Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Welcome to my blog…project highlights…



Wow!  This week has been a whirlwind!

Since last Thursday, I have had over 10,000 hits on my blog and my followers have gone from 89 to 221 and counting…


I cannot tell you how much this blog has blessed me over this past week.

Many of you know that my mom has been diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer.  She started chemo this past Thursday.  This has been the most difficult period of my life.

But the Lord has used this blog to be a HUGE source of encouragement to me. 

It was no coincidence that when many of you visited my blog last Friday from Just a Girl, that you read my post about Liquid Prayers.  I had no idea that Chris was featuring me, and yet God knew. 

Many, many prayers went up to the Lord on my mom’s behalf that day.  And they are continuing.  What a blessing!

I have received so many wonderful emails from so many of you to offer me even more encouragement through prayers and scripture. 

It has been medicine to my hurting heart.

I received one email from a super sweet blogger, Mandi, over at (This is her business blog that is full of adorable ways to use vinyl letters and sayings.  Go check it out!)

She read the blog about “Liquid Prayers” and knows that I am going through a hard time.  She also saw the post about my newly painted black garage door. 


She offered me a free vinyl “welcome” for my door.

Another blessing!

Mandi is also the mother of 3 boys, so we have a lot in common.

I got the “welcome” sign in the mail today and immediately put it up.  It took less than five minutes!  Love it!


Then I took the Southern Living basket that was on my front door, changed the flowers to fall decor, and hung it on my garage door.


I love it!  What a welcoming sight when I am coming home each day.  It makes me smile.  Thank you, Mandi!  And God bless you for blessing me!

(Here is the post about painting my garage door.)

Since I have over 100 new followers, I wanted to highlight some of my projects that I have posted the past few months. 

I’ll link them to the original post so you can check them out quickly.

My blog started with this project…

I turned two rather ugly chairs I got at Goodwill from this…

March 2009 162

to this…

chairs 019

You can see the transformation here.

Then I took this little stool that I got at Goodwill for $3.50…


added some paint and burlap and created a wonderful little monogrammed stool.


I have two posts with directions on how I made the stool, here and here!  :0)

Then I bought a hutch at a yard sale for $70.00 that went from this…

cabinets 006

to this…


You can read about the process I used to paint the hutch, here.

My next project was my absolute favorite!  I found this wonderful buffet at Goodwill and paid $55.00 for it.


And with a little paint and glaze, it now looks like this…


Click here for the post about my buffet.

And lastly, my Ballard Designs inspired entertainment center!  I took my big, ugly brown corner entertainment center…


and used the same paint treatment as my buffet, and it turned out beautifully…


My husband had to help me with this one!  Check out his handiwork here.

Well, those are my highlights, but there are little projects that are scattered in between that you might enjoy.

Remember to enter my Cafe Shelf giveaway here.  I will announce the winner this Friday!


I have visited so many of your wonderful blogs, and I am looking forward to many more fun blogging days with you!

(Some of you have asked about my mom.  Today has been her worst day yet.  She is barely eating or drinking.  It is taking a toll on her, my dad, and me, my sister, and my brother.  We need your prayers.  Our hearts are breaking.  There is no way I could describe in words what we are going through.  Yet I know many of  you have been there and truly understand.  Pray for her healing.  Pray for my sweet Dad.  He feels so helpless.  She is the love of his life.  And pray for my precious sister.  Her children are older and she is able to stay with my mom more and take care of her.  We are taking turns staying the night with Mom, but Cyndi is staying the most. She is physically and emotionally tired.  But she is an amazing woman of God and she is relying on Him for strength, as we all are.  She started a blog a while back, but hasn’t had much time to post.  You can visit it if you would like…

Much love to you all,



  1. Your garage door looks nice of her to send you a little happy. The SLaHOME basket looks great with the lettering!


  2. Love the welcome on the door. I'd like something similar on our front door. So cute.

    I have a nearly identical entertainment center and you've inspired me to do somethign similar with it. Right now, it's just a blob of tiger-striped oak. But, soon - it will be FABULOUS.

    Keep inspiring. I'm loving everything I"m seeing.

