Sunday, April 25, 2010

Parade of Homes (and Master Bedroom Reveal!)

I am so excited to be participating in a blog Parade of Homes sponsored by Poppies at Play!


For those of you who are visiting my blog for the very first time, let me introduce myself.

My name is Traci, and I am a stay-at-home mom of four boys. I am married to a wonderful man who loves the same things in life that I do. We love sharing in this adventure called “life.”


I was an elementary teacher for 6 years before my first son was born, and it is hard to believe I have been at home with my boys for the past ten years. What a blessing!

I started my blog in March of last year after my mom kept encouraging me to. I am so glad she did. It has been a huge blessing in my life! My blog is dedicated to my mom who passed away in September of last year after a short battle with gastric cancer. Her love and her faith in God has changed my life forever. (You can read about her story by clicking on “mom” in my sidebar.)

Over the past year, I have been fixing up my house one room at a time. I just recently finished our master bedroom, and I am so excited to reveal it today!

I am not an interior decorator. I have no degree in design. I have just used the inspiration I have found in blogland this past year to decorate my home. :)

So welcome everyone to my

ol’ Kentucky home!


I like to call my home the “House of Thrifty Finds.” Almost everything in my house is from Goodwill, garage sales, or hand-me-downs. I will point my thrifty treasures out to you throughout the tour.

As you enter our home, you will see this vinyl saying that my Mom helped me put up last August.


Directly down the foyer is our kitchen and eating area.

I purchased the hutch for $75.00 at a garage sale and painted it black. You can read about that project HERE.



The white buffet on the left side of the picture below is a $55.00 find at Goodwill that I painted. You can read about that project HERE.


I love this view of my curtains through the mirror. I made the curtains from drop cloths, and I absolutely love the way they turned out. If you want to see how I made them, just click on “drop cloth projects” in my sidebar.


Our biggest renovation in our home has been the kitchen. Last fall, we tore out the soffit above our cabinets and created new, taller cabinets. You can see the complete DIY renovation by clicking HERE.


I love the glass cabinet doors and the open shelving my husband created above the microwave.


The bead board cabinet doors added to the cottage style I was striving for.


We also installed recessed lighting inside the glass cabinets and underneath the cabinets. You can never have enough light in the kitchen!


On the right side of the kitchen, I made some cafe shelves like the ones I saw in Ballard Designs catalog. You can see the tutorial of how to make them for yourself HERE.


Our master bedroom is right off of our kitchen. I have been working on our bedroom for a couple of months now, and I am so excited to finally share the finished product.

I renovated our entire bedroom for less than $700.00, and I will be sharing a ton of Before and After photos, plus the break down of my budget, tomorrow. You won’t believe the difference, so be sure to stop back by and check it out!

Here is the view as you enter the room…


The bed was my parents, and I painted it black. I made the brown bedskirt from burlap, and I think it turned out beautifully.



I was so excited when I found this little vanity for only $25.oo! It fits perfectly beside my bed. It just needed a little TLC which you can read about HERE.


I have enjoyed accessorizing with items that are special to me, like the picture of my mom and me when I was a little girl and a decorative bird that was my mom’s.


The chandelier was my “splurge” for my room. I got it at Lowe’s and I love the way it adds a little romance to the room.



This black dresser was purchased at an antique mall, and I painted it black as well. (Can you tell I like that color?) :)


Here’s the view of the other side of the room.

I got the armoire for $40.00 at a habitat store! It needed a little work (like it was missing a back), but it works perfectly for our room now. Our tv hides in there! Click HERE to see that project.


Our master bath is really small, but can you believe it was actually smaller?! We renovated it a couple of years ago by knocking out a wall and making it a little bigger.

My husband did all the work in our bathroom. He is quite the DIY man!




One of my favorite “rooms” in our home is our covered back patio.



I love watching my boys play in the back yard and enjoying lots of cookouts with friends and family out here. Those are some of life’s sweetest moments!

See that red door in the background of the below picture?

That door leads to the guest house we built over our detached garage.


My husband built our guest house, and I got to decorate it. A winning combination!

We didn’t really have any money to decorate the guest house, so I had a ball shopping at Goodwill and garage sales. I am one of those people who think it is FUN to decorate with thrifty finds!


My hubby built me these amazing cabinets! If you want to see how he made them, click on “cottage cabinets” in my side bar labels.



