Thursday, April 29, 2010

Best DIY Projects of April

First of all, thank you for coming to my party!!! I am so glad you are here.

I cannot believe a month has already passed since our last party!!!

Have you been busy completing projects this month?!

If you follow my blog, you know I have been crazy busy finishing my master bedroom.

And of all the projects I completed in April, my $25.00 vanity that I got at the antique mall was
my absolute favorite!
Click on the picture below if you want to see the post about how I refinished this piece.
(Warning: impromptu video of me looking like doo doo and talking about my "find" at the antique mall included in that post.) :)

Now I can't wait to see all of your fab projects!

There are just a few rules to this party.
1. One entry per person. Pick your best DIY project (related to home decor or home improvement) in the month of April to share with us.

2. Be sure to add a link back to this party in your post using my party button or text. Doing this is "blog courtesy" to the hostess. I was surprised (and a little sad) that about of a third of the bloggers who linked up last month did not include a link back to my party.

Beneath My Heart

3. Make your best effort to visit 3 to 5 other blogs and leave comments on their post. I am a big fan of encouraging others through comments. We all love it when people visit our blogs, don't we? So go spread some bloggy love! (Note to my sister: you do not have to link up to this party to be able to leave comments. Everyone who visits the party can leave comments.) :)

4. Be sure to add the link to your actual post, not your blog address.

Now for some good news!

Everyone who links up to this party will be entered in a great giveaway to win a FOB Keychain!!

My friend, Norma, has a cute little Etsy shop called,


She's the one that made me this adorable keychain...

And then she sent me this one....

It has my blog name on one side and my name on the other. She even added a little "bling" to the keychain too.

I don't know how I ever lived without one of these key chains. It just slips right on my wrist and makes it easy for me to carry my keys at all times. I love how I can carry my son in one arm, my groceries in the other, and have my key chain on my wrist. Then I don't have to search for them in my purse anymore. Love it!

The winner of the giveaway will be able to pick from all of the great color choices Norma has in her Etsy shop, and she will even personalize your keychain for you!

If you don't win the giveaway, you can still visit Norma's Etsy shop, Luv-N-Charms and look around at all her cute creations.

The wrist bands only cost $11.50, and that includes shipping! I don't know about you, but I think that is a great price for a teacher gift or graduation gift!

As a former teacher, I can tell you first hand that I would have LOVED for one of my students to get me one of these key chains!

Now let's get to the party!!!


  1. Whoo-hoo! #2!! I've never been than high up in a link party! :)

  2. Loved your post about connecting with your Mom's handwriting! I so agree! I cherish my Mom's old cards to me! They are so special! Nancy from OHIO

  3. I was having a problem earlier posting a comment to you... I love your BLOG! Nancy from OHIO

  4. Yeah now the comments are working yeah! Nancy from OHIO

  5. Thanks so much for hosting Traci!Love this's like the best of the best! The vanity is gorgeous - What a fabulous find. The details are incredible! I picked my recycled plastic bag wreath for this month...I was making this one up as I went along and it worked! Hope you are enjoying your week! Stephanie Lynn

  6. Traci,
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful party!
    I have enjoyed watching you re-do your bedroom. It turned out fantastic!
    Dee Dee

  7. Hello sweet Traci - I have been so excited for your party! Thank you for hosting it and allowing me to link up. You already know my feelings about your beautiful antique vanity! But I will say it's absolutely FAB!


  8. Hi Traci. I know that I am a beginner with a the techy stuff. But I want to link back to your linky party, but I do not see the code to the button. Will it work if I just drag the button from your post and put it at the bottom of my post? I just didn't think it would link page to you rather it would just be a picture of the button. But like I said I am a beginner so I maybe over looking the code. Thanks!

  9. I always lost my keys when I was teaching! I had to have one of my band students keep up with them! Pathetic, I know!

  10. Thanks for hosting. This will be fun to see evryone's favorite projects.

  11. Hi Traci, What a lovely family creative blog you have. Your warmth and love really shine through your texts. Love the photo of the 5 men in your life!
    Thanks for hosting this party. Link ups are pretty new to me but I've just posted my first one. Wish me luck!
    Have a great weekend

  12. Love this party! I really like picking my favorite project for the month! And those key chains are super cute!

  13. Just saw your video about your special find!! You make me smile :) That clip of your son walking in mid speech, made me feel like I was watching myself through another person's life! hee hee - my eldest would totally make an entrance on my private little moment too :) Love that you are a real mom just like the rest of us! It makes your blog so close to home. Love Janine
    ps - awesome makeover!!!

  14. Hi, Traci! I was late getting here, but I finally managed to link up my post about transforming my barstools. I'm so happy with how they turned out!

    Thank you so much for encouraging us to visit one another. . . that's what a linky party is all about! :)

    Have a great day!

  15. This is my first time exciting! I love your blog and projects!

  16. I just wanted to take a second to tell you how much I love your blog and especially the Wednesdays with Wanda posts. I have followed your blog since the beginning but have not been able to check in for several weeks. Six weeks ago my three year old son was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer. I haven't had time to do anything other than hospital stuff with his surgeries and chemo. I am glad I came here today. Your notes about your mom are so sweet.

  17. Thanks for hosting, nothing to share this week but wanted to pop in and say hi and look at all the other fabulous links :)

  18. Thanks so much for hosting, Traci! I am so excited to see what everyone has been working on. Your master bedroom makeover is stunning!

  19. I love those key chains! Thanks for hosting this great blog carnival.

  20. Thanks for hosting. What fun.
    Have a great weekend.


I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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