Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesdays with Wanda

For those of you who are new to my blog, you may be curious about the title of this post.

Wanda is my mom’s name, and she was the greatest Mom a little girl could ever hope for.

She passed away this past September after a short 7 week battle with gastric cancer. My heart was so full of so many emotions, and I had a huge need to talk about and write about my precious mother on my blog.

The support I have received from my blog through the comments and emails of my readers has truly helped with the healing. You have BLESSED me beyond measure!

I began writing about my mom each Wednesday to help keep her memory alive for me and my young sons. I wanted them to be able to read stories of their “Nana” and remember what an amazing person she was.

All of my Wednesday with Wanda posts, and the posts I wrote while she was still living, can be found under “Mom” in my side bar labels.

I have shared with you how Mom loved to write. She wrote in her prayer journals, in her Bibles, in letters and note cards to others, for our local newspaper, and even a couple of magazines.

I treasure her writings!

I wrote about the note I “found” from Mom the night before her funeral that brought me such peace.


It was my first Wednesday with Wanda post and is very special to me. If you missed that post, I would love for you to click here to read it. I think you will enjoy it. :)

There is something indescribable about Mom’s handwriting. Even more than pictures, her handwriting touches my heart, and I feel so close to her when I read it. It always shows the beauty of who she was.

I found this little card that Mom sent my boys in the mail after babysitting them one day.

Mom always sent cards and letters “just because”. She didn’t need a special occasion to show and tell us how much she loved us.

This little card to my boys sums up the “essence” of who my mom was. Cute. Loving. Creative. Thoughtful. Precious.


I wanted to frame this and place it somewhere where my boys could see it often.

I took an old frame I had and spray painted it black. Then I hot glued the glass to the inside of the frame.


Since I wanted the card to look like it was floating, I hot glued the card to a second 8 x 10 piece of glass leftover from another frame.


***Be sure to hot glue the card to the 2nd (back) piece of glass so the card won’t “slip” in between the two pieces of glass. (I didn’t take a picture of that step.)


I just put a dot of hot glue in each corner to hold them together. It may not look pretty from the back, but it looks great from the front.


I also wanted to frame a picture of Mom with my two oldest boys that they took at Grandparent’s Day at school.

I had a frame, but not a mat, so I decided to use some material to create one.

I laid the cardboard backing on top of some off white material I had..


I folded the material over and hot glued it to the back.


Then I centered the photo on top of the material and popped it in the frame.


I think it turned out great!

IMG_5394 IMG_5396

The boys love seeing the picture and the card from Nana. Although my 8 year old, Luke, began crying this week when he saw the picture because he said he misses her so much. But then we read her precious writing on the card and it began to make him smile.

Mom’s love always had a way of making things better!


I miss Mom so badly I can hardly stand it, especially as we draw near to Mother’s Day.

She would have loved seeing my blog featured in the “Parade of Homes” this week. We would have talked about it for hours! Oh, how I miss her sweet voice!

I am so thankful that she took time to write me and my family her precious letters of love. I will treasure them always!

Thank you for stopping by, and have a blessed day!



  1. I love that you framed that card! How great that you have so many special things to help keep her memory alive!

  2. Traci, you are a kindred spirit. I save cards and notes as well from my mom, sister, dad, etc. How special that you have framed them. Your boys had a special realtionship with your mom and this is such a wonderful way for them to remember her.
    She truly was a precious woman of God with a big heart that she poured out on her family.

  3. The Card and picture is precious! love
    Kathy Ward

  4. I have tears in my eyes. I'm new to your blog, so this is my first Wednesday. This is such a wonderful tribute to your mom. You are blessed to have so many sweet memories and notes in your mom's writing. Such a blessing!


  5. Traci, I love your mom posts as they make me remember my mom. We have a tradition here now on Mother's Day, and maybe it is one that you could do with the boys. We have a balloon release. We either write directly on the latex balloon with a sharpie, or we tie tags to them with notes and send them to heaven.