I got this cute little coffee table at Goodwill for $6.50 and painted it white. It fits perfectly with the room. I also got the chair for $6.50 at Goodwill and covered it with burlap.


If you would like a complete tour of our guest house including the bedroom and bathroom, click HERE.

Well, that concludes my tour!

Thank you so much for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed your visit.

The next house on the Parade of Homes tour is Beth from Stories from A to Z. Her house is beautiful and so is she…inside and out!

Just click on the #3 button below, and it will take you there.


Enjoy the Parade!

Have a blessed day!



  1. Traci what a lovely home!!
    you have a wonderful eye for decorating and an amazingly talented hubby too!1

  2. Your house is beautiful--every room. I especially love the dining room and your awesome stone fireplace in the master bedroom. I love the chandelier in there as well. I follow your blog so I've seen a lot of your projects but it was fun to take the tour anyway.

    Also, I have been meaning to tell you I love your Easter dress and the boys in their red shirts. Nothing cuter than a matching family and you have adorable boys.

  3. I love your home and what a fantastic job you have done in your bedroom. Just gorgeous. Love your blog and am a follower. I like to stop by and view your latest projects. Very talented . Kym

  4. Bravo Traci!
    Everything has come together so beautifully! Kudos to you and the hubby for creating a warm inviting home for your family. Some of my faves include the kitchen, the guest suite, (so sweet) and the pretty back yard~ I am looking for some Kentucky blue grass! Have a great week my friend,

  5. Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. It is obvious you have put a lot of time and love into creating a space which is perfect for your family.

  6. Traci, your home is beautiful!! I am so impressed that you did all of that with thrifty finds and while raising 4 boys. You and your husband are amazing.

  7. Everything is beautiful but I'm really impressed by the master bedroom redo on a budget. Great job! I also just love that fireplace in the bedroom - adds so much character.
    Congrats on a beautiful room.

  8. Traci,
    Your post is amazing! Thank you for putting so much effort into it! Your home is so beautiful! I am totally coveting your back patio!

    You have such a beautiful family too!

    Thanks so much for participating!!!

  9. Your home is so beautiful and you have really paid attention to detail. It's amazing how you have used so many thrifting pieces to create a million dollar look!

    Just beautiful.


  10. Traci, your home is absolutely gorgeous! and yet the photos reveal a warmth. It's a miracle that your house can ever be that clean with four boys! ;-) I love your family photo!

  11. You have an inspiring and beautiful home. Thank you for sharing your photos and your projects. I love all your thrifty finds.

  12. I have always love your home and this tour just made me love it even more!

  13. Beautiful, Traci! The master turned out great! I love that little chandelier. Great finds and I'm impressed you challenged yourself to find items that were within the budget you set. Love your burlap bedskirt, too!

  14. Your home is beautiful and love how your bedroom turned out.
    Thanks for sharing your home with us.

  15. Your house is amazing. I love it all! Your master bath is similar to mine :). And your back patio is to die for. Oh how I covet a nice yard! Your kitchen is my favorite with a close second being your guest house! LOVE.

    (Thanks for your sweet comments about me. I think you're beautiful inside and out too! :)

  16. I'd be a guest in that guest house any day!!! Love it! Both kitchens are SO perfect! Great job with the tour!

  17. Your house is beautiful and inspirational! I'm glad you've been honored as a Parade Home. You deserve it!

  18. Traci,
    the room looks fabulous! I love all the little accessories you put in to make it the room you love. : ) Love that you put the bed on a different wall. I too love to walk in a bedroom and see the bed straight away. You did a great job with the budget you had. I am so impressed.

  19. I can't even begin to comment on what I like the best. It's just beautiful.

  20. LOVE your home and your style, a really great mix of country but still very clean and simple!
    I was excited to be follower 1301!
    Thanks for showing me your home and I can't wait to see more from you.

  21. Wow, what a great tour. I've enjoyed your blog for months now, but it was neat to see your house in one big tour... great back yard. Thanks again for your wonderful blog.

  22. I'm #4 today & stopped by to say hi. I LOVE your back patio & that guest house is adorable as well! I'm so excited to be a part of todays tour :)

  23. You home is beautiful!!

    YAY! Bedroom reveal!! It is so pretty!! I LOVE it!!

  24. Traci, your home is so pretty and you do the most amazing things with your thrifty finds. Love the master bedroom. Just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  25. I love your home! I think I've stopped by your blog before, but I haven't commented. And I think you were kind enough to email me about how you did the burlap bedskirt, because I just made burlap curtains for my dining room.

