Sunday, April 4, 2010

Black Dresser for my Bedroom

UPDATE: I have had a bunch of questions about my Easter outfit. :) You girls are so funny! The dress is Calvin Klein, and I got it at Marshall's on clearance for $44.00 (which is actually kind of pricey for me). The shoes I got at Payless for $14.99, and I already had the necklace and earrings. There ya go, sweet things!

I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend.

The weather here was absolutely perfect, and I enjoyed spending time with both sides of our family.

I did get a couple pics that I wanted to share with you.

Me and my boys…


The loves of my life!…


The whole crew after church…


I missed Mom terribly. I have such wonderful memories of Easter as a child. Mom played a big part in making it so special. I pray that my boys will also look back on these days and feel the same love that I did growing up.

The best part of the day was being in the Lord’s house and celebrating Jesus’ love for us all!


Now to another piece of furniture that I finished for our master bedroom makeover.

Remember this inspiration picture I shared with you?….


And remember this dresser I found at an antique mall?…


Well, I broke down and bought her. They were asking $250.00 for the dresser. (Remember I had a $700.00 budget from the money I made selling my previous cherry bedroom suite.)

I did NOT want to pay that much!! I am sooo cheap! I knew that as soon as I bought the dresser, I would find one like it at a garage sale for like 25 bucks, and I would be totally kicking myself!

So I waited for about two weeks as I looked at every used furniture store, Goodwill, and antique mall I could find, and I saw NOTHING like this dresser.

I went back to the antique mall and offered them $200.00 cash, but they didn’t take it. So I called my Aunt Sue who buys and sells antiques, and ask her what I should do.

Long story short, my Aunt Sue went to the antique mall and talked the dealers down to $210.00. That’s as low as they would go, and since it was exactly what I was looking for, I decided to get it. :)

Thank you, Aunt Sue!

And here she is now…


Isn’t she cute?

I followed the same painting steps on this dresser that I used for my black armoire, except I cover the whole dresser with primer. You can read about the details HERE. I also will probably be putting a coat of polyurethane on this dresser for extra durability.

I did want to share with you how I did the drawer pulls.

They looked like this at first…


My husband primed them with some self-etching primer that he uses on his cars. (You could use regular spray primer.)

IMG_6002 IMG_6004

Then I spray painted them black (look at the handle at the top of the picture.)


I used a Folk Art paint from Walmart called Metallic Antique Gold ($1.25) and wiped it over the black handle with a paper towel.


It gave me exactly the look I was after! Can you see the difference in the picture below?


I love the way they look on my dresser…


Pretty close to my inspiration picture, don’t ya think?

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Now for the hard part…accessorizing! I always struggle with this step. I’m not sure what I want to put on it…lamp?….pictures?….flowers?….we’ll see…

I am linking this project up to these wonderful parties…

Before and After Party at Thrifty Decor Chick,

Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality,

Make it for Monday at Cottage Instincts,

DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land

Furniture Feature Friday at Mustard Seed Creations




  1. Happy Easter Traci!
    Such a beautiful family.
    Your dresser turned out fabulous. Looks exactly like the inspiration pic. Way to go Aunt Sue for helping you out. You are doing great so far with the room.

  2. Lovely re-do Tracy! Your dresser turned out just gorgeous! And what a nice looking family you have! I love the red shoes too, sooo cute! I just posted pics of my Sister's baby girl. Come by and take a peek if you can.

  3. Traci you are such a smart little cookie!! And youre familys so lovely. You have a good life I can a mother I am so happy that youre life is good. My Daughters husband left her, but she is fine now just has had a long hard road. But my husband and I have been there for her and helped her. The Lord is so good isnt He?! I know your Mother would be so very proud of you Traci and I send Love and huggs to you today from ME Jennys Mom and a Mom...ox

  4. Looks great! Our bedroom furniture is French Provincial, and I've often thought about painting it black.

  5. What a beautiful family you have...such handsome young men. Great job on your dresser.

  6. It looks amazing! I had a dresser exactly like that (just gave it to my daughter). You did a great job of updating it!!

    Happy Easter to you. The photo of your boys is just precious, and you look gorgeous!! :-)

  7. What a beautiful family you have. I love how you all coordinate!! So cute.

    Great job on the dresser. It does look a lot like your inspiration piece.

