Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

Sunday will be my first Mother’s Day without my mom.

It’s a weird feeling.

To be honest, I am not sure what to feel.  I have so much gratitude for the amazing Mom that God gave me.  Yet my heart cannot help but be filled with sadness, pain, and even anger as this special day approaches.

Just five minutes ago, I stood in the card aisle at the Dollar General store and found myself staring at the huge section of Mother’s Day cards.

I fought back tears as I realized that I wouldn’t be able to buy one for my mom this year.  How did this happen?

But I also know that I am not the only one who has lost their mother this past year.  Others have lost their moms too.  And their grandmothers, their wives, and even their children.  And Mother’s Day is just as painful for them as well.

So this year, I bought more Mother’s Day cards than I ever have.  Two for my sweet Mother-in-law (one from the grandkids), two for my friends who just recently lost their Moms, one for a friend who has lost her daughter, and one for my husband’s grandmother.

I will not take this special day for granted, but I will treasure it all the more.

Today, I wanted to share with you a gift I gave to my Mom on Mother’s Day, 1996. (I was 26 years old.)

But first I have to tell you about something my mom used to tell me as a child.

Mom would always tell me to “store up my treasures in Heaven.”  It’s based on the bible verse found in Matthew 6:19-21.

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

She would tell me that when I did something for Jesus here on earth, I was earning heavenly treasures that I would receive one day.  Sometimes those acts of love may go unnoticed by people on this earth, but God sees everything we do for Him. 

Mom said she likes to picture us wearing heavenly crowns filled with beautiful jewels.  Each jewel would represent an act of kindness that we did for Jesus here on earth.

I have told my boys the same thing, and it is fun to watch them try to “earn” jewels in their crown.  They’ll say, “Mom, that lady dropped her glasses and I picked them up for her.”  And I’ll say,  “That’s a treasure!”  And we smile.  They will even tell  me when I have done something to earn a jewel in my crown too.  Precious!

I am thankful for this “heavenly perspective” that Mom has given me and my whole family.

(I want to make sure that I add that Mom never taught me that I had to  “earn” God’s love or forgiveness…that is FREE!  And I cannot “earn” my way to Heaven either.  The things I do for Jesus on this earth is because of my love for Him and His love for me.)

Fourteen years ago, I gave Mom this two-sided frame for Mother’s Day.  One side contains pictures of us, and the other side is a poem I wrote to her.


It means so much to me, though I wish it was still hers.

I wanted to share with you the poem I wrote to her…


What a priceless thought to know that my Mom has received her crown, and I know it is absolutely beautiful, just like her life.

And to all the moms out there who sacrifice so much each day..

The late night feedings.

The miles in the car.

The loads of laundry.

The piles of dishes.

The hugs.

The tears.

The prayers.

Know that God sees each act of love you are doing in His name.  And each one matters.

Whenever I was discouraged about not being a good mom, my Mom would tell me that she believed that God had a “soft spot” in his heart for mothers.  He knows how difficult it can be, and He understands what we are going through.

So do not give up.  Keep living for Jesus and continue to teach your kids to do the same.  For God’s word says…

“Her children rise up and bless her;
         Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain,
         But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

Proverbs 31: 28-30

Happy Mother’s Day!


(My sister is having a wonderful giveaway in honor of our Mom and Mother’s Day.  Here is the link…


  1. Traci, I was so blessed by this post this morning. Thank you! My you feel a sense of comfort on Sunday.

  2. This is a beautiful post! I lost my mother 8 years ago and still struggle with Mother's day. I am sure I always will. Just wanted to say I am praying for you this week and especially this Sunday as I know how hard it will be. I love your blog and your spirit! Thanks for sharing!


  3. What a precious post! Thank you so very much for sharing such wonderful treasure with us! Just as you were blessed to have her-we are blessed to have you also!

  4. Traci,
    what a lovely keepsake you have and how sweet of an expression of love you gave to your mom. She has left you such a legacy; that you are now sharing with your children and US! You have no idea how much each of your Wed. with Wanda posts touch us ladies. Your mom was truly a remarkable woman of God. Thank you so much for sharing with us.
    (((Hugs to you)))
    Happy Mother's Day!

  5. I look forward to getting to know your Mother better each week. I feel like I knew her, too, and she sounds like she was just a wonderful lady, mother, wife, etc. Thank you so much for sharing her with us. I know this weekend will be hard, but just imagine how wonderful her first Mother's Day in Heaven is going to be.

  6. Dearest Traci,
    May God comfort you especially this Mother's Day week-end.

    What a beautiful ministry motherhood is,

  7. Blessings to you as you celebrate being a mom and all that your mom taught you on how to do it with such grace and love! Grief is hard. I've thought alot about what I will be feeling when my first Father's Day rolls around without my dad :(.

  8. This is a beautiful post, Traci. I lost my mother 8 years ago and Mother's Day and holidays are never easy for any of us.

    I will be thinking of you.


  9. What a sweet love letter about your mom. She sounded like a Proverb 31 woman. I can tell she raised you well. God will give you comfort and peace on Mother's Day and every day.

  10. Exceptional post! I will be thinking of you this mother's day! This mother's day is my mother's 80th birthday. I have been so blessed to have found your blog!

  11. I can't tell you how much your writing's about your Mom has touched my heart. She has left you such awesome spiritual inheritance that is priceless. Blessings to you and your family.