    Your home is beautiful, and you have done a wonderful job decorating it!

  26. Traci, I'm so glad I got to see your house tour, I've missed a lot at your house! Love your kitchen, I had missed that too. It turned out great, your hubby is quite the DIYer. And your masterbath with those vessel sinks & beautiful cabinets, missed those too. Your master bedroom turned out SO pretty, I know you are in love with it. You've done a fantastic job with your home!

    PS. Never saw your guesthouse either or the covered patio!! I SO want a covered porch of my own. I'm dreaming about it. Beautiful spaces you have.

  27. I love it! Please share the color on your bedroom walls. I totally plan to copy you!

  28. Your home is beautiful Traci. Great tour. I love your new master bedroom. Such a calming retreat!! Truly lovely.

    Your guest cottage is just adorable. Love the white, taupe and black coloring.

  29. Oh my Traci, what an inviting home you have ! I love all of your touches of black and your master bedroom is beautiful ! That chandy is so incredible, and I love your bedskirt !!!! I think I just bought a pitcher almost exactly like yours too !

    Can I come over and hang out in your covered porch ? It's just gorgeous !!!

    Thanks so much for the lovely tour - I can feel the warmth and love in your home.


  30. Hello sweet Traci - there is so much about your home that I love. All of your special touches create such a warmth and cozy feel to each room. Your eye for detail amazes me. Your bedroom make-over is stunning! Love the chandelier. The white quilt and pillows makes the room pop. Love your bathroom. Those cabinets are so pretty! And of course I have commented before on your guest house. I'm sure it's such a blessing to all who stay there.

    Thank you for sharing!


  31. Oh, Traci! Your home is so lovely! No one would believe little tiny you could do all this gorgeous decorating, building, painting, recovering, sewing... :) Not to mention a very handy hubby! I love your home and your bedroom turned out beautifully! You have such an eye. Your guest house is so charming. Your entire home and guest house looks like it popped out of a design mag. Maybe you should be a decorator! You're better than most I've seen.
    Darling, your dear mother would be so proud of you!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  32. Traci, Your home is the bathroom and both kitchens. I would happily stay in the guest house.

  33. I love your house. Your guest house was one of the things that made me fall in love with blog reading. :) And your bedroom is gorgeous!

  34. Dear Traci,
    All looks great!!!
    Enjoyed seeing each room and how you've decorated.

    d from homehaven

  35. What a gorgeous house, everything has just that perfect touch from you! I really love the chandie over your bed, so romantic! Your family is beautiful, enjoy your day!
    Take care

  36. Your house is beautiful...your bedroom serene. Thanks for sharing with us. I would love to sit on that back porch and watch the kids play and have lemondae with you. :-)

  37. Traci,

    I love your beautiful home. It is soothing, peaceful and lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  38. Great tour of your home Traci! Your house looks fabulous! You and your husband make quite the team! You have done a fabulous job with a limited budget. I also love the guest house you and your husband created.

    ~ Tracy

  39. Can't wait to come and stay in that guest house!

    So fun, Traci!

  40. Traci your new master bedroom decor' is gorgeous! You have really created a beautiful and relaxing oasis for the two of you.

    Your entire home is warm, welcoming and just truly lovely. Great job!

    *Blessings & Smiles* ~Melissa :)

  41. Traci, You should be so proud of yourself!!! Everything looks amazing!! I love, love, love your wide plank flooring. Did you mention that in any of the old posts? I would love to switch out all of our floors for that look. Again, fantastic job!

  42. Could I possibly sign up to be a guest???? What a lovely space, on a budget no less. I love your home it is just beautiful. That was so fun to see everyone's homes and great ideas. You are so creative.
    Thank you for sharing your home.
    I think I will have to become you newest follower, you are just too amazing.

  43. It was so fun to see your beautiful home! I love all the DIY projects. Simply stunning!

  44. Thanks for sharing your home with us, it is just beautiful!

  45. I love your kitchen and backyard! So fun!

  46. Gorgeous home, Traci, love your master bedroom!

  47. Your master bedroom is beautiful! (Your whole house is lovely).

  48. Your home is beautiful Tracey, you did an amazing job on your master bedroom, simply stunning, and your back patio is gorgeous, I can just hear the boys running around and having fun out there on the grass while you sit and relax, it all looks lovely :-) Thanks for taking the time to share it with us all.

