Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Party Giveaway Winner…

All of the rain in Kentucky has affected my blogging!

I posted on Sunday night and then woke up Monday morning to no internet.  The lines are down in our area due to the flooding. 

It's been a major pain not to have my computer to blog on, but I know a lot of people have been affected in much more serious ways by the flood, so I will not complain.

If I haven’t gotten back to your emails or comments, this is why. I will get back to you as soon as I can. :)

I wanted to spotlight some of the entries from my Best DIY Projects of April Party, but I will not  have the time. 

I'm trying to post quickly on my laptop using McDonald's free wifi.  :0)

Thank you to everyone who linked up to my party!!!

I have enjoyed visiting many of the entries. I am about half way through them, and if my internet gets back to working, I will try to make it through the rest.  :)

Now to the winner of the personalized FOB keychain from

Luv N’ Charms is…..



Laurie from Scene of the Grime


She made a frame out of plastic flower bed borders!!!  Go check it out!

Congratulations, Laurie!

I will be contacting you soon about your giveaway prize.

And if you need a great, cool, inexpensive gift for a teacher or graduate, or anyone else, be sure to check out all of the great items at Luv N’ Charms.

You can get one of these personalized key chains for only $11.50, and that includes shipping!


Well, that’s it!

Have a blessed day!


(Don’t forget my sister’s fabulous Lisa Leonard giveaway at CyndiSpivey.com!)



  1. Yay! I'm so excited! Thank you, Traci! My email is MLepting@aol.com if you need to contact me about my address info, etc. Thanks to Luv N' Charms as well!

  2. Congrats Laurie!!! I'll be sending your prize when I get your info. Thanks Traci for all you've done!! Sweet blessings to all


  3. Hi Traci,

    Thanks for answering my "habitat" question--I'll have to look for those in my area!


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