.So blessed!!!

  53. This post really touched me. Thank you for sharing it with us. I know it must have been hard to write but you did your mom proud.

  54. Thank you for sharing this special story. What a sweet boy you have. I am so happy for him to have his new hearing aides. Your mom and dad are special people.

  55. *TEARS* Thanks sharing this story! What an amazing little boy you have, very talented too! xoxo

  56. That is such a beautiful, touching story. I have tears of joy, sadness and then joy again for your family. Your mom set an amazing example for your son, her kindness and love will be spread many times over in his lifetime. Congratulations to him on his hearing aids, and my deepest sympathy for losing your loving mom.

    Blessings to you all!

  57. What a beautiful gift from your parents, and from God. Your son will always treasure his sweet grandmother. He also has such an amazing voice! So beautiful.

  58. I was so touched by this. You are such an incredible mother and amazing daughter. I love Wednesdays with Wanda. *sniffle*

    Thanks for sharing friend !

  59. What a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. <3

  60. Okay, I am crying again. What a beautiful post, a beautiful gift and an amazing son.

    Thank you for sharing....

    Lou Cinda :)

  61. I have been following your blog for months but this is the 1st time I have ever commented. WOW!!! You have a remarkable son, with a voice from God!!! You are truly blessed.

  62. I have no words right now as I am sitting here with tears in my eyes! What a magnificent child, mom, and dad you have. Oh, so sweet...

  63. What a sweet gift from God! Jonathan couldn't be any more precious!

  64. Wow. You must be one proud mama!! That letter was just beautiful and the song made me cry. God surely has His hand on your son. Thank you for sharing your blessing.

  65. What a beautiful story! When I found your blog I was looking for more decorating ideas. Don't get me wrong I love your decorating ideas. But I had to keep going into archives to read Wednesdays with Wanda. I've loved reading about what a beautiful person your mom was outside and inside. My mom died 5 years ago from cancer on the 21st of this month. I feel for you the first year is hard, but it gets better with each year. You never stop missing them though. You and your son are amazing too! Thanks for the beautiful thoughts and music.

  66. This was truly a blessing to read. What a beautiful beautiful tribute! It touched me so much. Thank you, dear, for sharing this amazing journey!


  67. This beautiful post brought tears to my eyes. The love and sacrifice of your mom for your son is very heartwarming. I'm so glad that your dad's house sold so that Jonathan could get his hearing aides, although I'm sure that is bittersweet for you all.

  68. Beautiful. What a gift from God and great that he did this- wow. Thanks for doing what you do.

  69. Hello Traci,
    i have been reading your blog for a long time... initially i used to read it for all the creative things you do but slowly wednesdays with wanda became my favourite. i lost my father when i was 10 my mom brought me up.... she provided good education and took good care but somewhere all the struggle had made her a tough and egoistic person. I respect her a lot but it pains me when she drops insensitive comments about my husband and me... i try to take it nicely thinking all she did for me but her behaviour has changed me so much... from a talkative person i have become very silent i don't share my heart with anyone and even if the pain kills me i keep mum.... her behaviour has broken me inside..... she gets me precious gifts and things...i accept them becoz she will be hurt if i don't but never use them...all i want her to say is honey i am there for you and what ever you do i will support you unconditionally.... i am so happy that you have such a supporting mother. i will not say that your mother is no more because she haas given so much love to you that you can feel her every day... i wish i had so much love from my mom.... my mom thinks that she is showing her love in her presents but she does not know how much her comments hurts me...i try to build courage and tell her how much she hurts me but i have held my tounge till this day thinking the pain i will give her.... dear traci please pray for me, pray jesus christ to change my mother's attitude so that i get atleast some love from her. i wish i can feel atleast a little love as you feel from your mom

  70. Oh, how I love this testimony! God cares about every detail! With tears streaming down my face this morning, I am rejoicing with you and the goodness of God's fierce love for His children!

  71. This was a wonderful story for you to share!

  72. Jonathan will hear better than ever now, his Nana whispering in his ear.

    Beautiful story, beautiful family.

    - Suzanne

  73. Thank you for sharing these stories of your mom! She reminds me so much of my mother in law that we lost last year. It was around this time that we were told she only had a few weeks left with us. She had the same gentle and God loving spirit! I cried reading this, but they were tears of joy!

  74. What a beautiful story. A grandparent's love knows no boundaries, does it. Of course, that also applies to parents. :)

    Congrats on your awesome hearing aids, Jonathan!

  75. Just so wonderful!! Weeping...just beautiful!

  76. Your Wednesdays with Wanda posts always make a me cry. Thanks for sharing your wonderful memories with us!

  77. That is the sweetest brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad your mom's wish to help your son came true! Your parents remind me so much of my own. Thanks for the reminder to always cherish the time we have with them!

  78. oh, my. I don't cry easily, but this beautiful story of love brought tears to my eyes. Blessings to your family.

  79. Tears in my eyes, too..lovely story and one that should be printed and tucked away for generations to come...this is a legacy that should be forever treasured

  80. What a beautiful story and a beautiful heart in a young man! I'm so glad I came across your blog today!

  81. Aren't the grandparents the greatest?

    My parents has always paid for my hearing aid, even to this day and I am 45 years old. I do count my lucky stars for that my husband's health insurance does not pay for them.

    They sure don't come in cheap, my current one is the one of top of the line (it's about 5 years old)and it was at around $2,500.00! Yikes... I know I will need a new one in a few years...sigh.

    So, woo hoo for your son and for your Daddy for helping out. Huge hugs to your Daddy!!

  82. Thank you for this post. Brought tears to my eyes.

  83. I am crying from your story so full of love and faithfulness. So beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
    ~ Jill

  84. OH what a beautiful post! I can SO relate as we're currently getting diagnosis' from an audiologist. We go for Audio Processing Disorder testing Wed. My son (10) doesn't require a hearing aid per se, but has issues with sound/noise ratio. He can't hear with background noise. :) Thanks for this post!

  85. Traci:

    This was a wonderful story! And what a great guy you have. He has a very special attitude and I know he is a blessing to you. He also can SING!!
    I know your dad is proud, and your mom would be sharing every detail with joy.
    Her life has been such an impact on your family, and now you feel like we did when we lost our mom and dad, the torch has been passed to us. Never will I feel I can measure up to her, and yet... she always felt we were so special, just like your mom. Are we blessed or what??

    lso, the $700 seems to be going wisely and well!



  86. The voice of an angel and an touching post. Excuse me while I go find the tissues. =) I needed this today.

  87. I am so happy for him and for your Dad. What a wonderful way to honor her memory!

    Thank you so much for sharing these stories with us! It is so nice to have a little peace of something special to read on Wednesday's!

  88. I don't know how I missed this post last week. Oh my gosh...yes, you've made me cry. Every week I think what a beautiful woman your mother was.


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