    Happy Easter!

  8. Hey Traci. It looks like you had a wonderful Easter, the weather & your property look beautiful. Your family looks so wonderful and so coordinated. Love the red on you. That is a wonderful dresser transformation. Magazine perfect!

    Lots of hugs....Tracy :)

  9. I love your dresser and you have a beautiful family! :)

  10. WOW!! That is an amazing similarity with the dressers. Good for you. You have a good eye.

    And, what a handsome family~ I thought when you mentioned you wern't sure how to accessorize your dresser that - "well, she does great with the red shoes and red chunky necklace... she'll figure it out".
    Have a good week.

  11. You have such a beautiful family. No wonder you are so thin darling...running after 4 boys!
    Your makeover looks great and Praise the Lord for your aunt! Glad you all had a wonderful Easter. Be blessed. Cindy

  12. I love this! You did great. And talk about control with that purchase. That's hard to do especially when you walk out and think..someone else may snatch this up!! I really think you did an awesome job. Is that your room all accessorized with the chair??

  13. Love it! Great job! I have some furniture refinishing projects calling my name!

  14. Oh my goodness - your family is beautiful! Would you mind sharing where you found your dress? It is so hard to find classy dresses like that!

  15. This is a beautiful dresser, Traci, and I'm so glad you were able to get it! The handles came out great. You have a lovely family and I like how you coordinated your outfit to the boys.

  16. I'm excited to see your whole room! The dresser is lovely! And what a cute family!!

  17. Traci, your dresser is beautiful! I think this was $210 well spent. . . and what a great aunt you've got! That extra $40 will be great for you to use elsewhere.

    Here's a suggestion for your dresser. . . how about a lamp at one end? Under the lamp could go a plant--the light from the lamp will act like sunlight for the plant. A green plant is almost as good as a vase of flowers. At the other end, some photos would be nice--perhaps a large photo of you and your husband from your wedding day, maybe a photo of your mom and dad from their wedding day, and beside those how about the family photo from this Easter? That's a wonderful picture of a BEAUTIFUL family. You're so blessed!

  18. Oh I love the pictures of you and your family. The boys are just wonderful and the pic of you and your husband are just priceless too. Great family photo. The dresser is perfect. What a great find. Love it. You are almost done, and the room is turning out so pretty. So glad you have a wonderful Easter. Hugs, Marty

  19. You have a beautiful family and your loves are very handsome - Lucky girl.
    Love what you did with the dresser and the handles and can't wait to see the completed bedroom makeover.

  20. Traci, your family is so beautiful, loved seeing all your boys! What a great Easter pic.

    And, I think your dresser turned out fabulous! Even if you did pay more than you wanted, it looks so much like your inspiration. You did a great job, girl!

  21. Traci~ you and your men look so good! I love how everyone is color coordinated, your dress is awesome. :) I'm beginning to wonder if that isn't that same dresser...who knows maybe the person that designed the inspiration piece had the same idea and painted an older dresser. Sure looks like the same to me!! You and your hubby have done a great job. I can't wait to see the completed bedroom.

  22. I am so excited you found what you were looking for. I have found the bedding and tables but still looking for a armoir and dresser myself!!! Hoping to find some good deals myself.

  23. The dresser looks fabulous! Can I just tell you how cute your little family is all in red?! Love your shoes!

  24. OMG, I have this exact same dresser that a friend gave to me for free!!! I don't like it, as it's a little too "old fashioned" for me, but I LOOOVE what you'd done. I'm totally going to do this now. Thank you for the inspiration!

    I'm looking for a headboard too, as that didn't come with the suite of furniture. But have a feeling I'm going to end up doing a Goodwill thing for that as well.

    SO excited!

  25. Love the dresser!!! You did great on that one!!! Your family is just beautiful and its wonderful that you have the memories that you have with your mom. I'm sure it was very hard to be without her but she's waiting for you and all this time without her will be like a moment when that time comes. Im praying for you.

  26. Dear Traci, You all look great and your boys look sharp dressed in red. May God continue to comfort you as you miss your Mom.

    Our Kansas weather in the Flinthills was gorgeous and I was sooooooo ready for nice weather. Today it's stormy...most of the week is suppose to be this way.

