Monday, April 12, 2010

Bling for my Room

Today I am going to show you my little “splurge” for my room.

I have tried to be really thrifty with my spending for my master bedroom makeover.

I sold my other bedroom suite on Craig’s list for $700.00, so that is the budget for this makeover.

(Click on each picture to see each project.)

So far I have spent:

$210 for my dresser


$90.oo for my armoire


$100.00 on bedding

$36 for my (velcro) burlap bedskirt


And now to add some “bling” to the room, I spent $140 dollars at Lowe’s on this little cutey…


I have never had a chandelier in my bedroom before, so I am still getting used to the “fanciness” of it. But I really do like it and so does my hubby.


I was trying to add a little silver/mercury glass into the room, and this really helped. But I am still having a hard time “swallowing” the 140 dollars I spent on it.


What do you think? Was it worth it?

I really wanted to find an old chandelier that I could paint or something, but I didn’t have any luck finding what I was looking for. Thus, my splurge.

Which brings my total spending to $576. I still have about $125 dollars left for my makeover.

Which is not a lot considering a need side tables for both sides of my bed, some lamps, and accessories for the walls.

I am trying to “shop” my house and use what I have for the rest of the makeover. I’ll be honest, it’s not easy.

My goal is to have my room completed by April 26th when I am taking place in a fun event here in blogland.

Say a prayer that I don’t lose my sanity in the process! (And that my husband doesn’t either. Hee. Hee.) :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Be sure to come back tomorrow for another great giveaway from one of my awesome sponsors!

I met her at Blissdom, and she really IS awesome!




  1. Tracy, when my husband deployed, I always bought myself a "treat." Once it was outrageously priced prints for my laundry room from Ballards. I have not regretted it one iota. I think that a little splurge here and there is good for the soul! And seriously, we wives ought to make the bedroom as inviting as possible- know what I mean?!

  2. Great dresser! I love all that you've done so far. I am not a chandelier type person, so spending that much for me would be hard to swallow also. But, it does look nice in your room and I am sure, with all the talent you have shown so far, it was well worth it! Good luck in your finishing finds, can't wait to see them!

  3. OH YES! It was definitely worth it! That really sets the tone of elegance and it is spectacular! Great job!

  4. Tracy, I love the chandelier and I think it is worth every penny. Every room need something extra special and this really is. I think it helps make the room luxurious. You did great. Hang in there, you'll find the other pieces needed. As a tip, you might try a round table with a lovely cloth as one side table. It adds a little softness to a room and is so inexpensive to do. Goodwill also has great lamps that can be painted and revamped. Good luck on your search. Hugs, Marty

  5. I saw that chandelier at Lowe's. It's gorgeous. I love your black furniture. My goal this summer is to paint our bedroom furniture black. I can't by more, so why not paint it! My I can talk my Hubby into a chandelier too, Probably not! It's really coming together.

  6. Oh, it was definately worth it... your room is shaping up beautifully... I'm going to have to try to make my own burlap bedskirt one of these days... what a great tutorial, which I missed the first time around.

  7. I <3 that chandilier! I too want a chandelier for my bedroom and have not found a winner. I will be starting our bedroom makeover at the end of the month, and I can't wait. The dressers we have look very similar to the one you bought. I'm going to do a two-tone paint job on them tho. I can't wait to see how they compare to your revamped one!

  8. It looks absolutely beautiful! I think it was totally worth it. :-) You're inspiring me to get to work on my own bedroom...the idea is there, I just need to start the manual labor! hee hee.

  9. Love what you have done so far! Uber cute.

  10. Dear Traci, You are an inspiration!!!
    You've done really well on your make over.

    I was thinking about having more fun with my decorating and prayed that I would relax about this and have funnnnn while I'm doing this...peace about the waiting and the in between times.

    I'm alot older than you and when I think back through the years...I wished I had had more fun about everything!

    Including being a full time Momma...more joy! Being a Granny is an opportunity to lighten up and enjoy all the more.

    God bless you and think your blog is great,
    d from homehaven in the Kansas Flinthills and rolling Prairies

  11. You can find some gorgeous glass lamps at Goodwill! Usually no more than 6.99 a piece. You just take them apart, clean them really well and spray the brass pieces heirloom white then put it back together and add a new shade. Target always has clearance shades!

    Just did this in my master bedroom and it was so easy!