  3. Hi Traci!
    I wanted to pop over and say hi. I am so sorry to hear that your Moma is not doing well. We know first hand the mean things that chemo does to a persons body, mind and soul. We have lived it for 23 years. I pray for your Sweet Moma, and your precious Daddy, and ofcourse all of you kids. Please keep your chin up and take it one day at a time. Don't look ahead, just stay in the present. Hospice has been called in for Amy Dawn. She is pretty worn out. He little body is so tired. Debbie is exhausted, but continues to make each day the best that she can for Amy. It is all about Amy and what we can do to make her life peaceful and comfortable. Please stay in touch sweetie. I will keep you posted. Stop by and say hi. I so love it when you visit. Country hugs and love, Sherry

  4. Hi Traci, I'm on of those 'new followers' ;-) I love what you did to your garage door. I've seen this before on someone's blog with the lettering and I think I might have to do it to mine (once I clean out the garage, which I just can't do right now cos it's still high 90's here in TX, and the garage is just too hot to work in).
    I am so sorry to hear about your Mom, I have been where you are... and it's hard to find the right words, but I will be praying for your Mom and you and your family.
    Sending warm hugs

  5. I can't believe that is your front is gorgeous. The vinyl lettering is the perfect touch. Your fall decorations make me so ready to climb up in the attic and pull out my fall things.

  6. Hi Traci,

    So nice to meet you. I'm so sorry to read about your mom!

    I'm the mother of 5 sons!

    They are grown now and God has blessed me with 3 granddaugthers.

    I'll keep you and your family in prayer now!

  7. Dearest Traci,
    God Bless and COMFORT all of you.
    I pray only to Almighty Father God in Jesus Name by the power of the Holy Spirit. I will be praying for your entire Family.

    Your projects are fantastic looking. The paint made a huge difference in how these pieces of furniture look. Beautiful job.

    God Bless,

  8. I love ALL of your projects!! Beautiful and inspiring. But best of all, thrifty....right up my alley.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I am also praying for your mom and your family.

  9. Traci, I am so thrilled that so many wonderful people in blogland have contacted you and are blessing you and your family with their prayers. It is so wonderful that the Lord blesses us with people we have never met and yet they feel our pain and pray for our loved ones. I will continue to pray and believe that the Lord has His hands on your mom and He is in control. Your garage door looks just beautiful. What a warm welcome for you and your family. Hugs, Marty

  10. I am so excited about finding your blog because you have done some awesome projects! I look forward to seeing more. So sorry about all you and your family are going through. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it is.

  11. I too am praying for yor Mom. Isnt God amazing. We could have never planned things the way that he orchestrates them!

    Thank you for reposting those for us newcomers :) WOW! I wish I had the eye that you do!! I wouldnt have seen that potential!! I know that ALOT of work and time went into those too though!!

  12. Traci,

    I'm saying some serious prayers for you and your family. I know God listens and is moved when we pray.

    I've been through some really tough things in my 40 years. I want to share with you something that was a moment of clarity and relief for me.

    People say this, "God never gives you more than you can handle." They say this trying to make you feel better, and they mean so well. But let me tell you that it's a lie! A lie knitted together by satan meant to destroy. We get told this, then wonder why in the world can't we handle what we're going through. Why do we feel too weak to walk through, if indeed, God wouldn't give us more than we could handle?! This can lead to questions about God and about our own christianity. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 1:8, "We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about the hardships we suffered in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life." Now if Paul felt pressed beyond his ability to endure, can't we? Yes! What God's word actually says that people misquote is this, " And God is faithful; He will not let you be TEMPTED beyond what you can bear." It does not say hardship! Now back to 2 Corinthians 1, but this time let's look at 9, "Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead." God allows(not causes)hardship in our lives, that feel overwhelming and like too much, so that we will rely on Him. We can not handle these situations without fully leaning on Him, relying on Him, and trusting in Him. Now this is my prayer for you and your family:

    For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom His whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen" Ephesans 3:14-21

    I love you my new friend...praying all the more!

  13. Traci, Your family continues to be in my prayers. I am a new follower and love your fun projects.

  14. I so much enjoyed looking at and reading about your before and after projects.

    I am very sorry that your mother is suffering with cancer. My family lost my dad to cancer a number of years ago and it tough to watch someone you love struggle. Hang in there.

