Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

This week I decided to share with you another one of Mom’s delicious recipes from her food column in our local newspaper (written over 20 years ago).

I am so thankful that Mom took the time to photocopy these recipes from the newspaper and put them all in a binder for both my sister and me.

This is one of her articles from the Spring of that year.  Of course, she mentions in the article one of our favorite Springtime activities…yard sales!  I have so many incredible memories of going to yard sales with Mom and also hosting them at her home.

When we had a yard sale at Mom’s, you could always count on being well fed…

Coffee (or Coke for me) and doughnuts to start off the yard sale…

Mom’s homemade chicken salad for lunch (or chili and crackers for our fall yard sale)…

and lots of laughter, story-telling, and wheeling and dealing!

I will always treasures those memories!

This recipe is delicious!

I had hoped to make it and take a picture of it, so you could see how beautiful it is in color, but ballgames and stomach bugs put a dent in my plans this week.  :)

Anyway, I hope to still make it and share a pretty picture with you soon.  Or if you make it first…send me your picture, kay?

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Best recipes DO bring back memories. 

It’s the memories of Mom in the kitchen lovingly preparing us our favorite foods that I treasure the most.  And I feel so close to her whenever I make one of her favorite recipes.

Thank you, Mom, for putting so much love into everything you did…even your recipes!

Have a blessed day!



  1. Hi Traci!

    Luv the yard, garage, thrift and estate sales as well. Oh the bargains I have come across is awesome.

    The recipe sounds tasty and appreciate your sharing.

    God bless and have a sweet week,

  2. How wonderful that your mom made copies of all those article for you and Cyndi! Yet another example of what an incredible woman she was. What a great example!

    This salad looks really good; thanks for sharing the recipe. I hope all traces of stomach bug are gone soon!

  3. I love a good yard sale! My MIL taught me how to make a great chicken salad. Her recipe doesn't have the pineapple or mandarin oranges though. It's a great hot summer meal on a bed of romaine!

  4. that recipe looks delish. Thanks so much for sharing. I have been looking for a good chicken salad type recipe. Wow, i have never been to a yard sale where they served food. Your mom must of had some good yard sales.

  5. Thanks for sharing! I have to admit that I look forward to your Wednesdays with Wanda posts every week! Looks like a yummy recipe too. :)

  6. We started a binder of recipes for my daughter- we add notes as to when she made it, a picture, how we use the recipe at home, etc. She loves it and I hope it'll make her cooking even more enjoyable one day.

    A Titus 2 lady of mine has shared with me that even if she followed one exactly that her mother-in-law made, it never tasted quite the same to her husband and that is when she realized that some dishes are seasoned with memories. :)

  7. This salad sounds luscious and I'm glad that you cherish memories of your Mom and the things she did for you. Thank you for sharing. This salad is so perfect for a summer evening on the patio!

  8. Another very special Wednesday post 'for and from' your oh.so.special mom!



  9. I love chicken/fruit salads. I'll have to try this recipe!

  10. This recipe sounds delish! I love a new idea for chicken salad. Thanks for sharing it and the precious memories of your mom. She truly was an amazing lady!

    Brightest blessings,

  11. 90% of my memories have food related to them I can't wait to try this!!

    Have a great weekend!


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