  12. I remember you telling me about God's soft spot for mother's...:-) I've told lots and lots of people about God's soft spot. The Lord is STILL using your sweet momma! :-)

  13. What a beautiful tribute to your mom! I'm so glad, Traci, that you told her those things many years ago. I know she treasured this gift from you. It would be so much harder for you to face this Mother's Day if you had never told her those things while she was here on earth!

    I love the picture of your mom in heaven, wearing a shining crown, with a beautiful Traci jewel right in the middle. :)

    Love you! Praying for you this week!

  14. What a beautiful post...What a special Mother....

    Check out my Mothers Day giveaway...

  15. Okay I'm crying as I read this! What a beautiful post and a lovely poem that you wrote for your Mom.

  16. We buried my Mother one week ago today! This too will be my first Mother's Day without her, a first holiday that came to fast. I still can not believe she is gone, as there was no real reason! It was just her time and so we had to let her go! The tears are still fresh's hard not to think about her, she loved life so! Not sure I will be in a celebrating mood this Sunday, even though I have 3 daughter's who I am sure will try and make it Special for me....My Mom is gone! Thank you for sharing about your Mom with Wednesday's with Wanda. I'm sure she is reading along with the rest of us and so very proud of you! Have a Happy Mother's Day!

  17. Traci,

    Your poem was too beautiful. What a wonderful mother you had, and what a wonderful mother you have waiting on the other side of heaven for you! I can only imagine how beautiful her crown will be in person when we get there. I always like to think that I'm adding to my mother's treasures while I am still on my journey down here. I know that my upbringing from her has resulted in the christian woman I am today. I know that I am reaping the benefits from being raised by a strong, loving, christian mother. I hope that the good things I am now doing because of her example are STILL adding to her heavenly rewards right now! I think you are still adding jewels to your mother's crown as well. She will be proud of you when you arrive at heaven's gates. :-) I know how hard this mother's day will be for you. This will be my 2nd Mother's day without my mom, and its still not easy. I promise that with time, and God's loving grace, it does get a little more easy to accept. You don't miss them any less, but a little more of God's peace sets in with each passing day. I will be praying for you, your siblings, your daddy, all of the grand babies, and the rest of your family on this very special Sunday. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us.

    Love and prayers to you, friend!

  18. Thanks for your lovely words! I'm blessed to still have my mom around and I often take her for granted. Thanks for the gentle reminder to always show our love to those closest to us! I was really inspired by your lovely poem. I may have to put my own thoughts to paper for my mom on this special Mother's day...thanks for the inspiration!

  19. Traci:

    It's been 9 years, and on Mother's Day, it's always fresh!! Aren't you glad you wrote this lovely letter to your mom so long ago, and that in your heart it still rings with her truth!

    As to the things we do that are the right choices... my mom always used to say... "God keeps the records!"

    Happy Mothers Day! To you, and to our moms.... they will ALWAYS be our moms!



  20. My thoughts will be with you on Sunday. I still have my mom, and I am so thankful. Your mom was one in a million, I am sure she is so proud of you and the woman you are. I love, love, love your blog. I especially look forward to Wednesdays.

  21. A beautiful post and a lovely tribute to your beloved Mother. This will be our first Mother's Day without Mom too. It will be difficult, but I can only hope to aspire to be the kind of Mom she was.

  22. Traci,

    Another wonderful post about an incredible woman. Your poem was/is a thing of beauty. I believe that she is sitting there with that crown on her head still doing the selfless things that earned it. She was one incredible woman. I have lost many of my women family members over the years and instead of purchasing cards for them I still purchase the same amount of cards and send them to people who I think needs a mom pick-me-up. (Which might be why you bought so many this year. ;o)) I hope that Sunday brings sweet memories of your beloved mother and that you can focus on the wonderful mother that you are to your own brood. Your legacy with them is her legacy too. Please celebrate it all.

  23. Dear Traci, the first Mother's Day without your mom is very hard. But you have your sister and your dad. My sister's and I always said that, "we have each other." And that is what our mom would have wanted!

    I didn't know if you wanted to share this post that I wrote today, with your readers. It's inspiring and gives all those wonderful women out there ideas of what they can do NOW to create the memories and share them with their mothers.

    Here it is. Love and hugs to you, my friend!

  24. This poem - this beautiful poem of your heart - is one of the loveliest things God has every allowed me to read. Thanks for sharing it on your blog. It was a true glimpse into your heart and I just can't stop crying. To receive something this honest, this precious, this true, must have made your Mother the happiest woman in the world that day in 1996. And, somehow, I know that come Sunday, she will be smiling down on you. Remembering her beautiful daughter and that glimpse into her heart back in 1996. I can only hope that someday, one of my girls would do such a beautiful thing for me. I am praying that God give you peace and wonderful memories of your Mom this Sunday Traci.

  25. Traci,

    This post has been a blessing to everyone that reads it, whether their mom is here on earth or passed. I'm so blessed to not have to endure the pain you will be going through tomorrow. I know God will cover you with peace and grace that can only come from Him. I love the mental picture of your mama in heaven with all her jewels and completely agree with one of the quotes above about her continuing to earn them through her influence on you and your influence on others. Your mama is in the presence of the Almighty. Have peace in knowing you will see her again soon and when peace is hard to find, rest in His arms and let Him carry you through the hard times. Love to you and your family!

  26. Tracy, what a lovely post. Happy Mother's Day to you. Your mother must have been a wonderful woman. While I know you must miss her, it is such a blessing to know that today she sits with the Father and is enjoying the treasures that she has stored up in Heaven.

    Thank you for this post. This week has been hard and I have felt discouraged. The post was so encouraging.


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