  6. Traci, I love your Wednesdays with Wanda posts. I lost my mom suddenly as well, about 4 years ago. Knowing that someone is feeling the same way I do about their mother is such a comfort and blessing. Thank you for sharing that part of your life (along with all the others - I love your blog!)

  7. The little random letters remind me so much of my own mother. And then I'm reminded just how blessed I am that she is still with us. Thank you for sharing your story to remind me to give thanks!

    Congrats on being in the Parade of Homes! What a great accomplishment!!

  8. SO sweet, Traci, I love your posts about your mom. My mom also loves to send cards and letters just because. I love that.

  9. Oh Traci~
    Once again you've touched my heart with your sweet, sweet tribute to your Mom. What an amazing woman she truly was.

    I LOVE what you've done with the card she wrote, and the adorable picture of your boys with your Mom.

    Truly, something you'll all treasure for a life time!

  10. How beautiful! You are a lucky girl to have had such a devoted mom.

  11. What a fantastic way to display the card, Traci!! When my husband and I got married, he lived in Alaska and I was in Atlanta. His parents moved all of my things to their home in MI. The AF then came and packed it all up; his mom took the opportunity to send all of his leftover things on up! When I unpacked it all, I found the most incredible letter from his grandma and had it framed along with a photo and the coin that came with the letter. It's a wonderful reminder of the spiritual heritage she left us! And it's an amazing conversation piece for visitors!

  12. Traci,
    I stumbled upon your blog last night as I was searching for decorating ideas. Your dedication to your mother in your side bar caught my attention. You and I live parallel lives. My father was diagnosed at the end of August with terminal lung cancer. We were all devastated. He passed away 9/28/09, just 6 days after your mother did. I just miss him so much.

    Your mother sounds like she was an incredible person and a wonderful woman of God. My father was a man of God and he was incredible too. Two weeks ago was his birthday. It was a hard day...but God is good. Just 4 days later, Simon was born to my nephew and his wife who are currently living with my mother.

    I have not been as good as my sister in recording my thoughts on my blog about him...I somehow just can't seem to get the words right. If you are interested you can check out my sister's blog and learn more about him here.

  13. A few weeks ago, I was going through some things and found a check my father had written to me that I never cashed. I put it in with a list of Food Network recipes that he wanted me to print out for him.

    Little things at the time, but in retrospect, they mean the world.

  14. What a terrific idea. Love the framed card with your mother's writing. I think I may do the same with a couple of notes from my mother. I, too, miss my mother dearly.

  15. My mom will write in print, instead of cursive, to my younger kids too. It's so sweet. I love how you framed the card for you boys. What a special thing to see every day.

  16. Traci, this is one of your best Wednesdays with Wanda posts ever! I know your heart is sore as you think about your mom, but you've given us a great gift here by showing us just how much her writing means to you. This is such an encouragement to us to WRITE to our loved ones--in our own handwriting! As much as I love email and blog comments (and I do! SO much!!), there's no substitute for sometimes putting pen to paper. I'm so glad you have these treasures from your mom, and I love the way you displayed them in your home. :)

  17. Oh My Goodness Traci, you always get me with these posts. I just want you to know that I pray for you and your family as you miss your mom. You are so great at relaying what a wonderful person she was. You were all so blessed for having her in your lives. And you know, your children will never have to be scared of life after this world because they will always know she's there waiting for you all! I've never shared with you, but the Godly woman your mother was reminds me so much of my Dear Ma Sue. I still miss her so bad and its been over 12 years since she went to be with the Lord. I still have lots of dreams with her in them and its always normal for her to be there, I never think that she's passed in the dreams. Its odd really. But I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for sharing all these stories, they are a blessing to me.

  18. Traci, your precious mom's spirit lives on through you and your posts about her. I feel like I know this woman of God. In fact, I tear up every time I read about Wanda. My sweet mother will be celebrating her 90th birthday on June 22nd and I treasure every day I have with her.


  19. I am trying to see if my comment is going through! I just e-mailed you and told you I was having a hard time commenting on your post from April 29th. Nancy from OHIO


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