  49. I am so sure I can sense your Mom and her great pride in you as you tour us thru your home. She was amazing ( from all I gather on your blog) and how blessed you were to have her influence. But how lucky she was to have YOU.... I am always inspired by what you share. I am lucky to still have my dear Mom ( 87 years young) but lost my Dad when I was 18. I feel your loss, I know how faith brings strength and I am grateful for you and your blog and the inspiration you bring to my life. XXX

  50. Beautiful Home!

    I would KILL for that back porch of yours! Just simply stunning!

    Thanks for sharing!

  51. Your house is beautiful! I love seeing all your thrifty treasures and how you transformed them!

  52. Oh my gosh, Traci, it's beautiful! I love every. single. room. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Miss ya!

  53. The bedroom looks fantastic! Not only do I love all the projects and the chandelier and the way you put it all together... but it was genius moving your bed to the other side... an already-large room looks even bigger!

    Come help me at my house! ;) Love ya!

  54. Traci it looks absolutely gorgeous!! Every room!! I can't believe all you've done over the last year, I'm worn out just thinking about it.
    Love you!!!

  55. I forgot how much I love your kitchen!! It is so beautiful! Makes me want to tear down all of our cabs and start over. The bedroom is classic and beautiful and you did a fantastic job! That bed and dresser look professional, seriously!

  56. Traci your home is so beautiful! Your bedroom turned out so pretty. I love your little guest house. It's looks like the kind of place you would love to grab a book and curl up in a chair for the weekend. Thanks for sharing!

  57. Wow! I'm so impressed at the loveliness you've created with thriftiness & hard work. Beautiful spaces!

  58. That's it! I;m moving in! So beautiful!!! Thanks for the tour! I'm house number 5 so come on by!

  59. You would never know by looking at your finished product(s) that you are so thrify in your finds. I was so amazed and impressed with each and every room. And that guest house? Seriously, do you rent your husband out?!

    By the way, I'm a Kentuckian too! What city do you live in? I'm a Lexingtonian.

    Again, beautiful house. You should be so proud of yourself (and your husband)!

  60. Your home is just stunning! I love all of the great pieces you have and your outdoor room is fabulous!


  61. Your home and family are simply beautiful--You have put a lot of love and hard work in your home-and the surprise guest cottage is lovely.

  62. Your home looks beautiful! I love how the bedroom turned out. You do a wonderful job at making your home liveable and very stylish. I also love the little light above the sink in your kitchen. Very cute.

  63. Beautiful home! I am amazed by the drop cloth curtains! I have seen them as I am reading other's blogs, but seeing them in your house really struck a chord with me. I am looking at replacing the curtains in my den....guess where I'll head this weekend? Lowe's!!

    God Bless your Nest!
    Vicky @ sleeping in an unmade bed

  64. Oh your home is beautiful!
    I don't know what your bedroom was like before but I love it now!
    And I am SO going to make some drop cloth window treatments. I've seen them on a few other blogs but seeing yours really did it for me. I need them!
    I found you through this Tour of Homes party and I'm glad I did. I am anxious to go check out so more of your blog.
    Thank you for sharing...I loved my little peek into your lovely home!

  65. Your home is so beautiful! What makes it even more beautiful is the saying that you and your mother put up together. Now every time you walk past it you have a wonderful memory of a special moment spent with your incredible mom!Marcia

  66. beautiful. And i love your bathroom vanities.. Your kitchen is cute.. Your home makes me want to clean my house

  67. I love your house! The vinyl in your entryway is the one I have in my entryway! My kitchen also looks a lot like yours. Love your style! :) Beautiful!

  68. your home is beautiful!
    i especially love the burlap accents. the curtains in our parlor are burlap. love something so unrefined in a refined space, you know?

  69. You have such a beautiful home! I love that you have the fire place in the master bedroom! Thank you for sharing! :)

  70. Traci What a charming and beautiful home you have. Love your beadboard cabinets. You master bedroom looks fabulous and your back patio is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing - Hope you have a wonderful weekend! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  71. Wow!! What a beautiful home, family, and spirit you have! This is my first time here and I'm a happy new follower. I have 3 boys. ;) I have been inspired and encouraged so far by your blog. I LOVE your back porch too. <3

  72. What a lovely home you have - and especially impressive as you made and made-over so many of the things.

  73. Gorgeous...all of it! I especially love the saying in the entry way. Do you mind divulging where you got the vinyl for it? I just may need to steal the idea. I love the saying.


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