  12. It's looking gorgeous already! Good luck!

  13. I love the chandelier, I think it is worth the $$
    it adds a touch of bling and romance to the room. I am anxious to see the room when your finished, so far everything looks great.
    Have a great day!

  14. Love your new chandelier, Traci! I think you've done well so far, and I think you get do it for the $125.00 you have left. Since yard sale season is back again make sure you check those out for a table or two, and with people putting their homes on the market for Spring, maybe you will find some furniture they are getting rid of {especially if they are down-sizing}.

  15. I love it all! I might have to check out our lowes:)

  16. Looks like you are on a roll girl. It is all coming together wonderfully. Be blessed. Cindy

  17. Your bedroom makeover is coming together beautifully!!! I adore chandeliers and would seriously put them in every room. Do I think you paid too much? Who cares? If you love it, it doesn't matter. (But just for future chandelier reference ) ;)

  18. Everything looks so beautiful so far Traci. I love the chandelier. It was the perfect touch! It's gonna all be gorgeous when you get finished!

    Lee Laurie

  19. I think its totally worth it! I wish a ceiling fan wasn't a must here, I'd love to have a beautiful light! So romantic!

  20. Traci,
    dont'be so hard on yourself. You have done an amazing job being a good steward of your money and still achieving the look you want. I think you are doing great so far and that chandy is lovely and a nice addition to the room. you know what they say...creativity is the mother of invention...I think that is the saying. I think with the money you have left you are going to pop out some creative accesories and what not.
    Loving those pillows on the bed. From here that material looks so yummy.

  21. Well, I love it! I'm with d from Kansas ~ as someone that is older, treat yourself well. You can find tables, lamps, etc., for a small problem. Don't ever miss an opportunity to be good to YOU!

    Brightest blessings,

  22. Oh I love it!! ;) keep it!!
    Fabulous finds! love the dresser!

  23. I love the theme so far Traci! It's just gorgeous. I don't think you spent too much at all on that beautiful chandy. From the looks of it, it was worth every penny!

  24. Hello sweet Traci - Oh how I heart your chandy! I understand the frustration not being able to find an old one to fix up. I too have been looking for about a year now with no luck. I think $140 for the one you found is fabulous! It's really pretty and makes a statement in your room. You did good!


  25. OH..everything is looking so wonderful! That chandy was wonderful money spent, it really adds to your room! I just recieved one from my girlfriend, can't wait to give it a lot of TLC and hang it up!
    Take care

  26. Love the chandelier..and yes sometimes you have to splurge. The besroom is looking wonderful and I can't wait to see it finished.

  27. I love it, and well worth the price. My Mom purchased one similar that held candles for alter decor at our wedding; I just love it!!

  28. Traci, I think your bedroom is looking great! You've made excellent choices, and this little bit of bling is great. :)

    I'll bet you can find great tables at a yard sale. You could always make a skirted table for one side of the bed if you can't find what you're looking for.

    What's going on April 26? I hope you can finish in time!

  29. Your room is really looking wonderful! I love the chandelier!

  30. LOVE the bling my dear! To me...nothing is more lovely than a sparkling element in a room. :)

    You are amazing with your budget and finds. I have "eyed" my splurge. Is it sad that I didn't buy books this quarter so I can decorate my master? hahah...Take my big test tomorrow...we shall see if it was too big of a gamble (FYI all textbooks are online so need for "actual" books).


  31. Love, love the new chandelier...just gorgeous. Well and truly worth it. You have such beautiful furniture in the U.S hard to find down in Aus. love following your blog and have just started my own..Please drop by some time. Can't wait to see your finished room. Love the black furniture. Kym

  32. If you and your husband both like the chandelier, then it is well worth the splurge.

  33. If it makes you happy, then go for it! It's beautiful and maybe you can budget less for something else needed for the room. Sometimes you just have to let go and say YES!

  34. Maybe you could build your own side tables? You could go over to knock-off woods blog and grab some plans and build then yourself?

  35. Lovely chandelier! Adds that romantic touch that every master bedroom has to have ;)

  36. Yes! The chandelier is a great touch....way to go!!!

  37. I haven't met a chandelier that I haven't LOVED. I have a chandy over my bed also and love it. It's the last thing I see before I roll over to sleep and wouldn't have it any other way.
    Enjoy your chandy, it's beautiful and worth every pennie.


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