Friday, September 4, 2009

Cafe Shelf Winner is…..

Hold on…

First, I have to thank ALL of  you who entered my cafe shelf giveaway and for ALL the very kind and encouraging comments you left for me.


I wish I had 200 shelves to giveaway, so I could send one to each of you!

I worked very diligently to make sure that every entry was counted.  Many of you posted about my giveaway on your blog, and I appreciated it greatly.  I visited each one of you and your name was entered in the giveaway two more times.

Overall, there were 337 names in the giveaway.

I used a Random Number Generator,

And the beautiful winner is….


She doesn’t have her own blog yet, but her comment said, “Wow! Love it! My husband would never make me something like that - and he would not let me near power tool... ;-)

Lisa also became a follower, Thank You!

I’m so glad you won!  I will be contacting you soon!

Don’t leave yet…

Just wanted to take a second to tell you about another great giveaway.

Remember the wonderful vinyl “welcome” sign that Mandi gave me?  I’m loving it on my garage door…


She is giving away TWO more on her business blog!

No, I am not kidding!  There are different colors and fonts to choose from.  So hurry over there and enter!

Thanks again, for your comments, your encouragement, your prayers, and most of all, your friendship!

My heart is full of love for you,



  1. Congrats to Lisa!! Lucky girl!!

    Have a wonderful holiday weekend, Traci!!

  2. Yay, Lisa!

    And yay for another giveaway!

    Thanks, Traci!


  3. I am thrilled for Lisa
    She is one lucky gal!

    Hope you have a blessed weekend!

  4. Hello :) I just wanted to say that put a link to your shelf tutorial to mine, it is really such a great tutorial! Great job and thank you!! I love all your projects, your home is beautiful!

  5. Dear Traci,
    What a sweet thing to do with the give away and CONGRATS to the lucky WINNER!
    This is such a neat thing to receive.
    Have a blessed week-end and God Bless,

  6. I am painting shelves black today because of your wonderful inspiration :) Congrats to Lisa. I was just over at Mandi's blog yesterday as I want to paint my door black like yours and was wondering how much the signs were. I will have to enter, see if I win one first, but if not I'll order one. Is yours white? I thought someone had a gold one. She has a golden yellow color, but not sure if that is quite the same? White would look nice I think. Have a great weekend Traci.

  7. So happy for Lisa! She is a lucky girl! :)

  8. Congratulations to Lisa! I'm sure she will enjoy the shelf so much.

  9. Congratulations to Lisa. And thank you to you for holding such a wonderful giveaway!

    Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  10. Hi Traci,
    Congrats to Lisa, the lucky winner! My how your blog has grown! I remember when I was the first follower! I am thinking of you and your Mom and hoping you will both find the strength to get through this very trying time. Hugs, Cindy

  11. Yay!!! Thank you so much! This has definitely made my weekend. I guess I need to start my own blog. ;-)

  12. Congrats to Lisa, the lucky duck! Thanks for the heads up on Mandi's giveaway. Hope you have a truly great weekend, Traci!

  13. That was a great looking shelf. Congrats to Lisa for winning.


  14. Yeah Lisa!! Lucky lady!! I still can't believe that is your garage door!! Yeah for another give-a-way!! :)

  15. Lisa is one lucky gal! Thanks for the link to a new giveaway!!

    If you have the time, please stop by The Old Parsonaage, I love company!



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