    The dresser turned out so nice. You really did a super job on this. I'm taking mental notes as to how you do these pieces of furniture with primer/paint.

    It is a blessing to be able to take a piece of furniture and turn her into a beauty. This is inspiring.

    Enjoy your blog and God Bless,

  27. Traci, your Easter pics are beautiful! Your boys are so gorgeous! Love ya! xoxo Jenna

  28. I am so impressed!! Not only did everyone all look so great at once but you got pictures of it!! Pictures that all turned out! WOW.

    LOVE the dresser! You have a good eye! I dont know if I would have seent he potential and...i want an Aunt Sue!!

    My heart is heavy for you this first Easter without your Mom. I dont have family memoies or childhood memories of a Mom. That should be sad but I think it would be harder to KNOW how cool holidays could be and miss that someone. I do think it's harder to ahve had and lost. BUT I am trying to figure out this who Mom thing along while you had an awesome example..Im hoping that that part is easier for you.

  29. where did you get that dress? it's awesome!

  30. Gorgeous! You did a fantastic job, and I love the way you antiqued the handles.

  31. Great family photos! Happy Easter to you too. The dresser looks great.

  32. Oh Traci I love it! I love the chair too gonna do one? I have to send my Cowboy over to look at it maybe he will like it! I loved your family photo ya'll are a beautiful family.
    Have a Blessed Week,

  33. Love your family photos Traci, your boys are so handsome :) Great job on the dresser too, can't wait to see your bedroom finished, I know it will be fabulous.

  34. Traci, you look amazing - are you old enough to have all those boys!

    The dresser is awesome, the thrift stores around here SUCK!

  35. Love your Easter pictures Traci! You have such handsome boys! Love your new dresser! You did a great job!

    ~ Tracy

  36. Such a good job and totally worth the $210!!

  37. Great job! The dresser looks fabulous.

  38. Oh, Traci, what GORGEOUS pictures! Your boys are adorable, all five of them. ;)
    Oh, and I love the dresser too, great find!

  39. Could you and your guys BE any cuter? I don't think so! ;) I love that you chose red for the boys' shirts. And you looked FABULOUS! I love the red touches on you and your husband.

    The dresser is wonderful. Great job.

  40. Love the Easter photos. We always color coordinate and this year I just didn't get my act together in time, I really missed it. Love the red, we did pink last year and I thought my boys were going to revolt!!!!

    :) MIchelle

  41. Ok... YOu are gonna choke.... but I just sold a dresser already black like that on Craigslist for $40!!!!!! No wonder I had over 20 inquiries in one day about it! I figured I must have sold it wayyyyyy toooooo cheap. Bummer!

    But you did a great job!

    Here's my link to my post on it:

    Stop by my painting blog and say hello sometime! Blessings, Jennifer

  42. Thanks for sharing your family photos. You have a beautiful family...what a blessing. Your dresser turned out great and looks like your inspiration. Great job!

  43. "Close" doesn't even begin to describe it. If you hadn't posted the process and the story behind it I'd think you had gone out and bought "the" dresser in your inspiration pic. Great job!

    I still miss my mom sooo much on holidays. The pain of missing her isn't as much but the ache and the memories sure are.

  44. Traci, Your Easter pictures of your family are beautiful! Your boys are just precious.

    I love your bedroom dresser re-do too. I think it turned out perfect. I would have bought it too. I did buy one and I already have one coat of primer and paint on it. Now I want to put a stain on it like I have been seeing so many people do. I bought the dresser and two night stands. I only have room for one in my small bedroom so I will have to use one in the den. I just couldn't pass it up because I love this style of furniture. If I finish in time, I will have to post it on your next party! Maybe that will motivate me to get it done.LOL
    I can't wait to see your bedroom all finished.

    Lee Laurie

  45. You family photos are just beautiful!

    That dresser turned out GREAT!!

  46. Very pretty! I love the lines of that dresser. You did a great job!


  47. Fabulous job! I just love those curvy lines.

    You have a beautiful family! Love the color-coordinated outfits.

  48. It looks exactly like the inspiration picture! Lovely dresser and it looks great in it's new paint color.

  49. First of all, your family is so cute! I have two boys and I am so glad. They are so much fun. And your dresser looks great. I love that style and it looks so good in the black.


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