Thursday, April 29, 2010

Connecting with me and my blog

Isn’t blogging fun?!

I cannot tell you how much my blog has blessed my socks off!!

The best thing about blogging is connecting with my readers. You guys are awesome!!!

I cherish every single one of your comments. Each time comments show up in my dashboard, it’s like Christmas morning! (So keep them coming…hint. hint.)

But there are other great ways for us to connect as well.

First of all is through twitter.


I used to think that twitter was so stupid. Why would anyone want to follow my random acts during the day? And why would I want to follow anyone else’s?

So, I started following a few other bloggers just to see what all the fuss was about, and I still thought it was stupid. I would get their tweets on my phone and it would say, “Just finished breakfast, now I am off to the grocery.”

Honestly, I thought.. “who cares?” (Boy, do I sound mean or what?)

But then I discovered TweetDeck and I don’t think it’s stupid anymore. It’s actually a blast. It’s a great place to quickly communicate with your blogging buddies. You should see some of the hilarious “tweets” that the Thrifty Decor Chick writes. She cracks me up. You can also find out about great posts and giveaways throughout blogland on tweetdeck, and so much more.

(I don’t follow tweets on my phone, just tweetdeck.)

If you want to download TweetDeck to your computer, click HERE.

I use twitter to announce my posts, giveaways, and also give “sneak peeks” of projects I am working on.

If you would like to follow me on Twitter just click on this button in my sidebar.


I also just started a Beneath My Heart community on Blog Frog!

It’s still new to me too, but so far I am loving it.


Every now and then, I will post topics to discuss in my community. Anyone is welcome to join in the discussion.

Today, I will be asking your opinion on whether or not to paint my fireplace mantle. Click on my BlogFrog button in my sidebar if you would like to share your opinion.

I am looking forward to getting to know you in my community!

And of course, don’t forget Facebook! Have you joined my page yet?


I use my Beneath My Heart facebook page to also announce my giveaways and give “sneak peeks” of my projects.

I am hoping to spotlight some other great bloggers on my facebook page as well.

You can click on my facebook fan page in my sidebar to join.

Well, you might just be on “Beneath My Heart Overload” if you do all of the above suggestions, but I sure would love to get to know my readers even better.

Check ‘em out and see what you think!


The Parade of Homes is still going on at Poppies at Play!

I don’t know about you, but I have had an absolute blast touring all of the homes on parade! It’s been great to take a sneak peek in the homes of other inspirational bloggers.

There’s two more days of fun left, so click on the button to check it out!


And don’t forget about my linky party!!!

I will have the linky system up tonight around 9:00 p.m.

large april

I can’t wait to see all of your fabulous DIY projects!

And I’ve got a cute little giveaway for the party too!

Have a blessed day!



  1. It's amazing how much is available in terms of social media! I actually deleted my Facebook account after a couple of months.

  2. Miss Traci...I've been lurking your blog for a few weeks now, decided it was time to come out from the shadows and tell you how fun your blog it. And should bless your socks off because you know it blesses your readers as well.
    Great post, I agree with everything you wrote. Staying connected through social media can be a ministry in thoughts anyway.


    Rustique Art

  3. I love checking out your blog. Your home make overs are amazing!! And truly inspirational. I always say I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. I touch on a bit of decorating, phtography, cardmaking, sewing, cooking and try to fit in being a SAHM I love your links, your other blog favorites! I look forward to them every day. Come visit my spot sometime!! :0)

  4. Hello Traci~I've just strolled in for my first visit...I've enjoyed taking a peek at your past posts. You've got so many wonderful ideas. Your blog is so beautifully inviting.
    We share similar taste for so many of the same creative design elements.
    I've often thought of connecting through Twitter but, haven't for the exact reason you mentioned. Tweet deck may be more of what I'm looking for. I'll check into it.

    I becoming more and more distracted with spring. I'm looking forward to applying the inspirational palette of colors into a few DIY projects, with a little baking/cooking in between.
    Don't you love the aroma that fills the air during this season?
    It's definitely invigorating.
    I will come by your charming blog again.
    Come by for a visit. Your company would be nice.

    Sweet wishes,

  5. I just joined blog frog and am enjoying it as well. Have a wonderful day!


I am so glad to hear from you! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment. Blessings!

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