Sunday, May 16, 2010

Parties -- not projects…


I had a crazy-busy weekend!

Not a single second for me to complete a project for my blog!

Friday night, we had our children’s group from our church over to our house for hot dogs and smores!

The rain held off, and we were able to spend some time on my back patio that I have just started renovating.

I added some new ferns to my urns and some accessories to my little white table.


I got out my placemats and added a pretty potted flower that I got on clearance at Lowes.


I moved my extra table out into the yard for extra seating for the kids. :)


Making the smores was my favorite part of the evening!


We feel very blessed to be a part of such a sweet fellowship!


Saturday morning we had 3 baseball games to attend…Luke at 10:00, Adam at 11:15, and Jonathan at 12:00.

They overlapped a little, so I had to stand in between the fields to watch two games at a time.

We are spending more time at the ballpark than at home right now! But I am loving every minute of it! :)

Saturday afternoon, I went to my Aunt Tassy’s home for a wedding shower for my niece, Courtney.

The weather was perfect and so was the party. They certainly outdid themselves.

The entry way greeted us with this cute little display. Aunt Tassy made the monogrammed glass cube as a gift for Courtney to keep.

I loved it! (Hint. Hint, Aunt Tassy)


The punch bowl was surrounded by a bunch of tulle that was attached to a foam wreath…

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Courtney’s colors for her wedding are royal blue and gray. So the little glass slippers were filled with blue M & M’s for party favors. (I think the glass slippers were purchased at Hobby Lobby.)

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We moved outside to watch Courtney open her gifts.

My sweet Uncle Tommy recently built Aunt Tassy this beautiful covered patio…


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There was a beautiful white tent for the bride-to-be to open her presents under…


Aunt Tassy is my mom’s little sister, and she wanted to make this shower extra special for Mom’s oldest granddaughter.

Mom would be so proud of Courtney right now! We are definitely missing Mom during this special time in our family.


We all got a good laugh when Courtney got a “cleaning house” bucket of goodies! I love those rubber gloves from Hobby Lobby!

I never look that good when cleaning my house! What about you?


Here is my beautiful cousin, Whitney, (Aunt Tassy’s daughter) who is expecting her first child within a few weeks. We cannot wait!!!


Aunt Tassy’s property is just picturesque. They have lived there for over 30 years, and I have so many great memories of staying at their house as a child.

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It was such a great time, and I truly appreciate Aunt Tassy, Whitney, and Kristin (DIL) for working so hard to put it all together for my sister and her daughter!

But the partying wasn’t over for me yet!

I still had one very special party to put together…

Eli’s 3rd birthday party on Sunday!


He was quite a ham before blowing out his candles!

These pictures are evidence of what sweet tea in a sippy cup can do to a three year old!…

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Some of his favorite presents were his new tee and baseball pants from his Papa…


Playing baseball is very serious stuff to Eli!

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I have a feeling that tee is going to get a lot of action in the months to come!

I thank God for His perfect gift of Eli to our family who was born on Mother’s Day three years ago. He brings us so much laughter and joy!

I love you, Eli!!!

So as you can see, I had a very busy weekend. And I am all partied out!

So I will say goodbye, and it is time to for me to go to bed!




  1. I love the tee ball shots. His facial expressions are too cute.

  2. Woah. I'm exhausted FOR you! I loved all the pictures! The shower looked SOOO nice! Oh..I would like a monogrammed glass block too, please. :)

  3. I'm just tired reading about your weekend! Busy but fun - the best kind.

  4. What a wonderful weekend! The shower decorating was beautiful and your niece look so happy!
    Stop over and enter my apron giveaway I will choose a winner some time Monday

  5. I love the hanging flower basket from the tree at Aunt Tassy's!!

  6. Wow, Traci! You did have a bizzzy, bizzzy weekend! The bridal shower set-up was just gorgeous. I especially love the tulle-covered wreath around the punch bowl. I will be "filing" away that idea ;o) !!!

    Oh, I remember those days of overlapping b'ball games when my older boys were younger, and we would have 3 playing at the same time. For many years feeling like we literally lived at the fields during the week. Now we're down to just 1 playing and it's a whole lot easier on us for sure.

    A big Happy Belated Birthday to Eli! What a cutey pie!
    Thanks for sharing all your wonderful happenings this past weekend.

  7. beautiful pictures of your family celebrating such a special time...I can't imagine how you must feel having these moments without your mom. Praying for you this morning....

  8. What a fun weekend!! I have 3 boys and have LOVED watching them learn to hit a baseball.. They are so determined!! I just love the consentration on their precious faces...

    Your family is so beautiful!! Thank you for sharing with us each day/week!!! :O)

  9. You sure had a busy weekend. It looked like a nice day for a bridal shower too. Happy Birthday to your little boy.

  10. What a WONDERFUL weekend--but you've hardly had time to draw breath, have you?

    My oldest son's birthday is today. He was born on the Friday after Mother's Day 19 years ago. 19 years?!?! It doesn't seem possible. I still consider him the best Mother's Day present I ever received.

    That Mr. Eli is absolutely adorable. Those big eyes. . . oh, golly. I'd never be able to say "no" to him!

    Hope you have a great week!

  11. What a wonderful weekend so sure girl!!! I so loved walking with you through your pictures.

    So tell me, do you need a nap today? lol

  12. I felt the same way, Traci, except I've been doing stuff around the house and not creative or crafty projects either! I think you have another aunt to hit up for a tutorial! : ) I think I mentioned I printed out the other one and I am doing those styrofoam cup/baby booties for my daughter's shower. Great favor lifesaver for me and well within my budget!

  13. OH my goodness! Your little baby boy...oh he's just TOO sweet!!! I'm melting. Seriously, my heart just melted looking at him. My son is going to be 2 this August and I just can't believe it. Where does the time go?

  14. It looks like you had a busy but fun week. I love your Aunt's property too. The Shower and B'day party look fun. What a cutie puh tootie.
    Lovr that cube--and the little lights in it are perfect.

  15. Wonderful blessings ... family and friends! XOXOX

  16. Sweet pics. Be sure to check out my blog. You have an award. Be blessed. Cindy

  17. Such a love filled celebration weekend!
    busy and all! =)
    I love your Aunt's yard!!
    The shower decor and goodies looked so lovely!!
    fun times!!

  18. What a fun weekend! Love getting together with family and friends! Thanks for sharing all the pics. Hope you have a great rest of your week :)

  19. Wow...what a weekend! I can't believe you didn't get any projects done. That;s just lazy, Traci. :) I loved seeing the pictures of your son. I have a three year olf boy as well, so it's fun to see another thing we have in common. You understand my world of Lightning McQueen, trains, and balls.

  20. Just be really careful making those glass cube lights! We did those as a church craft activity once, and my friend's husband was drilling the holes in the back for us and one exploded in his face! He had to have emergency surgery and has huge scars all over now.

  21. I love all the pics. We spend a lot of time at the soccer fields!! But we love it

  22. About the block. Just wanted to let everyone know that you can now buy the blocks predrilled at craft shops. (Much safer!) They come in various sizes and the holes come in different sizes, too. Some are big enough that you could add shells, flowers, etc. in them. The small block in the picture was $7.50 and we bought them at Dees Crafts in Louisville, Ky. Michael's or Hobby Lobby might have them, too.

  23. Your property is gorgeous, and so is your aunt's. I hope you're getting some much needed rest after this whirlwind weekend.


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