  15. I love all your projects! My prayers go up to Jesus for you and your family!

  16. I am praying for you and your family. I enjoy reading your blog and seeing your creativity! Hope to get inspired! --Laura

  17. when i went through your backlog i loved the monogram stool so much i saved it to my inspiration file!
    I have a tear slipping down right now for you, I feel your pain very freshly. One of my dear friends was just sitting in your chair. Her dad, an elder in our church, was diagnosed with acute luekemia. He had complications and blood clots as well, and his battle wound up being a short one. The communion of saints pulled together and still is to ease the family's burden, but dealing with cancer is still never an easy cross to bear, for anyone.

    My prayers go up for you!

  18. i'm one of the 100 new followers - and you have some great projects!! so fun to find a new blog to read and get inspired by!! best wishes for your mom and your family...stay strong.

  19. I love all of your projects...thanks so much for sharing them! I am also a new follower and so glad I found your blog!

    Just want you to know that I'll continue to keep your mom and all your family in prayer. I understand all too well what you guys are walking through. My mom died from breast/bone cancer and I just finished up treatment for breast cancer. 3 aunts and a cousin are breast cancer survivors. I just started a prayer journal that specifically includes the needs of blogging friends and I'm going to add your family:) Take care :)

    ~Michelle :)
    (Treasure the Moment)

  20. Your family will definitely be in my prayers! I pray that God will comfort you all during this trying time and give you strength to endure whatever each new day brings your way. I am a new follower as well and I simply LOVE your blog!! Thanks for inspiring GREAT ideas!

  21. The pressure is on now Traci- 200 something followers- wow.

    You are a truly special lady-your projects are as beautiful as your heart. I enjoy seeing your hands busy to make your home beautiful. I wish I had the talent you have!

    May our Lord Jesus bless you for HE IS GOOD!


  22. I also came over from another blog and was so touched by your faith. I have a friend who had quite a few come to faith in Christ though their blog about living with cancer! Thank you for your honesty in this blog (I like your projects, too). Praying for your mom today.

  23. Your door looks so welcoming and pretty!!! Love it!!

    I am so excited that your blog is doing so well...congratulations!!!

    My prayers are with you during this trying time!!!

  24. Traci, so sorry that your Mom is having such a hard time with the chemo. I can imagine that you all are totally exhausted. I am praying for you all!

    Glad you highlighted your great makeovers. I had missed out on some of them.

  25. Just wanted to say I am praying for you and your family.

  26. Your door lettering is wonderful.

    Continued prayers for you. Robin

  27. You seem like such an amazing woman. I love your blog and am thrilled to see the Lord blessing you in this way. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.

  28. Congrads on your success. Your blog is awesome. The tender mercies of the Lord are definitely being seen in your life. My father died of cancer 7 years ago and my heart is breaking for your family. My peace be found in your heart!!!

  29. Traci,
    I am so glad that the vinyl made it to you... It looks even better than I thought on your door. I still can't believe that that is your GARAGE door. I am sorry to hear that your mom isn't doing well the past few days. Your whole family will continue to be in my prayers!

  30. What beautiful transformations. You did a great job! I will add your family to our prayers. May the blessings continue to pour out. Remember that no matter what the outcome God has a plan and knows best, even if it is hard for us. The best to your whole family!

  31. Hi Traci. Thanks for stopping by. Those makeovers are amazing.

  32. Congratulations! I was one of the 10000 who discovered your blog lsat week and I love it! You sense of style is inspiring! You creditt the shelves give away with the big boost?

  33. Love the garage door, Traci... so cute!

    I'm praying for you, and am so glad the Lord has used your blog to bring you much-needed encouragement. Love you, friend.

  34. Your projects are great and thanks for giving the "how to" for each! I love those shelves!!!!!
    Prayers are coming your wishes,

  35. Traci, you are truly amazing. I just got home from Ky visiting your Mom. She is am amazing woman of God. I wanted so to bless her by my visit and of course she ended up blessing me with her sweet words and her amazing faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You and Cyndi are such wonderful daughters and I am praying for strength for you in the days ahead. Thank you so much for being there for you sweet mom and my dear brother. I know your heart hurt as mine does too. Lets continue to pray for a miracle. But remember, We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Love you so much.
    Aunt Donna


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